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B.—No. 6r.



the railway works in this Province are now being carried on, begs to express its approval of such provisional arrangement having been entered into by the Provincial Government. 2. That this Council concurs in the proposal contained in the letter from the Colonial Secretary of the llth July, 1871, that such railway works shall now be taken over by the Colonial Government, the amount of money already expended thereon by the Provincial Government being refunded to it in accordance with the terms of the arrangement above referred to. 3. That this concurrence is expressed in the confident hope that the commencement of the railway between the Rakaia and the Selwyn, and between Temuka and Timaru, as well as the continuation of the Northern Line from Kaiapoi to Southbrook, for which works the plans and specifications are all but complete, will suffer no delay from the proposed transfer. 4. That with a view of promoting the early construction of tramways within the Province, this Council will be prepared to appropriate the following sums in aid of such works out of moneys to be refunded by the Colonial Government, viz.: — Tramway to Oxford ... ... ... ... ... ... £10,000 „ ' Eyreton ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,000 „ Malvern ... ... ... ... ... ... 10,000 „ Ellesmere District, including the expenditure on the Selwyn Bridge ... ... ... ... ... ... 12,000 Such tramways to be constructed by the Provincial Government, subject to such control on the part of the Colonial Government, in respect of the description of the work and the direction of the lines, as will enable the Colonial Government to undertake the continuance of these tramways when it may be in a position to set apart the necessary funds for that purpose. Resolved, That the line called in the report of the Acting Engineer-in-Chief of the Colonial Government the Ashley Township Line, is the one, of the three lines therein reported on, best calculated to serve the best interests of this Province.

OTAGO. No. 10. His Honor J. Macandrew to the Hon. W. Gisborne. Province of Otago, N.Z., Sir, — Superintendent's Office, Dunedin, 22nd June, 1871. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 29th ultimo, and to thank you for the assurance that the General Government has received with great satisfaction the expression " of the wish of the Provincial Government of Otago to aid in the advancement of the interests of that Province by a cordial co-operation in giving practical effect to the colonizing policy sanctioned by the late Parliament, and that on their part they sincerely reciprocate that wish ;" and that " it will be their duty, as it is their desire, to consult and act in harmony with the Provincial authorities of Otago in devising and executing practical measures under the authority of that Act." As a further evidence of the desire of this Province to assist and co-operate with the General Government in the matter, I have to forward copy of my Message No. 5, of Ist June, to the Provincial Council, and the resolution passed on the Bth instant by that body in reply. I have, Ac, J. Macandrew, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, AVellington. Superintendent.

Enclosure 1 in No. 10. Message No. 5, Superintendent, Otago, to Provincial Council. The Superintendent transmits herewith Despatch just received from the Honorable the Colonial Secretary, in which he invites, in pursuance of the 6th section of " The Immigration and Public Works Act, 1870," the expression of the opinion of the Superintendent and Provincial Council, relative to the construction of certain lines of railway, with a view to those opinions being laid, in terms of said section, before the General Assembly at its next Session. The Superintendent solicits the concurrence of the Provincial Council in the construction of the line in question. J. Macandrew, Ist June, 1871. Superintendent. -.

Enclosure 2 in No. 10. Reply to Superintendent's Message No. 5. —Otago Provincial Council. TnAT this Council having had under its consideration the communication from the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, contained in His Honor's Message No. 5, — Resolved, That this Council acquiesces in the construction of the railway between Dunedin and Balclutha so far as it has made progress, and respectfully requests that the Colonial Government will continue its construction and complete it at the earliest possible time, and will take all necessary steps to obtain the concurrence of His Excellency the Governor and the sanction of the General Assembly