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D.—No. 6f.

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The Committee are, therefore, of opinion that, with a view to promote the early execution of the proposed work, His Honor the Superintendent should be empowered to take, in this case, as in the case of the proposed Brunner and Foxhill Railways, the steps necessary to bring it under the notice of the Governor, and they beg to submit for the adoption of the Council, the following resolution: — " That in the opinion of this Council, it is highly desirable that a line of railway from Westport to the Mount Rochfort coal field should be constructed under the authority of, and in the manner provided by, 'The Public Works and Immigration Act, 1870.' " Alexandee Reid, Chairman.

CANTERBURY. No. 8. His Honor W. Rolleston to the Hon. W. Gisborne. Superintendent's Office, Sic, — Christchurch, Canterbury, 10th November, 1870. I have the honor herewith to enclose copy of resolutions passed by the Provincial Council recommending the construction of certain railways in this Province, in addition to the railways authorized by " The Railways Act, 1870." I have, &C., W. Rolleston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, AVellington. Superintendent.

Enclosure in No. 8. Resolutions passed. 1. That, in view of the proposed extension of railway communication throughout the Colony, under the provisions of " The Immigration and Public Works Act, 1870," this Council is of opinion that in the Province of Canterbury, in addition to the railways authorized by " The Railways Act, 1870," the following lines should be undertaken —-viz., the extension of the Southern Line from the Rakaia to the Temuka, and from Timaru to the AVaitaki, and the extension of the Northern Line to the River Hurunui. 2. That at the above works the following sections should be proeeded with so as to be completed within two years from the present date—viz., the extension of the Northern Line to the River Waipara and of the Southern Line from the Rakaia to the River Ashburton. including a railway bridge across that river, and from Temuka to the Orari. 3. That it is desirable the branch railway from the Rolleston Station, on the Southern Line toSouthbridge, should be proceeded with as speedily as possible, under the provisions of the Immigral tion and Public Works Act, and that the sum of £7,000 should be contributed out of the Provincia chest towards the cost of this work. 4. That lines of tramway or railway to branch from the Northern and Southern Trunk Linos respectively should be constructed, under the provisions of the above Act, to tho coal deposits in the Malvern Hills and to Oxford. 5. That information regarding the above lines of railway, the country to be traversed by them, and the probable traffic receipts, be forwarded, together with a copy of these resolutions, to the Colonial Government, through His Honor the Superintendent, requesting that the necessary surveys, plans, and estimates of cost may be proceeded with without delay. 6. That inasmuch as the sum of £7,000 has already been provided by the Province towards the construction of the railway between Timaru and Temuka, it is expedient, in the event of any delay taking place in the raising of funds for railway purposes by the Colonial Government, that the above sum should be made use of for the immediate prosecution of the necessary detailed surveys on this line, and for the commencement of the work in the neighbourhood of Timaru. Provincial Council Chambers, 2nd November, 1870.

No. 9. His Honor "W. Bollesto>' to the Hon. W. Gisbobnk. Sin, — Superintendent'8 Office, Christchurch, 5th August, 1871. I have the honor to forward herewith copies of resolutions passed by the Provincial Council, referring respectively to the transfer of railways to the Colonial Government, and the crossing place, at the Eiver Ashley, of the Northern Railway. I have, &c. W. Eollistoit, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Superintendent. Enclosure 1 in No. 9. ReSOI/UTIOXS. 1. That this Council having before it the correspondence between the Colonial Government and the Provincial Government of Canterbury, on the subject of the provisional arrangement under which 3