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D— No. 20.


Enclosure 6 in No. 5. Copy of a Telegram from Mr. Halse to Mr. Cooper. Wellington, 14th May, 1870. Cost of survey of Native Reserves on main and Stewart's Island approved by Hon. Mr. Gisborne, on conditions stated in your telegram of 7th May. H. Halse, Assistant Under Secretary Native Department. Enclosure 7 in No. 5. Sir, — Invercargill, 14th May, 1870. In reference to my letter of the 9th instant, in which I informed your Honor that I had received the sanction of Ministers to the proposed arrangement for the survey of Native Reserves in this Province, I have now the honor to enclose the copy of an estimate made by Major Heaphy, Y.C., after consultation with the Chief Surveyor of the Province, of the cost of those surveys. This estimate has been approved by the Hon. Mr. Gisborne upon the conditions stated in my letter above quoted. It being understood that the work shall be earned out as soon as the season shall admit of it, at an expense not exceeding the enclosed estimate, and that it shall be done under the supervision and control of the Provincial Chief Surveyor in accordance with instructions which he will receive from Major Heaphy, V.C. I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent, G. S. Coopee, Invercargill. Under Secretary, Native Department.