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A.—No. 1.

by Avhich those of their number who have not already parted with their interests in the land in question, are enabled to have their claims investigated by the Native Lands Court, and that all the claims which have been forwarded to the Local Government have been referred to that tribunal. I have, &c, His Grace the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos. G. F. BOWEN.

Enclosure in No. 29. Mr. Rolieston to Petitioners of the NaATTKAtrivAWA Tribe. Pbiekds, — Mr. Richmond directs me to inform you that the Queen has received the petition which you forwarded in the month of July last respecting your claim to the Rangitikei block of land. Her Majesty has directed that you should, be informed that they had been laid before her, and that the case is one which must be dealt with by the Governor and Legislature of the Colony ; that the Colonial Government had assured her that they would endeavour to make a just and satisfactory settlement of the question, and that Her Majesty was confident that the Governor would do all in his power to effect this object. Since your petition was forwarded to the Queen, the Legislature has made provision by " The Native Lands Act, 1867," by which those of you who have not parted with your interest are enabled to have your claim investigated by the Native Lands Court; and, as you are already aware, all the claims which have been forwarded to the Government have been referred to this tribunal. From your friend, ~W. BoLLESTOS", Under Secretary.

No. 30. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor Sir G. F. Bowen, G.C.M.G., to His Grace the Duke of Buckingham. (No. 15.) Government House, Wellington, My Lord Duke,— sth March, 1868. Among the manifold and urgent public questions which have necessarily pressed themselves on my attention during the month which has now elapsed since my assumption, on the sth ultimo, of the Government of New Zealand, I have given much thought and care to that very complicated and difficult, but highly interesting subject—the present condition and future prospects of the Maori race. 2. By my desire, the Minister for the Native Department (Mr. J. C. Richmond) has addressed to the principal officers and agents of the Government throughout the Colony, a circular (of which I enclose a copy) directing each of them to furnish, for the information of the Governor, a detailed report on Native affairs in his district. It will be seen that this report is to contain as full a history as possible of the last few years, and of the events that have come under the personal cognizance of each Government agent. Reliable information is called for as to the actual number of the Maoris ; the causes and influences affecting their increase or decrease ; their feelings towards Europeans generally ; their physical and moral condition ; the rise, object, progress, and tendency of the Hauhau movement ; the opinion of the Maoris in respect of the recent war ; of the removal of the Imperial troops ; of the suppression of the late outbreaks of rebellion on the East Coast of the North Island, and elsewhere, and of the prospect of the permanent restoration of peace. Finally, the several agents of Government are required to notice the working of the recent Acts of the New Zealand Legislature in reference to the lands, the education, and the Parliamentarj^ representation of the Maoris ; and generally to supply such further information as may appear likely to be useful in forming an accurate opinion of the present state of Native affairs. 3. I am assured that the public officers in the Maori districts are, for the most part, men of ability and local experience, and it is hoped that the reports which will be elicited by the above-mentioned circular will go far towards enabling both the Imperial and the Colonial Governments to arrive at a correct estimate of the present condition, feeling, and prospects of the Native race. It will be my duty to transmit to your Grace copies of these reports, when they shall have been received, together with such remarks and illustrations as they seem to need. 4. Meanwhile, I will take this opportunity of forwarding a Memorandum carefully prepared in the Native Department, respecting the meeting held in last 12

Enclosure No. 1. * :

Enclosure No. 2.