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A.—No. 5.



Enclosure E. Kia te Pikiniha te Tuku o Ertnapara,— Akarana, Mci 26, 1869. Tena koe ote Manuhiri tuarangi. Haere mai ki Niu Tireni. Haere mai te kanohi o tomatou Kuini. E hoa kia rongo mai koe a te 31 o nga ra o Mci te tv ai te huihui o nga tangata Maori o Matutaera ki Ngaruawahia. Te take o taua huihui kia korero ki a korua ko te Kawana i o ratou whakaaro kia tupu ai he pai ki tenei motu raruraru. Kua rongo ratou kua tae mai koe ki Niu Tireni ka nui to ratou hiahia kia kite i a koe, ite tamaiti ote Kuini; no te mea he uri rangatira koe. Ahakoa ki ate Kawana te mana whakahaere o tou whaea, ko koe tonu tana tamaiti tupxi, ko te Kuini tonu koe. No reira te hiahia o nga iwi kia kite i a koe. Xi te tae koe ki Ngaruawahia ka nui to marama, kite kore ka nui te pouri. Ko tenei c hoa me whakaao mai koe ki to maua inoi ki a koe, me whakaae koe kia haere ki Ngaruawahia ki taua huihui. No te mea na to rongo kua whakaae nga tangata o Matutaera kia puta ki waho. Me korc to rongo haere ki Waikato ekore ratou c whakaae kite haere mai ki taua huihui. Xi te haere koe me to Kawana ki reira katahi pea ka tupu te pai ki Niu Tireni nei. Ka nui hoki te hari o te ngakau o te Kuini a tou hokinga ki a ia, ana rongo ia nau to maunga rongo kite motu nei. Ko tenei me whakaae mai koe kite inoi oou pononga kei pouri te taha Maori ki a tatou. Heoti ano. Na ou pononga i raro i te ture, Na Wi te Wheoeo, Na Wi Patene. [translation.] Te Wheoeo to H.E.H. the Duke of Edinburgh. To TnE Peince, the Dttke of Edinbuegh,— Auckland, 26th May, 1869. Salutations to you, the illustrious guest. Welcome to New Zealand. Welcome, the countenance of our Queen. Friend, hearken you. On the 31st day of May will be held a meeting of the Maori people of Matutaera, at Ngaruawahia. The object of that meeting is that they might speak their thoughts to you and the Governor, that good may spring up in this troubled Island. They have heard that you have arrived in New Zealand, and great is their desire to see you the son of the Queen, because you are descended from noble ancestors. Although the Governor has the administrative power of your 'mother, you are her own son, you are the Queen; therefore is the desire of the tribes to see you. Should you reach Ngaruawahia they will be very clear (pleased); if (you do) not, they will be very dark. Now, 0 friend, do you consent to our entreaty to you, do you consent to go to Ngaruawahia to that meeting. For it was on account of the report about you that the people of Matutaera agreed to come out. If it had not been for the report of your (that you were) going to Waikato, they would not lia'v'e consented to come to that meeting. If you and the Governor go there, then perhaps good will grow up in New Zealand, and great will be the gladness of the heart of the Queen on your return to her, when she hears that it was you who made peace in this Island. Now, do you assent to the prayer of your servants. The Maori side are dark about us. All. From your servants under the law, Wi te Wheoeo, Wi Patene.

Enclosure F. Xi a te Kawaha,— Akarana, Mci 26, 1869. E hoa tena koe. He kupu tenei na maua ki a koe ka haere mai a Bewi Maniapoto me Tamati Ngapora Manuhiri me Waikato katoa ki Ngaruawahia, kia kite i a korua ko te tamaiti o te Kuini kia korero ki a k'orua. Tena pea ka tupu he pai i muri o taua huihui. No reira ka manawanui maua ki te tono ki a koe kia haere atu ki taua hui. Ko tenei epa me haere tatou katoa ki Ngaruawahia, ko te ra oto huihui ko te 31 o nga ra o Mei. Heoti ano. Na ou hoa aroha, Na Wi te Wheoeo, Na AVi Patene. [translation.] Te Wheoeo to His Excellency the Goyeenob. To the Governor, — Auckland, 26th May, 1869. Friend, greetings to you. This is a word from us two to you. Eewi Maniapoto Tamati Ngapora Manuhiri and all Waikatos will come to Ngaruawahia, to see you and the son of the Queen, that they may talk to you two. Probably good will arise after that meeting. Therefore are we two bold to ask you to go to that meeting. Now, 0 Sire, let us all go to Ngaruawahia. The day of the meeting is the 31st day of May. That is all. From your loving friends, Wi te "Wheoeo, Wi Patene. Enclosure G. Kia Te Morehu,— Te Kuiti, 19th Hune, 1869. Kua tae mai tau reta mo koutou ko o inatua ko o tupuna. Ko taku, koia tena ko te rongo pai itu ki Ngaruawahia. Ko Tiaho kei Hauraki. Xi ta taa mai kei konei ano au. Heoi. Kia Wi te Morehu. Na MamaOA,