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A.—No. 1.

Te Aeawa —1,951.01 Friendly. Leading men: Henare Pukuatua, Paora te Amoliau, Petirate Pukuatua, Temuera, Arama Karaka, Te Matangi, Te Pokiha Taranui, Matene Te Huaki, Te Mapu, Hori te Haupapa, Eewi Tereanuku, "W. Maihi te Bangikaheke, Wiremu Eupa, Wiremu Katene, "VV. Kepa te Bangipuawhe, Te WikiriwM. Ngatiawa—6s9. Mostly friendly at present. Leading men: Opanui, Hohaia Matatihokia, HoriTunui. Whakatoiiea —573. Partly friendly, partly hostile. A considerable number professed Haahaus. Leading men : Raugimatanuku, "Witeria Taawhi. Ngaitai—Chief: "W. K. Tutehuarangi. Whatjau o Apantji—Leading men : Tatana Ngatawa, Hamiora Eeweti. Te ITeeweba —500. In active rebellion. Leading men: Harehare, Hamiora Takurua, To Hiko ote Eangi. Ngatitiwhabetoa—soo. Friendly. Leading men: Te Heuheu, Te Herekiekie, Poihipi Tukairangi. Hohepa Tamamutu, Hare Tauteka, Takeura Tauteka. Noatieaukawa — 1,071.5 Partly friendly, partly hostile. A considerable number professed Hauhaus. Leading men: Aperaharna te Hurulruru, Nepia Taratoa, Noa te Rauhihi, Matene te Whiwhi, Ke Kooro te One, Tamihana te llauparaha. Ngaitawabeee—3oo. Leading men : Matcnga, Te ITata. Eonqowiiakaata—l,ooo. Partly friendly,partly hostile. A considerable number professed Hauhaus. Leading men : Hirini te Kani, Eahuruhi Bukupo. Henare Potae, Te Paratene Turangi. Ngatipoeotx—4,soo. Partly friendly, partly hostile. A considerable number professed Hauhaus. Leading men : Wild te Matehe, Mokena Kohere, Iharaira te Houkamau, Tai Ngaruru. Approximate total population in the Northern Island, including such members of northern tribes as are resident in the Province of Nelson, such as Ngatiawa, Eangitane, Ngatitoa, &c. ... ... ... ... ... ... 37,017 Ngaitahu and Ngatimamoe—Leading men: Pita te Hori, Matiaha Tiramorehu, Honi Topi Patuke ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,500 Approximate Total Population ... ... ... 38,517

No. 37. Copt of a DESPATCH from Governor Sir G. P. Bowen, G.C.M.G., to His Grace the Duke of Buckingham. (No. 23.) Government. House, Wellington, My Lokd Duke, — 17th March, 1868. I have the honor to transmit herewith, for your Grace's information, an able and interesting Memorandum, prepared at my request, by Mr. John Hall, one of the Ministers of this Colony, respecting the new County of Westland, recently established in the Middle Island of New Zealand under the provisions of the Act No. 25 of 1867. 2. It will be seen that this measure is an important modification of the system of Provincial Governments, erected by "The New Zealand Constitution Act 1852." 3. Two political parties have developed themselves in this Colony, tinder the names of Centralists and Provincialists. They are somewhat analogous to the two great parties in America, the Federalists, and the advocates of the so-called sovereign rights of the separate States. Here the Centralists would be glad to see the Provincial Governments gradually replaced by Municipal institutions on an extended scale; while the Provincialists prefer the maintenance, with some modifications, of the general system established in 1852. As this is a political controversy of local concern, and which must be discussed and decided in the Colonial Parliament, it is, of course, the duty of the Representative of the Crown to abstain carefully from even the appearance of interfering on either side. I forward herewith the copy of an address recently delivered by Sir David Monro, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in which the views of the Centralists are set forth; and also the copy of a recent speech of Mr. Pox, formerly Colonial Secretary of New Zealand, controverting those views. I have, &c, His Grace the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos. G. P. BOWEN. a This is probably an under estimate of the Arawa. b This number includes the Ngatitoa who have intermarried almost completely into the Ngaliraukawa. Also such of Ngatitoa as are resident in the Nelson Province. Including prisoners at the Chatham Islands.

Enclosure with Sub-Enclosure.

Extract from Nelson Examiner, Jan. 81, 1868. Sir D. Monro'a Speech. Mr. Fox's Speech at Wangunui.