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D.—No. 1.

[Extract from " Otago 'Provincial Government Gazette, ,"] Tbeasueee's Boxd. His Honor the Superintendent directs the publication of the following letter in connection with the preceding report, the bond in question having been found after Dr. Knight left Otago :— Superintendent's Office, Sic,— Dunedin, 10th April, 1861. I am happy to be able to inform you that Mr. E. B. Cargill has this day delivered me the Bond of Indemnification for the due performance of your duties as Treasurer. It was found, after considerable search, among some papers which the late Capt. Cargill was arranging previous to his death. I take the opportunity of expressing the regret of* the Government that its absence should have caused you any anxiety and trouble. I have, &c, J. Richaedson, John McGlashan, Esq., Provincial Treasurer. Acting Superintendent.

No. 7. Copy of a Letter from the Hon. E. W. Staffoed to James Macandbew, Esq., Dunedin. Sic, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Auckland, 6th March, 1861. Referring to my letter to you No. 9, of the 4th January last, I have the honor to state that the Report with the evidence attached thereto, of the Auditor of Public Accounts of New Zealand on the charges preferred against you by the Provincial Council of Otago, has been received. After a careful consideration of all the circumstances of the case His Excellency the Governor has been advised, in conformity with the address from the Provincial Council, and in pursuance of the power vested in him, to remove you from the office of Superintendent of the Province of Otago, and His Excellency has been pleased to remove you from the office of Superintendent accordingly. I have, &c, James Macandrew, Esq., Dunedin, Otago. E. W. Staffoed,

No. 8. Copy of a Letter from the Hon. E. W. Staffoed to the Speakee, Provincial Council, Otago. Sic, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Auckland, 6th March, 1861. Referring to my letter No. 4, of the 4th January last, stating that the Auditor of Public Accounts of Now Zealand had been appointed by His Excellency the Governor to inquire into and report on the charges preferred by the Provincial Council of the Province of Otago against the Superintendent of that Province, I have the honor to inform you that, after a careful investigation of the Auditor's Report, and of the evidence taken by him, His Excellency has, with the advice of Ministers, complied with the prayer of the address, signed by a majority of the Members of the Provincial Council, and removed Mr. James Macandrew from the office of Superintendent of the Province of Otago. I have, &c, The Speaker of the Provincial Council, Otago. E. "W. Staffoed.

No. 9. Copy of a Letter from the Supeeintendent, Otago, to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaey. (No. 69.) Sic, — Superintendent's Office, Dunedin, 20th December, 1861. I have the honor to forward herewith certain correspondence for the information of His Excellency's Government, on the subject of certain sums of money abstracted from the Provincial Treasury, and appropriated by Mr. Macandrew, for which no value has been received by the Provincial Government. I have, &c, J. Richaedsoj.-, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Auckland. Superintendent.

Enclosure 1 in No. 9. Copy of a Letter from the Supebintendekt, Otago, to James Macajtdbew, Esq. Sib,— Dunodin, 26th March, 1861. I haye the honor to forward you an abstract of a letter received this morning, and as I cannot obtain any information on the point from any of the Departments of the Government, nor from the Public Records, I shall be obliged for any information you can afford me. I have, &c, James Macandrew, Esq., Duncdin. J. Rtciiaedscw, Speaker, Provincial Council, and Acting Superintendent.

Extract from a letter from Messrs. Crawford and Auld, Edinburgh, dated 25th January, 1861. " The draft for £1012 14s. 5d., payable to Messrs. Raynor, was presented on the 14th instant, when we accepted the same."