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A—No. 17,


HAWKE'S BAY AND TAUPO. No. 96. Extract from Telegram from the Hon. D. M'Leak to His Honor J. D. Omiond. Wellington, Bth September, 1869. * * * ■"■ •"- * ;'f H. , S . What do you propose to do in reference to Taupo Road ? Will you ask Mr. Ross if the line inland, five miles of which is very rough, would be preferable to present line 1 It will be well to commence road work as soon as possible. i- * *■ * * f. % # 4 . Donald M'Lean.

No. 97. Copy of a Letter from His Honor J. D. Ormokd to the Hon. D. M'Lean. Sib > — Napier, 13th September, 1869. In a late telegram you desired me to report what road operations I recommend should be carried on in this district, and whether I anticipate the services of the natives will be available for the purpose. In reply, I have the honor to state that I have been in communication with Mr. Bold, the Telegraph Surveyor, who is employed on the telegraph works in progress to Taupo, and whose services for road works are available ; also with Mr. Ross, the Provincial Engineer of this Province ; in respect to the most desirable works to cany out on the road from here to the interior by way of Titiokura and Runanga, and that I gather from these gentlemen that the pr esent line can be greatly improved at no very considerable expense ; that the road may be opened for dray traffic as far as Te Haroto within a reasonable time, and also at comparatively small cost; and that the expenditure which the improvements in the line'will entail will be amply repaid in the savings that will be effected in the present difficult and costly transport service. Judging from the recent reports of Lieut.-Colonel Harington as to tha difficulty he finds in supplying a, small force at Taupo from the Bay of Plenty ; also from the experience of similar difficulties that were encountered in_ supplying the force lately in position at Torts Clarke, Galatea, and Runanga; I am disposed to believe that the road from here to Uunanga can. be so ■ improved during the coming summer as to render the supply from here of any force likely to be required at Taupo less expensive, °and more certain than by the other routes I have referred to. Since my return here, and the establishment of the Government Transport Service, the cost of carriage has been largely reduced, and I think even now we could supply Tapuaeharuru at less cost than it is being done from Tauranga and Maketu. I do not, however, propose to take this work over at present, as the means at my disposal are quite sufficiently taxed. With the road fairly improved to Eunanga, but little would require to be done beyond that to get at any of the Taupo posts by dray, the natural character of the country being most favorable. I will have detailed reports prepared for your information by the two officers I have referred to as to the works to be carried out, and their cost; also what time would be occupied in their construction.'" I will defer to another time reporting as to what extent of native labor may be procurable for any works upon this line of road, or any other military roads in this district—such, lor instance, as the line to the West Coast or Wairarapa.. You are aware that the Constabulary hold posts at Titiokura, Haroto and Eunanga for the protection of the district and of the telegraph works in course of erection. I propose to employ these men upon road works in the vicinity of their posts, and I trust to commence operations very shortly. Before doing so, I desire to submit for your consideration whether it would not be politic, and remunerative at the same time, to allow the constabulary a small additional pay whilst employed at road-making; in short, to treat them in this respect the same as the Imperial soldier. An allowance of say Is. per diem to the men would be ample, and I believe would make the work agreeable to them, in place of being, as now, a constant source of difficulty. I would recommend that the" officers should not be employed indiscriminately for this work, but that one officer of each division of Constabulary should be selected for the purpose, and should receive an additional allowance to oversee the works in his neighbourhood, and be responsible for the proper employment of the labour of his men ■under, of course, professional Supervision. I am aware that this course, if followed, will have to be general, but lam certain it will bear adequate results to the expenditure incurred. I shall be obliged if you will inform me soon of your decision upon this subject, as 1 shall delay starting the road-works^until I hear from you upon it. I have, &c, The Hon. the Defence Minister, Wellington. j j) Ormokd

No. 98. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Branigan to His Honor J. D. Ormond. Colonial Defence Office, Sib,— Wellington, 23rd September, 1869. The Hon. the Defence Minister lias desired me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 13th instant, relative to the proposed road operations, and to convey to you the thanks of the Government for your excellent and suggestive report. 11