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D.— No. 20.



Enclosure 1 in No. 5. Telegram to the Hon. Mr. Gisboene. Invercargill, 7th May, 1870. Just had interview with Superintendent in re Native Reserves. Does not either absolutely admit or deny Provincial liability to survey; but Province utterly unable to move for want of funds. "Explained necessity for having the work done, and it was agreed that Colonial Government shall find the money woi-k to be done under direction of Provincial officers, and payments made on certificate of Chief Surveyor ; question of ultimate liability to be subsequently settled. For your confirmation, please reply to-day. • G. S. Coopee, Native Under Secretary.

Enclosure 2 in No. 5. Telegram from the Hon. Mr. Gisboene to Mr. G. S. Coopee. Wellington, Bth May, 1870. I agree to arrangements proposed by Superintendent of Southland and yourself about Native Reserves. I only received your telegram ten minutes ago at my house, where it had been waiting. W. Gisboene.

Enclosure 3 in No. 5. Sic, — Invercargill, 9th May, 1870. In reference to the conversation which I had with your Honor on the 7th instant upon the subject of the survey of Native Reserves on Stewart's Island, and on the main land in this Province, I have now the honor to acquaint you that I have received the sanction of Ministers to the arrangement proposed, viz. : — That in consequence of the inability of the Provincial Government at present to undertake such surveys, and there being an admitted pressing necessity for their early execution, the money for the purpose shall be .supplied by the Colonial Government, and paid on the certificate of the Provincial Chief Surveyor, under whose direction the work is to be carried out; the question as to the fund upon which the exjienditure shall be ultimately charged being left open for subsequent adjustment. Major Heaphy, "V.C., who is now in Invercargill, will arrange as to the details of the work with the Chief Surveyor of the Province of Southland. I have, etc., G. S. Cooper, Under Secretary Native Department. P.S.—lt is also understood that the survey of the old land claims which stand in the way of the definition of the Native Reserves in Stewart's Island is included in this arrangement.—G. S. C.

Enclosure 4 in No. 5. Memo. Invercargill, 12th May, 1870. The surveys necessary to be executed before the various Native Reserves on the main land and at Stewart's Island can safely be granted are estimated to cost, at the contract rates paid by the Southland Government, about the sums respectively set forth below : — Eight Beserves on the main land - ... ... ... £199 9 0 Nine Reserves on Stewart's Island ... ... ... ... 259 0 0 £458 9 0 In addition to which there are five old land claims on Stewart's Island that should be surveyed prior to the Reserves that abut on them being defined ... ... £70 7 0 £528 10 0 Besides this, there is, owing to a private surveyor for the survey of 2,000 acres rented by Kingswill, the sum 0f... £72 1 0 Making in all £000 17 0 G. S. Cooper, Esq., C. Heaphy. Under Secretary Native Department. This does not include the Bird Islets lying off Stewart's Island, and for which the Admiralty Coast Survey will probably suffice.—C. H.

Enclosure 5 in No. 5. Telegram from Mr. Cooper to the Hon. Mr. Gisborne. Invercargill, 13th May, 1870. Heaphy estimates cost survey Native Reserves on main and Stewart's Island at £000. This includes £70 for survey of five oid land claims, which stand in the way of reserves, and must be surveyed first. G. S. Cooper, Native Under Secretary.