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A.—No. 1,



Sub-Enclosure to Enclosure in No. 28. RETURN showing names, &c., of MAORI PRISONERS convicted of the Murders of the Rev. Mr. Volkner, Mr. Fulloon, and a Seaman named Ned, or of being concerned therein.

No. 29. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor Sir G. F. Bowen, G.C.M.G., to His Grace the Duke of Buckingham. (No. 14.) Government House, Wellington, My Lokd Duke,— 3rd March, 1868. With reference to your Grace's Despatch, No. 70, of the 12th October ultimo, respecting petitions addressed to Her Majesty by certain Maoris on the subject of the ' Manawatu-Rangitikei block of land, I am requested by my Responsible Advisers to solicit your Grace's attention to the explanations contained in the Ministerial Memorandum transmitted by my predecessor, Sir George Grey, in his Despatch, No. 118, of the 4th November ultimo. 2. I annex a translation of the reply, which, in pursuance of your Grace's directions, will be sent to the petitioners from the Native Minister's Department. It will be seen that since their petitions were forwarded to the Queen, the New Zealand Legislature has made provision in " The Native Lands Act, 1867,"'

Name. Crime. Sentence and Date. Commutation and Date. Remarks. ilokomoko Wilful murder of Mr. Volkner Death, Mar. 28,1866 TTauged. Ieremita Knhupara lalcaraia te Eahui, alias To Akau loromona Poropiti likaere Kirimangu Iekara ji }■> „ Mr. Fulloon, ,, and Ned j> ;) j' „ April 5 ,, ;» )> )j >) yj jj >) Penal servitude for life, May 10, 1866 limone te Auru 'araharaha loani Hupe Jtuku te Rangi 'e Alca o Tua-te-Hura Ieahea te Pakihiwi lawera te Ilihna if )) )» j> )> >j j! j> n Died, Dec. 18, 1866.. >» j> i) J) >! >) j> jj m )} m )> >> )' )) »j 5' )> „ 4 years „ Pardoned, Mar. 1, 1868. ianiera te Werctokotolto Ioki Tukino lepeta >i j? » Accessories before fact to murder of J. Fulloon >1 J) J> )> )> it „ 7 years „ Died, Sot. 26*,' 18GG. »> 7* )» 'e Hemara Iakaraia Hora )t »> 3» )> )i >> jj »j )> Pardoned, Nov. 26, 1867. Pardoned, March 1, 1868. 'uri te Matutarewa j» yy jj >) )» loani Poururu Wilful murder of Mr. l^ulloon and Ned JJ )) >> „ 14 years „ Imiia Marupo laki Wailiou >t ?t )> >1 »> )) » ') »? )> jj Pardoned, Dec. 16,. 1867. Pardoned, Sept. 4 r 1867. Died, Aug. 1, 1866. o Ngatilioko ... Wabu ?e Hura to Tai Accessories before faet to murder of J. Fulloon J» »> ') )> »» I) )j » ?> ,, Life „ Pitoiwhi te Putarcra )> 51 )> n u )■> Pardoned, Nov. 26,. 1867. Uwhi te Ilaraki Cereama Toitoi 'enitito 5> i> »> )> )> V )) )) ilohi Te Poaki 3ria Te Hakina Wilful murder of Mr. Yolkner Receiving goods stolen from "Kate" !,' Mar. 27 » 3 years hard labor, Mar. 27, 18GG Penal servitude for 1 year, May 7, 1866 Handed over to the' custody of Mr. G-. Graham, Oct. 15, 1866. Pardoned, Nov. 26, 1867. Pardoned, March 1, 1868. Died, Jan. 18, 18G8. Pardoned, Nov. 26, 1867. Pardoned, March 1, 1868. >> jj " lohupata Wherera :e Meihana Te Tawa ... >» » jj )> >t j> j> >> (Virimu Kepa To Amopu >» >» )1 JJ » 'anapa E angi rewaia ... ?> »> » >> )»