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A.—No. ia.

between Wairarapa and Euataniwha, Puketoi, and the Manawatu purchases, with the exception of a block adjoining the Euataniwha Plain, respecting which there is some difference among the Natives themselves. I enclose herewith a copy of the Memorandum of Agreement made with the Natives. There are three separate agreements for the three distinct blocks which are agreed to bo sold, and I append a description of the boundaries of each block, and of the names of the Natives who agree to sell in each case. Ton will see that a sum of only £50 upon each block has been paid, and I consider Mr. Locke has been excessively fortunate in arranging for the sale on so trilling an advance. No further action can be taken until the Native Land Court has sat and adjudicated upon the Native ownership, but I am assured there will be no question raised as to the ownership of the blocks now treated for; the question of price has been left unsettled until the Natives are in a position to give a legal title to the land. The negotiations for the block adjoining tho Ruataniwha are being continued, and I think will be settled by the time the Native Land Court sits; the principal difficulty is a dissatisfaction on the part of some of the owners of this block at something connected with the old Porangahau purchase. If it could be done, it would be advisable to so far open up that question as to see whether any claim had been overlooked, and in such case to meet it. I believe if that were done all opposition to the sale would cease, and I shall bo glad to hear your opinion upon the advisability of doing so. It is unnecessary for me to say that I have promoted the purchase of this large block by every means in my power, hoping as I do that it may be used in connection with Immigration from Great Britain, and speedily become a prosperous and settled district, permanently securing the southern settlements of this Island against further disturbances. It has occurred to mo that as the sale is proposed to be made to the Crown, the purchase could be concluded without any previous inquiry by the Native Land Court into the title. If this can be done it would avoid any difficulty being thrown in the way of the conclusion of the purchase by tho interference of Europeans in the way I have before referred to. lam sending a copy of this letter to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, with the view of obtaining an opinion from the Hon. the AttorneyGeneral on the point I have last raised. I have, &c, The Hon. the Defence Minister, Auckland. J. D. Ormond.

Enclosure 1 in No. 4s. Copt of Agreement. Memorandum of Agreement made this twenty-ninth day of April, 1870 (one thousand eight hundred and seventy), between the undersigned Aboriginal Natives of New Zealand of the one part, and Her Majesty Queen Victoria of the other part, whereby the said Natives agree to sell to Her Majesty, the said Queen Victoria, all that parcel of land situate at Manawatu, and known by tho name of "Harite" and " Maharahara," and to take all necessary steps for making a good title to the same through the Native Lands Court; and, so soon as a certificate of title is granted, to execute and cause to be executed by all the interested person or persons a good and legal Deed of Conveyance to the Queen Victoria of tho purchase of the above-named blocks; the purchase money to be paid in manner following, namely, the sum of fifty pounds to be paid to tho said on or at the time of their signing this agreement, and the balance to be paid on tho execution of all necessary Deeds of Conveyance to Her Majesty Queen Victoria by all the interested persons, Her Majesty the Queen to have the right of immediate occupation of tho said land, but without any liability or claim on account of such occupation. The boundaries of the aforesaid block of land are written on the back of these presents. Pene Hakopa. Heketa te Awe, his s-t mark. Hohepa Paewai. NIREAIIA MatlU. Karauria Matuakainga. lIIAIA TE NGARARA. WIRIIIANA KaIMOKOPUNA. Urupene Puuara. Patu Tuhia. Hueu te Hiaro. Manaiii Paewai. Hiraka Tuhua. Hemi te ITeanga. Waione. Mere Whakarongo, her x mark. Signed by the said Pene Hakopa and others, the above agreement having been first translated and explained to them in the presence of S. Locke. Riciid. Goldsmith, Carpenter, Napier. Karaitiana. These are the boundaries of the blocks of land known by the name of Harite and Maharahara, commencing at Taumata a-te-ao, and running along the boundary line of land which had been granted to Natives on to Mangahouhoui, thence running on to Rapurapuwai and Ruakeretahi, thence following the course of the river to Te Koao Tawhairiao and Maharahara, thence running over the hill to tho boundary of Government land at Puhangina, thence turning and running on to Mangaraupu on to Ruakiore, thence on to Waarite, thence along the boundary line of the above said piece of land