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A.—No. 1b

power, by the employment of men-of-war and by the engagement of freight, to effect the removal of the 18th Regiment, whenever he may be called upon to do so by the authorities in New Zealand or Australia. I am, &c, The Under Secretary of State. , VERNON LUSHINGTON.

No. 8. Copy of a LETTER from Sir Erancis Sandeord to the Secretary to the Admiralty. Sip,— Downing Street, 23rd October, 1869. I am directed by Earl Granville to acknowledge the receipt of your two letters of the 9th instant, relating respectively to the proceedings of H.M. ships on the coasts of New Zealand, and to the instructions sent to Commodore Lambert respecting the removal of the 18th Regiment. Lord Granville observes with satisfaction that the Commodore is giving as much assistance as he can in the present disturbed state of New Zealand, by retaining in the neighbourhood of the Colony a portion of the squadron under his command. He desires me to state that, although he anticipates the occurrence of no such calamity as would be likely to require material aid from H.M. ships, yet that in any case the presence of vessels of war at the time of the withdraAval of the troops will have a good moral effect on the minds of the disaffected Maoris. I have, &c, The Secretary to the Admiralty. E. R. SANDEORD.

No. 9. Copy of a LETTER from the Secretary to the Admiralty to the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies. Sir,— Admiralty, Ist November, 1869. I am commanded by my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to send you herewith, for the information of Earl Granville, copy of a letter from Commodore Lambert, No. 85, dated 24th August, with copies of communications from that officer to the Speakers of the Legislative Council and House of Representatives, New Zealand, relative to Votes of Thanks passed on the 18th August for the co-operation afforded by H.M. ships during the late disturbances in the Colony. I am, &c, The Under Secretary of State for the Colonies. VERNON LUSHINGTON.

Enclosure 1 in No. 9. Sic,— H.M.S. " Challenger," Wellington, 24th August, 1869. I beg to transmit herewith, to be laid before the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, copies of letters from the Speakers of the Legislative Council and House of Eopresentatives of New Zealand, forwarding votes of thanks passed unanimously, on the 18th instant, to myself and the officers of the squadron under my command, for the cordial co-operation which has been afforded to tho Colony, and for the active sympathy which has been evinced towards the Colonists, during the existing Native disturbances. 2. I also transmit, to be laid before their Lordships, copies of my replies. 3. I have promulgated these votes of thanks for the information of the officers of the squadron under my command. I have, &c, The Secretary to the Admiralty E. Lambeet, Commodore.

Enclosure 2 in No. 9. Sic,— H.M.S. " Challenger," Wellington, 24th August, 1869. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 18th instant, forwarding to me, and to the officers of the squadron under my orders, a Eesolution passed on that day, conveying the thanks of tho Legislative Council for the cordial co-operation which has been afforded to the Colony, and for the active sympathy which has been evinced towards the Colonists, during the existing Native disturbances.