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A.—No. IS

No. 6. Copy of a LETTER from the Secretary to the Admiralty to the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies. Sir,— Admiralty, 9th October, 1869. I am commanded by my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to transmit herewith, for the information of the Secretary of State for the Colonies, copy of a letter from Commodore Lambert, dated the 6th August, No. 80, relative to the state of affairs in NeAV Zealand, and the movements of H.M. ships on the coasts of that Colony. I have, &c, VERNON LUSHINGTON. The Under Secretary of State for the Colonies.

Enclosure in No. 6. Sic,— H.M.S. " Challenger," at Wellington, 6th August, 1869. I have the honor to acquaint you, for the information of the Lords Commissioners of tho Admiralty, that I proceeded, in H.M.S. " Challenger," to Picton, on the 20th July, and returned to Wellington on the evening of the 23rd. It is my intention to remain at Wellington, visiting occasionally different ports along the coast, until the return of H.M.S. " Blanche." 2. I have not received any news from H.M.S. " Blanche" since she left Auckland, on Ist July, for the Samoan Islands, to proceed from thence to Sydney, and, after refitting, &c, to rejoin me at Wellington, to assume duties as Senior Officer on New Zealand Division, as reported in my last General Letter, No. 66, of the 9th ultimo. 3. " Virago," East Coast of New Zealand. By lightening the ship, Commander Bingham was enabled to cross the bar and anchor close to the town of Tauranga, great apprehension being felt there in consequence of the place being threatened by the rebel Maoris. On being relieved by " Eosario," " Virago" will assist in transporting the 2-18 th Eegiment from New Zealand to Australia. 4. " Eosario," at Sydney. Commander Palmer informs me, under date the 19th ultimo, that the schooner "Daphne" was still in tho Vice-Admiralty Court, and that as the proceedings were progressing very slowly, it would be impossible to say when the case will bo concluded. I have directed Commander Palmer, as soon as ever he can leave Sydney, to join me at Wellington, and " Eosario" will then relieve " Virago" on the East Coast of New Zealand. 5. Great uneasiness still prevails in New Zealand, owing to tho unsettled state of affairs. Eecently, Te Kooti proceeded to the Waikato District, but it is reported the Maori King declined to see him, and that he is now on his way back to the Past Coast. His Excellency the Governor has, at the request of his Eesponsiblo Advisers, represented to me " how exceedingly desirable and necessary " the presence in New Zealand of one or more of H.M. vessels is at a time of such critical emergency;" and I have, in reply, informed His Excellency that, " during the present unsettled state of affairs, it is V my intention to keep two ships at least, and more, if necessary, out of the small squadron under my " orders, stationed in New Zealand, for the protection of life and property in this Colony." 6. With reference to paragraph 6 of my last General Letter No. 66, of 9th ultimo, the same inconvenience regarding the mails therein alluded to occurs this month, the outgoing mail leaving to-morrow, and the mail from England being due on the 11th. 7. The squadron is perfectly healthy. I am, &c, Eowiet Lambeet, Commodore and Senior Officer. P.S.—His Excellency the Governor of New Zealand having informed me that the Colonial Ministers are very desirous of retaining the Imperial troops now stationed in the Colony, and with that view His Excellency has telegraphed to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, and written to Major-General Chute, requesting him not to remove the 18th Eegiment until an answer can be received to the telegraph, I enclose, for their Lordships' information, copy of an Act just passed by the New Zealand Parliament, making provision for the payment of such troops. Eowlet Lambeet. The Secretary to the Admiralty.

No. 7. Copy of a LETTER from the Secretary to the Admiralty to the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies. Sir,— Admiralty, 9th October, 1869. With reference to your letter of the 7th instant, relative to the removal of the 18th Regiment from New Zealand, I am commanded by my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to acquaint you, for the information of the Secretary of State for the Colonies, that a copy of your letter has been sent to Commodore Lambert for his information, and he has been desired to afford every facdity in his 20