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D —No. 1.

Enclosure 2 in No. 9. Copy of a Letter from the Supebujteitdent, Otago, to James Macamjeew, Esq. Sic, — Dunedin, Ist June, 1861. Messrs. Crawford and Auld, the Government Agents in Britain, have informed mo in a letter dated Edinburgh, February 25th, 1861, that they had retired your bill on them in favour of Messrs. Raynor, of Sunderland, for £1012 14s. 5d.; and having in vain searched the records of this and the Treasurer's Office for the slightest trace of this transaction, which should have been recorded, I am necessitated to apply to you for information, and shall be obliged by you informing me whether any and what value has been received for this expenditure of Government money, and of the reasons which made it undesirable that the order for payment should appear in the letter-book of the office. 2. I take the opportunity of bringing to your notice, that a letter has been received by the last mail from England, from Messrs. Gladstone and Company, claiming payment for the immigration per " Gala ;" should such payment not have been made in conformity with their instructions to yourself and to Mr. W. H. Eeynolds on your joint receipts. 3. I consider it also but right that you should know that a bill, which according to the evidence as recorded by Dr. Knight, you represented us having forwarded in payment of Clutha Coal Plant, in July last, as also the duplicate which you represented as having sent in November last, are not acknowledged as having been received up to the 25th March last, by which period there was more than abundant time for both original and duplicate to have reached their destination. I have, &c, J. Eichaedson, James Macandrew, Esq., Dunedin. Superintendent.

Enclosure 3 in No. 9. Copy of a Letter from the Sttpebintendent, Otago, to James Macandeew, Esq. Sic,— Dunedin, 10th June, 1861. Not having received a reply to my letter, as per margin, I have the honor to forward you a copy of the same, and to request an answer as early as possible, in order that I may be able fairly to represent the subject in my communication with the Provincial Council when it meets. I have, &c, J. BICHABDSOTT, James Macandrew, Esq., Dunedin. Superintendent.

June 1.

March 1, 1861. Juno 1, 1861. Juno 10, 1861. June 19, 1861. Mr. Marandrew to Superintendent June 17, 1861.

Enclosure 4 in No. 9. Copy of a Letter from James Macandeew, Esq., to the Supeeixtendejtt, Otago. Sin,— Dunedin, 17th June, 1861. With reference to your communication of Ist instant, I have to apologize for not having replied earlier. As regards the payment of £1012 12s. sd. to which you allude, I beg to refer you to the Provincial Accounts, in which the sum in question will be found on both sides. As to the passage-money per " G-ala," I have to refer you to the Auditor-General's Report, from which it will be seen that Messrs. Gladstone and Co. can have no claim against the Government. As respects the remittance for Clutha Coal Field Plant, I regret that some unfortunate fatality seems to attach to the matter, and that as yet lam unable to throw further light upon the subject. I still feel assured that the money is not lost, and that it will yet turn up. In the event, however, of its not doing so in course of the next two mails from England, I have arranged with my friends that the amount will be paid into the Treasury, assuming that the Government shall then be of opinion that the remittance has been lost through carelessness or irregularity on my part. I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent of Otago. James Macandbew.

Enclosure 5 in No. 9. Copy of a Letter from the SuPEEDfTENDENT, Otago, to James Macandeew, Esq. Sib,— Dunedin, 19th June, 1861. I regret that your communication respecting the " Gala" passages money and Clutha Bailway Plant is not of a more satisfactory nature; and with reference to the bill for £1012 14s. sd. I am sorry to say, that I do not find it entered on either side of the Provincial Accounts to which you referred me. I have, &c, * J EICHABDSON, James Macandrew, Esq., Dunedin. Superintendent.

Enclosure 6 in No. 9. Copy of a Letter from the Supeeuttenbent, Otago, to James Macajtdbew, Esq. Sib, — Dunedin, 2nd August, 1861. Adverting to my former letters to you and your replies as per margin, on the subject of the bill retired on your account by the Home Agents, in favour of Messrs. Eaynor, of Sunderland, I have the honor to draw your attention to the following facts, and to request an explanation of them: On the Bth June, 1860, the Home Agents paid one half of the passage money due on account of the " Henrietta," viz. £1188 15s.