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G.—No. 8,

No. 1. His Honor J. Macandbew to tho Hon. W. Gisboene. Sie, — Superintendent's Office, Dunedin, 2nd January, 1871. I have the honor to forward copy of a resolution passed by the Provincial Council of Otago, at its last Session, upon the subject of the desirability of the amalgamation of the Otago University with the University of New Zealand. I may observe that three Professors have been already appointed to tho Otago University, who are on their way from England, and a fourth (Mineralogy and Chemistry) is about to be appointed. I need scarcely add the expression of my earnest hope that the proposed amalgamation may be effected within the period prescribed by the Act of Assembly. I have, Ac, J. Macandrew, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Superintendent.

Enclosure in No. 1. Eesolution of Otago Provincial Council.—Otago University. That in the opinion of this Council it is highly desirable that the seat of the University of New Zealand should be in Dunedin, with which view this Council expresses its earnest hope that the Otago University Council may endeavour to facilitate a union of the proposed New Zealand University with the Otago University, provided the large endowments of Otago are secured unalienably to a University in Otago, and provided also that the members of Council resident in Otago are sufficient in number to insure a prompt and vigorous administration of its affairs ; that this Council desires to place on record its approval of the action by the Council of the Otago University when the proposal for amalgamation with the New Zealand University was recently under consideration; and that His Honor the Superintendent be requested to transmit a copy of this resolution to the General Government and the Chancellor of the University of Otago. Passed the Provincial Council, December 6th, 1870. William H. Eetnolds, Speaker. Chas. Smith, Clerk of Council.

No. 2. The Hon. W. Gisbobne to His Honor J. Macandbew. Sib, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 11th January, 1871. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 2nd instant, enclosing copy of a resolution of the Otago Provincial Council on the subject of the desirability of amalgamating tho Otago University with the University of New Zealand. In reply, I have to inform your Honor that the list of persons willing to be appointed to the Council of the New Zealand University is all but complete, and will be published as soon as possible; and that future arrangements, which I trust may be satisfactory, will rest with that Council and the Council of tho University of Otago. The Government will be glad, as far as lies in their power, to facilitate these arrangements. I have, Ac, His Honor the Superintendent, Otago. W. Gisbobne.

No. 3. Extbact from the New Zealand Gazette of 18th February, 1871. G. F. Bowen, Governor. OEDEE IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this third day of February, 1871. Present: —His Excellency the Governor in Council. AVheeeas by the second section of " Tho New Zealand University Act, 1870," it is enacted that a University consisting of a Council and Senate shall be established, and, when duly constituted and appointed according to the provisions of the said Act, shall be a body politic and corporate by the name of " The University of New Zealand," and by that name shall have perpetual succession, and shall adopt and have a Common Seal, and shall by tho same name sue and be sued, plead and be