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Name. Rank. Corps. Where born. Age on Enrolment. Date and Place of Enrolment. Nature of Casualty. Date and Place. Remarks. Harris, David M. Private AVellington Rangers June 26,1868 ! Patea Wounded in Action... Sept. 7, 1868 Te Ngutu-o-te-Manu. Severe. Dore, George Henry McGennisken Caldwell, W McManus, M Goddard, John ... Walden, James ... Griffiths, John Loder, AVilliam ... Jansey, Peter E. ... Rowan, Frederick Charles jj •• • „ ... „ ... jj '" Lance-Corporal Private ... jj jj jj jj ... jj jj • • ■ jj jj ... jj jj ... AVellington Rifles ... „ 17 „ June 20,1868 „ 22 „ „ 20 „ July 22, „ Wellington Wellington jj jj jj jj jj jj jj jj jj jj „ 3J 3J JJ jj jj jj jj jj Severe; arm amputated. Slight. Slight. Slight. Slight. Severe. Severe. Severe. Slight. Dangerous ; late Ensign H.M. 43rd Regt. Severe. Slight; arm amputated. Slight. Slight. Severe. Slight. Slight. Severe. JJ 33 „ jj jj jj 3J JJ jj JJ JJ 33 jj jj ... J „ 21 „ „ 20 „ jj 33 33 33 jj jj Lieutenant ... jj jj ... Taranaki Vol. Militia jj JJ JJ JJ JJ 33 33 33 jj Melvin, John Hamblyn, James ... Holloway, W. A.... Hyland, Lawrence Elynn, John Crosby, Henry Crawley Eookcs, Albert Craeroft ... Private jj "' jj ■•• jj '" jj jj jj jj ... jj jj jj jj July 31,1868 .j 29 „ „ 27 „ j, 31 „ ., 28 „ ,j 31 „ Taranaki jj jj jj JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ 33 S3 33 JJ JJ JJ 33 JJ 33 JJ jj jj •■■ jj JJ JJ J3 JJ jj Lieutenant ... Patea Yeoman Cavalry Wellington Rifles ... July 7,1865 jj JJ JJ JJ JJ Wounded accidentally in Camp Killed in attack on Escort Killed in Ambuscade Massacre JJ JJ J3 JJ JJ Smith Constable No. 5 Div. A.C. Sept. 30,1868 Patea. Collins Biggs, Reginald Newton... „ wife and child Lanec-Corporal Major Patea Yeoman Cavalry New Zealand Militia Aug. 1,1868 Oct. 16, 1868 Nov. 10, 1868 Wairoa. Poverty Bay. Resident Magistrate. Wilson, James „ wife and 4 children Captain Servant Militia Sept. 28,1868 jj ■ ■ • jj 33 JJ jj jj ;, JJ jj Dodd, George Neville Peppard, Richard Lieutenant ... Trooper Man servant Militia Poverty Bay M. Rifles Man servant Poverty Bay M. Vols. Sept, 28,1868 ,j jj j. jj JJ JJ JJ jj jj 33 33 Walsh, James „ wife and child Padbury, James ... Cadle, John Mann, Daniel Lieutenant ... Sept. 26,1868 jj ... 33 JJ jj JJ JJ Sergeant Trooper Private „ ... jj jj ... Poverty Bay Scout... jj ,j j, Wounded in Massacre JJ JJ J3 JJ JJ J) Med. Board, 24-2-69; Light duty. 33 JJ ,, wife and child Goldsmith's 2 children ... Killed JJ jj jj JJ JJ

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