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but we have no record of their ever having been formally taken possession of, and their Lordships are of opinion that no more doubt exists as to their belonging to Great Britain than the Snares, and other small isles in the vicinity of New Zealand. I have, &c, The Under Secretary of State for the Colonies. Vernon Lusiiington.

Enclosure 4 in No. 32. The Undee Seceetaey of State to Messrs. Josselyn and Son. Gentlemen, — Downing Street, 22nd January, 1870. I laid before Earl Granville your letter of the 7th ultimo, inquiring on behalf of your clients whether any concession of the Bounty Islands had been granted by the British Government, and if not, to whom application should be made. I am desired by His Lordship to inform you that the islands are within the limits of New Zealand, and that your clients should address their application to the Governor of that Colony, Sir George Bowen. I have, &c., Messrs. Josselyn and Son. Eeedeeic Eogees.

No. 33. Copy of a DESPATCH from the Right Hon. Earl Granville, E.G., to Governor Sir G E. Bowen, G.C.M.G. (No. 9.) Sir, — Downing Street, 28th January, 1870. I have to acknowledge your Despatch No. 126, of the 18th September, forwarding two Memoranda from your Besponsible Advisers, and a Besolution of the House of Bepresentatives on the subject of the grant of the New Zealand War Medal to Volunteers for service with the Regular Troops. I communicated your Despatch to the Secretary of State for War; and I transmit to you a copy of a letter which has been received from the War Department, from which you will learn what steps have been taken for giving effect to the wishes of your Government. Since the above was written, a further letter has been received upon the subject from the War Office, enclosing one from Mr. Morrison. I annex copies for your information. I have, &c, Governor Sir G. E. Bowen, G.C.M.G. GBANVILLE.

Enclosure 1 in No. 33. Sir E. Ltjgaed to the Undee Seceetaey of State, Colonial Office. Sib,— War Office, 13th January, 1870. With reference to the letter from the Assistant Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, of the 29th ultimo, and its enclosures, relative to the proposed extension of tho grant of the New Zealand medal to the local or Volunteer forces employed against the Maoris, I am directed by Mr. Secretary Cardwell to acquaint you, for Earl Granville's information, that Her Majesty has been pleased to approve that, in compliance with the wishes of the Colonial Government, the medal may be granted to such of the Colonial Forces and friendly Natives actually under fire, or otherwise conspicuous for distinguished service in the field, as were employed in the several operations for which the medal has been granted to the regular army and survivors at the date of the General Order notifying Her Majesty's intention to confer it; and Mr. John Morrison, the Agent for the Colonial Government in London, has been requested to place himself in communication with the Eoyal Mint, as to the cost of providing the 5,000 medals applied for, and the machine for stamping them, to be paid for by the New Zealand Government, and also as to the cost of sending them out, it being understood that the medal is to be given within the limits prescribed by the General Order. Mr. Morrison has also been informed that should the number of medals applied for prove lo be more than sufficient, the surplus is to be returned to this country, and the cost of them accounted for. I have, &c, The Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office. Edwaed Ltjgaed.

Enclosure 2 in No. 33. Sir E. Ltjgaed to the Undee Seceetaey of State, Colonial Office. Sic,— War Office, 20th January, 1870. With reference to my letter of the 13th instant, relative to the extension of the grant of the New Zealand medal to the local or Volunteer forces employed against the Maoris, I am directed by Mr. Secretary Cardwell to transmit to you, for Earl Granville's information, a copy of a letter, which has been received from Mr. John Morrison, the Agent of the Colony, on the subject. I have, &c, The Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office. Edwaed Ltjgaed.