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A.—No. 3


been considering, enough. I have trampled upon myself. I urged for peace and for life. I asked Major McDonnell to come up to Ohangai, that he might see me, and he came. Our conversation was about giving my lands into my hands, and that he was not to molest any creeping thing in the plain, commencing at Taiporohenui and going as far as Whenuakura (these lands) are retained by my hand. He must not be grieved with me (he) did not wait for you, the Natives inland are wa'itin"-. I have come to Manawapou. Sufficient. From your child, To To Ua, to Ngohi, to Ngahina. Tito Hanataua.

Copy of a Letter from Te Ua to Mr. Halse. Xi a Haee— Opunake, Akuhata 13, 1866. Kua tae mai tau rota aroha ki au; c tika ana to pouri, me au haki c pouri nei mo taua mate. E tika ana to kupu iki mai nei kia mahi tonu au i taku mahi whakaara tangata. Katahi c mahi ana au c tapahia mai ana a muri o taku mahi, inaianei kua hikohiko te mahi a tana tangata ko te patu ko te pai. Ko tana mahi tena i roto i nga ra nei. Kua tv te pariki o Makitonore kei te Hawera, kei tai tata mai otepa i patua eia o Pokaikai. Kia rongo korua ko Parete katahi ano ka tuturu nga tangata i mate, ko Aperahama te Eanginui, ko Haira Paraka, ko Hera Waiata. Ko Mata Moerewarewa i ara i hereherea me ana tamariki. Kua mau te rongo a Tito te Watikini raua ko Makitonore ma karua c titiro iho kite pukapuka a Tito Watikini. Na ta hoa aroha, Na Te Ua.

[Teanslation.] To Me. Halse— Opunake, 13th August, 1866. Your kind letter has been received by me. You are grieved, and lam grieved about that killing. Your advice to me to continue my mission (for the purpose of) saving men is correct. I am at work, but my work is afterwards cut up. At the present time the work of that man (Major McDonnell) is uncertain; (he) strikes and (then talks of) peace; (such is) his work in these days. McDonnell has thrown up barracks at Te Hawera, near the pa on the sea side, (viz.,) Pokaikai taken by him. Do you and Mr. Parris hearken. It is now positively known who were killed (at Pokaikai) :— Aperahama to Eanginui, Haira Paraka, Hera Waiata. Mata Moerewarewa is alive; she and her children were captured. Peace has been made between Major McDonnell and Tito to Watikini (a nephew of the late Hanataua, killed in action at Waireka, April, 1860) ; do you both look to Watikini's letter. From your dear friend, Te Ua.

Copy of Statement of Ngahina Natanahiea. No te rua tekau ma toru o nga ra o Hurae, 1866, ka tae ake a Te Ua ki toku kainga, he kawe ake i te pai ate Kawana, a manaakitia ana etc iwi Tangahoe te kupu aTe Ua, kia takoto. Kimihia ana etc iwi te tangata, ka kitea ko ahau ko Ngahina Natanahira kia whai mai i a To Ua i te tangata i tukua mai etc Kawana kia kimi ritenga ite iwi. Ite rua tekau ma whitu o nga ra o Hurae, 1806, ko te ra tera i haere mai ai matou, ka tae ake nga tohu a Makitonore ki toku kainga, katahi paraki ma, kotahi mata, kotahi kepa, kotahi patara rama, ka takoto kite aroaro ote iwi Tangahoe. Ko te ritenga o ana mca he rapu kino, he rapu pai, kia tangohia ko te mea pai, ahe pai ano. Heoi, ka niahia c te iwi ana mea, ka tangohia ko te paraki ma ko te rongo pai, whakahoki ai ki a maki ko te mata, me te kepa me te patara waipiro. Heoi, haere mai ana matou ka tae mai ki Waingongoro, kaore a maki i reira ka ngarea te Turupa kite whakahoki ite mata, ito kepa, i te patara ki a Makitonore. Ka haere mai matou kite Kauwae. Ite rua tekau ma waru o nga ra o Hurae, 1866, ka tae ake a maki kite Kauwae ka tv ia ki runga, ka karanga kite iwi, ka mca: —" Haere mai kite Kawana, whakamutua te kino; kia renei me tenei kua takoto nei, heiaha ma koutou te mahi kino?" Ka whawhai raua ko Eeihana. Ka tv atu au ki runga ka mea: —" E maki, kia rongo mai koe, kahore aku kupu ki a koe, heoi ano taku kupu kua kite iho koe, kua hold atu na te mata, me te kepa, me te patara ki tau ringa, kua purutia c te iwi te paraki ma." Ka whae [whakaae ?] mai ia, ka ki atu au ki a ia: —" He kupu ano tenei mo te kupu kite iwi Ngaruahine:— ' Tcnci lea noho i oku raro c, Kaua c maki, c pa, c Horoa mai. Waiho ano ra Id ata hurihuria c Wha noho ki he a.'" Ka karanga atu au:—" E maki, titiro mai ki au, kua noho nei au ki waenganui o tau pakeke me ta te iwi pakeke, heoi ano taku kupu." Ka noho a maki ki raro, katahi ia ka kai, ka karanga mai ki au : —" Haere mai tana kite kai." Ka haere atu au ka kai. Ka tohe ki au kia haere au i a ia, mana au c tuku ki Poneke kia te Kawana. Ka karanga atu te Bunanga Kawana oTe Ua : —" Kahore ta-te-mea ko te taha i tukua mai aiae te iwi he haere ki a Parete." Ka tohe taua Pakeha ki au, kahore au i rongo. Ka tukua eau taku tamaiti hei whakamana ite kupu a taua Pakeha. Ite taenga atu o taku tamaiti kite pariki kua tupu te mahi manakia i roto i taua Pakeha. Ka haere mai nei matou. I muri ka tikina te kainga o taku wahine ka mate ia ki reira i a Makitonore. E hoa ma te nga rangatira Pakeha, he mate kohuru tenei mate tatemea, kua atu tohutohuria mariretia ki taua Pakeha te ritenga o nga rohe o te wahi kino me te rohe ote wahi pai. I runga ite main a taua Pakeha kahore i haere ki to pa nanaiai pupuhi, akuanci paka .ana kite tangata hara kore. Heoi ano aku kupu whakaatu mo tenei he. Na to koutou hoa aroha, Ngamotu, 6 Akuhata, 1866. Na Ngahina Natanahiea.