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A.—No. Ib.



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Name. Rank. Corps. AVhere born. Age on Enrol-! ment. Date and Place of Enrolment. Nature of Casualty. Date and Place. Remarks. MeCulloch, John... ,, wife, child, & niece Rathbono Newnham, R. „ wife and child Trooper Poverty Bay M. Rifles Killed in Mas3aere Nov. 10, 1868 Poverty Bay jj jj jj jj jj jj jj J3 jj Hunter, William Magee... Inspector Man servant Armed Constabulary Peb. 15, 1868 jj jj JJ JJ Killed in Action 33 Nov. 7,' 1868 jj jj Moturoa ... Late Capt. 1st AVaikato Militia. Path, J. Lees, AA rilliam Satler, G. Eastwood, Charles Constable jj No. 3 Div. A.C. No. 6 Dublin 28 Oct. 17, 1868 Auckland jj jj jj jj 33 33 jj jj Late 1st AVaikato Militia. 33 33 Alnwick, Northumberland 24 Oct. 17,1868 Auckland jj jj jj jj 33 33 jj jj jj Missing after Engagement. Norman ... jj No. 2 „ jj jj 33 jj Savage, Joseph Nogus Nicholls, AVilliam TTrquhart, D. Kerwin Thompson, Richard Poole, T Devon, J. ... Stockfish, Chas. Newman... Kenally ... Brewer, S. Lyndcr, J. jj jj jj jj Sergeant Constable 33 33 No. 3 jj jj No. 5 „ No. 6 3' 3J Chittenham, Kent Burr, King's County Cupar, Eife 34 35 27 Mai-. 17, 1868 Oct. 12 „ ,. 10 „ Hamilton Shortland AVellington jj jj jj jj jj jj jj jj jj jj jj jj Wounded in Action Killed in Action 33 33 33 33 33 JJ jj jj jj jj jj jj jj jj „ (body found.) jj jj jj jj Private Corporal Private Patea Yeoman Cavalry ,, Rifle Volunteers Bristol 45 JJ jj jj „ (body found.) jj jj JJ jj jj JJ J3 jj jj JJ jj jj Constable No. 1 Div.'A.C. '.'.'. Leinster 28 Oct. 26, 1868 Patea jj jj Wounded in Action 33 33 jj jj Discharged from Hospital. Eoote, Cecil McDowell Kelly, James Keane, W. Vance, W. Cole, G. jj jj jj No. 3 33 33 ••■ jj jj jj jj jj jj J3 33 jj jj jj Died of wounds, Nov. 17, 1868. Discharged from Hospital, Dec. 18, 1868. jj jj jj 33 jj jj No. 6 ," '.'.'. Auckland, N. Zealand 23 Oct. 10, 1868 Auckland jj jj JJ jj jj jj jj jj Dolan, D. jj 33 33 Five-mile bourne, Leetham Portsmouth Glasgow 26 „ 17, „ jj jj jj JJ jj Monk, James B. ... Thompson, C. M. G. 33 3J 35 28 „ 13 „ „ 10 „ Auckland jj jj JJ Discharged from Hospital, Nov. 19, 1868. Nov. 21,1868. Still in Hospital. jj jj jj Welsley, A. Williams, J jj 33 33 Holyhead, Anglesea... Rhode, Somerset 35 25 „ 7 „ „ 12 „ jj jj jj JJ jj jj „ jj jj jj jj