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A.—No. 1

the schools, hospitals, roads, and other institutions hy means of which the Colonial Government is endeavouring to promote the civilization of the Natives ; will all contribute to arrest the further decay of the yet surviving remnant of a most interesting race. I have, &c, G. E, BOWEN. His Grace the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos.

Enclosure 1 in No. 36. (Map of Noetji Island showing the locality of each tribe.)

Enclosure 2 in No. 36. List of Maori. Teibes and Chiefs. Earawa—2,7Gl. Friendly. Leading men : PuMpi te Eipi, "Wi Tana Papahia, Te Anga, To Morenga, Teau to Tai, Paraone Ngaruhe, Tipeno te Tata. Ngaptthi—s,BOll. Friendly. Leading men: Tamati Waka Nene (a thorough friend all his life to the Pakoha, —one of those to whom it is owing that Heke's rebellion in 1845-6 was quelled), Eangatira Mootara, Aperahama te Taonui, Arama Karaka Pi, Mohi Tawhai, Papalmrihia, Hira Mura, Piripi Korongohi, Hare Wirikake, Hemi Marup.o, Kingi W. Tareha, Maihi Kawiti, Huirua, Kingi Hori Kira, Te Tirarau, Parata Mate. Ngatiwiiatua—7o9. Friendly. Leading men: Te Otene Pura, Paraone Ngaweke, Paikea, Apihai te Kawau, Te Hemara Tauhia. Ngatimaeu— 3,67o. Partly friendly, partly hostile. A considerable number professed Hauhaus. Leading men: Haora Tipa, Te Taniwha Kitahi, Eopata te Arakai, Kgakapa W., Taraia, Te Hirakake, Te Moananui. Ngaiteeangi—l,l9B. Partly friendly, partly Iwstile. A considerable number professed Hauhaus. Leading men: Hori Tupaea, Hamiora Tv, "Wiremu Parera, Hohepa Hikataia, Enoka to Whanake, Te Kuka, Maihi Pohepohe, E. te Hiahia, Te Eanapia. "Waikato, &c. —2,279. a Partly friendly, partly hostile. A considerable number professed Hauhaus. Leading men: Ta Kerei te Eau, Tamati Ngapora (Matutaera's as principal political adviser), Wi te Wheoro, Te Hakiriwhi, Te Pakaroa, Tamihana Tunui, Aihepena Kaihau, Hori Tauroa, Heta Tauranga (W. Thompson's son-in-law), Matutaera Potatau (the so-called Maori king), Waikato te Tawhana, Nini Kukutai. Ngatimaktapoto—2,ooo. All hostile. Leading men: Eewi Maniapoto, Tikaokao, Te Tapihana Tiriwa (taken prisoner at Eangiriri). These three chiefs are and have been active and resolute opponents of the Government. Ngatiawa—l, Mostly friendly. A considerable number professed Hauhaus. Loading men : Honiana te Puni (the E. Puni of the New Zealand Company's reports. To this chief's influence it was mainly owing that the war in the Wellington Province in 1846 was brought to a close. He has been a firm and faithful friend of the Pakeha from the very first) ; Eopiha Moturoa, Ihaia Porutu, Wi Tako Ngatata, Wikitoa Taringakuri (supposed to be one of the oldest chiefs living) ; W. Kingi te Eangitakc (William King of the Waitara war) ; Te Teira Manuka (the chief seller of the Waitara Block in 1860) ; Mahau, Poharama, Pirika Mahutu, Eopoama te One (of Marlborough), W. K. te Puoho (of Nelson). Tabanaki—lOO.o Partly friendly. A considerable number professed Hauhaus. Leading men :W. Kingi Matakatea, Mohi. Taranaki, Hemi Parai, E. Ngarongomate, Porikapa. Ngatiettantji—7so,rf Partly friendly. A considerable number professed Hauhaus. Leading men : Hone Pihama (a returned rebel, and since his return a most active and trustworthy friend) ; Hano Wiremu, Ngatairakaunui, W. Hukanui, Natanahira Nga Hina, Tito te Hanataua, Nga Waka Taurua, Titokowaru, Toi, Ahipane Marangai (friendly all through the war). Ngaeatieu—4oo. Mostly returned rebels. Leading men : Aperahama Tamaiparea, Te Kcpa Heheu. WiiANaAJrui —1,427. Friendly. Loading men: Hori Kingi te Anaua, Te Mawae, Mete Kingi Paetahi, Kepa Eangihiwinui, Kawana Paipai, Tamati Puna, Haimona te Aoterangi. (These seven chiefs distinguished themselves in the battles of Moutoa and Ohoutahi) ; Pehi Turoa (rebel). Ngatiapa—32s. Friendly. Leading men: Aperahama Tipae, Hunia to Hakeke, Mohi Mahi, Wi Mokomoko. Eajtgitane— 2so.e Friendly. Leading men: Te Huru te Hairo, Te Peiti te Aweawe, Hoani Meihana te Eangiotu, Hirawanu Kai Mokopuna. Muaupoko—l2s. Friendly. Loading men: Noa te Whata, Maru te Eangimairehau. (Eangitano and Muaupoko are really sub-tribes of Ngatikahungunu, though they are spoken of as distinct tribes. Ngatikahunguitit—2,9s2. Friendly. Leading men : Tareha, Te liapuku, Ihaka Whaanga, Karaitiana, Eanata Kawepo, Ngairo, Te Manihera Eangitakaiwaho, Paora te Apatu. a These numbers are based upon Returns furnished to the Native Office by the Resident Magistrates in the several districts comprising the Waikato territory, but only show the number at present residing in the District of Waiuku, Waikato, and Raglan. b This number includes also sucli of the Ngatiawa and Ngatitama as are resident in the Wellington and Nelson Proyincos. c Including also such of the Taranaki as are resident in the Wellington Province. d Including also such of the Ngatiruanui as are resident in the Wellington Proyinco. c Including such of the Bangitane as aro resident in the Middle Island.