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•A..—NO. 18



granted to Natives, on to Tuwhaia, and on to Wangarewa and Mangatua to Taumata-a-te-ao at the commencing point. The boundaries of the said block of land called Puketoi commence at Takiao, running on from there to Pongatapahia, on to Manuepia, on to Te Uru-o-Mangatore, on to Te Whata Tuara to Puketoi. at the boundary line of Government land, thence along that line on to Te Arawharaunga, to Matahiwi, to Pahakia, to Te Kawakawa, to Te Ruatupapaku, to Nga-Mahanga-a-ruatea, to Mangapapa, and on to Heretaunga, falling in to Tiraumea Eiver, thence following that river towards Manawatu, on to Makino, to Te Apiti, to Kohinui, to Makairo, to Piwha, and on to Moana, coming out at Manawatu ; thence turning at Manawatu running on to Paekitaranaki, on to Huaronui, to Te Rata, to Matawhaua, and extending on to and meeting at commencing point at Takiao. Eapana Pakaha, his m mark. WIRIHANA MoKOPUNA. Huru te Hiaeo. Painetu te Hoeo. Hoiiepa Paewai. Karauria Matuakainoa. Pene Hakopa. Makarini Whakarongo. Heketa te Awe. Neriaha Matiu. lIIAIA TE NGARAEA. Waione. Signed by the said Eapana Pakaha and others, in presence of S. Locke. Eiciiard Goldsmith, Carpenter, Napier. Karaitiana. The boundaries of Te Ahuaturanga block commence at Poraka, from thence on to Kereru, thence on to Pukerangi, thence on to Taumata-o-te-ao, from thence turning towards the Ruahine, running on to Te Manga-atua, from thence on to Mangarewa, to Otuwhaia, Wharite, and Te Eaikipuhanga, turning from there and running on to Makahika to Te Koroatui, Makino, and Manawatu, turning from thence and running on to Hukaawai, Mangatarere, Potae, to Te Walia-o-te-Kopi, to Otuparua, Eoimata, Te Karaka-a-te-Makohu, Te Euakarika, Taumata Kowau, Te Eongo-a-pohia, Te Potaka, and extending on and meeting at commencing point at Kereru. Neriaha Matiu. Hoiiepa Paewai. Manaiii Paewai. Heketa te Awe. Pene Hakopa. wlrihana kaimokopuna. IIUEU TE HIARO. Ueupenb Puiiaea. Ihaia te Ngaeaea. Karauria Matuakainga. Hemi te Ueanga. Waione. Hakuira Paewai, his h mark. Rata te Huia. Hihaka Tuhua. Patu. Paieete te Horo. Hani Hauehangi, his h mark. ■Signed by the said Neriaha Matiu and others, in the presence of S. Locke. Eichard Goldsmith, Carpenter, Napier. Karaitiana.

No. 5. The Hon. W. Gisborne to His Honor J. D. Ormond. Colonial Secretary's Office, Sir,— Wellington, 18th May, 1870. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 12th instant, enclosing copy of a letter sent by you to the Hon. the Native Minister, reporting the arrangement made for the purchase of the Forty Mile Bush. In reply, I have the honor to inform you that the Government is advised that the Queen's power to take a surrender of Native rights still exists. But it should be considered, in any case where that course is proposed to be taken, whether the title is so clear and indisputable as to render it safe to proceed without the adjudication of the Court. I have, &c, The General Government Agent, Napier. W. Gisborne.