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impleaded, answer and be answered unto, in all Courts of the said Colony, and shall be capable in law to take, purchase, and hold all goods, chattels, and personal property whatsoever, and shall also be able and capable in law to receive, take, purchase, and hold for ever not only such lands, buildings, hereditaments, and possessions as may from time to time be exclusively used and occupied by the said University for its immediate requirements, but also any other lands, buildings, hereditaments, and possessions whatsoever situate in the said Colony or elsewhere, and shall be able and capable in law to grant, demise, alienate, or otherwise dispose of all or any of the property real or personal belonging to the said University, and also to do all other matters and things incidental or appertaining to a body politic: Provided always that, until the Senate of the said University shall have been constituted as is therein enacted, the said body politic and corporate shall consist of the Council to be nominated and appointed by the Governor in Council as thereinafter mentioned: And whereas by the third section of the said Act it is enacted that the Council of the said University shall be nominated and appointed by the Governor in Council within six months after tho passing of the said Act, and shall consist of twenty Councillors, of whom twelve at least shall be laymen: Now therefore, His Excellency Sir George Ferguson Bowen, the Governor of New Zealand, with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Colony, in exercise and pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in him by the said Act, doth hereby nominate and appoint Sir George Alfred Arney, Chief Justice, Auckland; The Eight Eeverend Dr. Croke, Eoman Catholic Bishop, Auckland; Hugh Carleton, Esq., Auckland ; The Honorable Eobert Stokes, M.L.G, Wellington; The Honorable Morgan Stanislaus Grace, M.D., M.L.C., Wellington; The Honorable William Fitzherbert, Wellington; The Eeverend Thomas Buddie, AVellington ; James Hector, Esq., M.D., F.E.S., Wellington; His Honor Oswald Curtis, Nelson ; The Honorable Edward William Stafford, Nelson; The Eight Eeverend Henry John Chitty Harper, Bishop of Christchurch, Canterbury; Henry John Tancred, Esq., Canterbury; The Honorable John Barton Arundel Acland, M.L.C., Canterbury; His Honor William Eolleston, Canterbury; His Honor Henry Samuel Chapman, Judge, Otago ; His Honor James Macandrew, Otago ; The Honorable Captain Thomas Fraser, M.L.C., Otago; The Honorable Henry John Miller, M.L.C., Otago; The Honorable Eobert Campbell, M.L.C., Otago; The Eeverend William Johnston, Otago; to be the Council of " The University of New Zealand," under the provisions of the said Act. Foester Goring, Clerk of the Executive Council.

No. _. Extract from the New Zealand Gazette of the 28th April, 1871. G. F. Bowen. Governor. Whereas by " The New Zealand University Act, 1870," it is amongst other things provided that the Council of the University established under the said Act shall be nominated and appointed by the Governor in Council, and shall consist of twenty Councillors, and that the said Council shall elect out of their own body a Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor for such period as is therein mentioned: And also that all questions which shall come before the said Council shall be decided by the majority of the members present or voting by proxy as thereinafter provided ; and that the Chairman at any such meeting shall have a vote, and in case of any equality of votes a casting vote also ; and that no question shall be decided at any meeting unless six members be present: And also, that the said Council shall have full power to make and alter any statutes and regulations (so as the same be not repugnant to any existing law or to the provisions of the said Act) touching the discipline of the said University, the number, stipend, and manner of appointment and dismissal of the officers thereof, the matriculation of students, the examinations for fellowships, scholarships, prizes, exhibitions, degrees, or honors, and the granting of the same respectively, the fees to be charged for matriculation or for any such examination or degree, the lectures or classes of the Professors and the fees to be demanded by them, the manner and time of convening the meetings of the said Council and Senate, and in general touching all other matters whatsoever regarding the said University, and that the said Council shall also have power to make and alter any statutes and regulations for the conduct of examinations for scholarships or exhibitions to be held in any School of Law or Medicine, or in any University outside the limits of the Colony, and for the terms on which such scholarships shall be held : And whereas by Order in Council made on the third day of February, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, His Excellency the Governor nominated and appointed to be Members of the said Council — The Honorable John Barton Arundel Acland, M.L.C., Canterbury; Sir George Alfred Arney, Chief Justice, Auckland; The Eeverend Thomas Buddie, Wellington ; The Honorable Eobert Campbell, M.L.C., Otago; Hugh Carleton, Esq., Auckland; His Honor Henry Samuel Chapman, Judge, Otago;