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last Session, and reserved for the signification of Her Majesty's pleasure, intituled "An Act to establish in New Zealand a Court of Divorce and Matrimonial Causes." This Bill contains similar provisions to the laws now in force in England on tho same subject, and is a close copy of the Divorce Act in force in Victoria; but Ministers deem it right to direct attention to the fact that strong doubts have been expressed as to the position in which persons married in England would bo placed if they should, after emigrating to New Zealand, be professedly divorced under the presumed authority of the Bill now transmitted, and should afterwards return to England ; it being contended that in such a case such persons might be held to be, in England, legally man and wife, notwithstanding the presumed divorce in New Zealand. Consequently, legislation by the Imperial Parliament would appear to be required with a yiow to the determination of doubts with respect to a question of such great importance. For His Excellency the Governor. E. W. Staffoed.

No. 13. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor Sir George Grey, X.C.8., to His Grace the Duke of Buckingham. (No. 126.) Government House, Wellington, My Loud Duke, — 13th November, 1867. I have the honor to transmit copies of a correspondence relative to the sale, by Military authorities, of certain buildings at Tauranga, the property of the Colonial Government; and I have the honor to request that your Grace will be good enough to bring the matter under the notice of the Secretary of State for War, with a view to the repayment to the Colonial Treasury of the amount for which the buildings were sold. I have, &c, His Grace the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos. G. GREY.

Enclosure 1 in No. 13. The Assistant Militaet Seoeetaet to Mr. 11. T. Claeke. (No. 5013.) Sib, — Head Quarters, Auckland, 6th May, 1867. In reply to your letter of the 23rd ultimo, addressed to the Major-General Commanding, I have the honor, by direction, to forward for your information, the copy of a letter received from Colonel Hamilton, explaining the circumstances under which the building known aa tho Mess Hut, at Tauranga, was sold. I have, &c, 11. T. Clarke, Esq., Geo. W. Dean Pitt, Civil Commissioner, Tauranga. Lieut.-Colonel, Assistant Military Secretary.

April 28, 1867.

Sub-Enclosure to Enclosure 1 in No. 18. Colonel Hamilton to the Militaet Seceetaey. Sic,— Auckland, 28th April, 1867. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a communication from the Resident Magistrate, Tauranga, forwarded through the Major-General, and requesting from me an explanation regarding the disposal of the Mess Hut at Tauranga. I have the honor to acquaint you, in reply, for the Major-General's information, that on the arrival of the Battalion under my command at Tauranga, the officers of the 68th Light Infantry offered us their Mess Hut for sale, which I declined to purchase, not knowing what length of time the Battalion might remain at that station, but promised Colonel G-rccr that on our leaving Tauranga the hut should. be sold on behalf of the 68th Light Infantry, as their property, they having put it up at their own expense while open war existed at Tauranga. Accordingly, I advertised the Mess Hut for sale in public papers on several occasions, as well as by other posted notices, and the circumstance was well known a month prior to our leaving. Before our last detachment marched it was sold by public auction, and the price obtained was £10, of which amount £5 10s., on behalf of the officers of the 68th Light Infantry, was handed to Archdeacon Brown, as a subscription from the officers of the 68th, for the purpose of assisting in enclosing the cemetery where so many of that regiment are buried, and 1 the remaining £i 10s. has been forwarded to the President of the Officers' Mess, 68th Light Lifantry. I trust the Major-General will consider that I was justified in the course I took, and would draw his particular attention to the fact of my having caused this hut to bo advertised for over a month previous to sale, and that no protest of any kind was made concerning it. I have, &c, Tho Military Secretary, IT. Meade Hamilton, Head Quarters, Auckland. Lieut.-Colonel, Commanding 12th Regiment.