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Sub-Enclosure to Enclosure 2 in No. 33. Mr. Moeeison to the Undee Seceetaey of State for War. Office of the New Zealand Government Agency, 3, Adelaide Place, Sir,— King William Street, E.C., 15th January, 1870. I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the number and date as per margin, transmitting copies of a letter, and of its enclosures from the Colonial Office, on the subject of the proposed grant of the New Zealand medal to the local or Volunteer forces employed against the Maoris, and in consequence of Her Majesty having been pleased to approve of the grant of the medal to such of them as survived at the date of the General Order, directing me to communicate with the Eoyal Mint as to the cost of providing the 5,000 medals applied for, and the machine for stamping them. In reply, I have the honor to state that immediately your instructions were received, an application was made to the Deputy Master of the Mint for the information, and on behalf of the Government of New Zealand, I beg to state that I shall be prepared to defray the cost of the medals and the machine. The Deputy Master has been requested to inform me the earliest date upon which the medals and the machine can be ready for transmission to the Colony, for if the package be not of great weight or size, I would seek to send them to the Government of New Zealand by the overland mail of next week. I have, &c., The Under Secretary of State for War. John Moeeison.

No. 34. Copy of a DESPATCH from the Bight Hon. Earl Gkanville, E.G., to Governor Sir G. E. Bowen, G.C.M.G. (No. 10.) Sir, — Downing Street, 28th January, 1870. I have the honor to inform you that Her Majesty will not be advised to exercise Her power of disallowance with respect to the following Acts of the Legislature of New Zealand, transcripts of which accompanied your Despatch No. 118, of the 13th of September last, viz. : — No. I.—An Act to apply out of the Consolidated Eund the sum of £150,000 to the service of the Year ending the Thirtieth day of June, One thousand eight hundred and seventy. (Passed 3rd July, 1569.) No. 2. —An Act for raising the sum of £150,000 by Treasury Bills. (Passed 3rd July, 1869.) No. 4.' —An Act to remove Bestrictions on Re-assurance on Ships and Merchandize laden therein. (Passed 27th July, 1869.) No. 6. —An Act to amend "The Bridges and Eerries Act, 1868." (Passed 27th July, 1869.) No. 7. —An Act to empower certain Public Departments to pay otherwise than to Executors or Administrators, small sums due on account of Pay or Allowances to Persons deceased. (Passed 27th July, 1869.) No. 8. —An Act for removing doubts as to the validity of certain Marriages solemnized in the Province of Nelson. (Passed 27th July, 1869.) No. 9. —An Act to amend "The Southland Provincial Debt Act, 1865," and "The Southland Provincial Debt Act Amendment Act, 1866." (Passed 27th July, 1869.) No. 10. —An Act to remove doubts as to the validity of certain Proclamations and Agreements relating to a certain District known as the Auckland Gold Eields. (Passed 27th July, 1869.) No. 12. —An Act to amend "The Nelson and Cobden Bailway Act, 1868." (Passed 6th August, 1869.) No. 14 —An Act to amend the Law relating to Grants of Land to Naval and Military Settlers. (Passed 6th August, 1869.) No. 15. —An Act to extend the time for making an Award under the provisions of " The Wellington and Ilawke's Bay Public Debt Apportionment Act, 1868." (Passed 6th August, 1869.) No. 16. —An Act to amend " The Provincial Elections Act, 1858," and to remove doubts as to the validity of certain Elections of Members of Provincial Councils. (Passed 6th August, 1869.) No. 17. —An Act to make Provision by Law for the Payment of Imperial Troops. (Passed 6th August, 1869.) No. 18. —An Act to amend " The Mining Companies Limited Liability Act, 1865." (Passed 21st August, 1869.)