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A.—No. 17,



No. 92. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Stewart to Lieut.-Colonel Reader. Sir, — Manawatu, 10th May, 1870. In answer to your letter of 4th instant, requesting me, by direction of the Hon. Mr. Gisborne, to push on and secure the road-works as far as possible before winter sets in, especially as regards culverts and check drains, I have the honor to report for his information, that in the branch of the road-works at Ngawhakaraua and Oroua Bush, which is the part most liable to floods in winter, the whole of the remaining unfinished lengths of formation of road have been taken up by parties of natives on the spot. Theculverts are complete, and the various drains for taking oft' the surplus water from the road have been cut and finished to their outlets. I expect the remaining formation so taken in hand will be completed before the end of next month. I have called for tenders for cutting the sand hill at the west end of the bush road and spreading the sand over the formation. In the branch of road works, Oroua Bush to Foxton, (mostly open country and not liable to be affected so much by winter rains) the work is also in a state of forwardness, a great part of the works approaching completion both as regards formation and culverts; and the remainder I hope to put in hand this month, so as to get nearly all of them done about the same time as the other branch. I have given instructions to the overseer to urge on the different parties at work. With native labour the same dispatch is not always practicable as with European labour, but the natives here are on. the whole doing the work in a very satisfactory manner. I shall subsequently report upon both these branches of the road works at Manawatu. I have, <fee, The Acting Under Secretary for Defence, Wellington. John T. Stewart.

No. 93. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Stewart to Lieut.-Colonel Reader. Sir, — Manawatu, 14th May, 1870. I have the honor to report that I have accepted the tender of Mr. Peter Stewart for cutting sand-hill at Oroua Bush on the road line, and covering the adjoining 70 chains of new road formation with sand to specified width for the sum of 355. per chain, or a total sum of .£122 10s. The other tender received was that of Alfred Grammer, for the sum of £232. This work is necessary both for the cutting of the sand-hill to form approach to the road in the bush, as well as to render passable the above extent of the new formation, and the rate is reasonable for the work to be done. I have, &c, The Acting Under Secretary for Defence, Wellington. John T. Stewart.

No. 94. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Cooper to Mr. Stewakt. Colonial Defence Oflice, Sir, Wellington, 3rd June, 1870. I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 14th ult., reporting that you had accepted Mr. Peter Stewart's tender (355. per chain, or total lamp sum of .£122 10s.) for cutting sand-hill at Oroua Bush, and covering adjoining 70 chains of new road with sand; and to inform you that your action has been approved by the Government. T have, &c., G. S. Cooper, J. T. Stewart, Esq., C.E., Manawatu. Acting Under Secretary.

No. 95. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Stewart to Mr. Cooper. Manawatu, Sir,-— 20th June, 1870. I have the honor to inform you that during the week (sth to 1 lth) one of the heaviest freshes which has occurred in this district for some years took place. It rose to the level of the road formation in several places on the branch Ngawhakaraua and Oroua bnsh, but has done no damage, and the flood water soon ran. off, as the river fell owing to the culverts and outlet drains being all completed and in good order. A few loose logs which had been cleared off the road line were floated by the flood into side drains of road, but the removal of these will cost only two to three pounds. I have, &c, The Acting Under Secretary for Defence, John T. Stewart, Wellington. Engineer in charge of Roads, Manawatu.