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A.—No. 4

Since the new year set in we have not taken any part in the hostilities at Patea. He has sent a letter agreeing to give Ihakaia £100 on account of Rangitikei, the land now disputed. We truly agreed to leave the rents in Dr. Featherston's hands to take care of. He said he would take care of them, and not give them to strangers, Now his word has proved incorrect. Our eyes did not see this money payment, therefore we think that in a short time Dr. Peatherston's deceit towards us will be manifest. He called a meeting at Manawatu. Now, O the Assembly at Port Nicholson !we will not listen to anything he has to say. When Dr. Featherston's actions take a different turn, what are we to do ? We will condemn his strange proceedings. We therefore make known to the European Assembly that we are either being deceived by Dr. Feathcrston or by his interpreter. Friends ! our hard thoughts about our lands are not of a trivial nature. They are very great. Featherston has said that he will take care of them. For this reason we consider that the present proceedings are intended to deceive us, and will be productive of trouble amongst us Natives. If we go wrong it will be well; we shall go wrong in our land. If a man acts without authority on European land, trouble arises. Friend Mr. Stafford, and your colleagues, you know (because) you have distinctly seen that the land of the Ngatiraukawaa is at Maungatautari. They have sent in their claims. Let the Europeans clearly understand that (Maungatautari) is their land. Should you and your colleagues disapprove of our letter, write some clear suggestions to us, and let one of your colleagues come to Whanganui, in order that we and Dr. Featherston may talk together and search for his fault. Enough ; salutations to you all, from Hunia Hakeke, Hamuera, Mohi Mahi, Eatana Ngahina, Wiremu Mokoinoko, Matene te Matuku. No. 2. Copy of a Letter from the Hon. the Native Minister to His Honor I. E. Feathekstox. Sik,->- Native Secretary's Office, Wellington, 3rd May, 1866. In reference to my letter of the 30th ultimo, requesting you to furnish the Government with a report of your proceedings as Land Purchase Commissioner in connection with the purchase of the Manawatu Block, I have the honor to forward for your guidance an extract from a Memorandum in this office respecting outstanding land purchases, and to request that the points adverted to in it may receive your special attention. I forward at the same time copies of letters as per margin, which have been received by the Government subsequently to the date of my last letter ; also, copies of the following documents which have appeared in the public prints, relating to the same subject: —■ 1. I/(-it ci- to Mr. FitzG-erald, of 2nd February, from Hui Kerei and others. 2. Letter addressed to the Assembly by Parakaia Te Ponepa and H. Herekau. 3. Two documents, one signed by H. Herekau and H. H. Taharape, and one signed by Parakaia Pouepa, Matene Te Whiwhi, and others, both of which were published in the Press newspaper, 27th April, 1866. I have, &c, T. M. Haultatx, TTin Honor Dr. Featherston, Wellington. (In the absence of the Native Minister.) Enclosure 1 in No. 2. Substance of an Extract from a Memorandum respecting Land Purchases. Ik all cases of outstanding land purchases beyond the payment of such instalments as may be actually and immediately due, no further action should be taken until the officer to whom the duty of completing them may be or may haye been entrusted shall have forwarded to the Governor through the Native Minister, a Report, showing : — 1. That he has duly investigated the Native claims to land within the block in question. 2. That such investigation has taken place after due publicity. 3. That by such investigation he has ascertained that the title to the block in question vests in such persons (if such tribes as are named in his Report. 4. That the area and the price agreed to be paid and received in full for such blocks are accurately defined and laid down, as well as the number and amount of the instalments in which the same is to be paid, and the dates on which they are due. 5. That the persons to be named in his Report are those to whom it has been agreed by all known claimants that payment shall be made on their behalf. Enclosure 2 in No. 2. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Mantell to the Hon. the Native Minister. Sid— ' Wellington, Ist May, 1866. I have the honor to enclose, for your information, a letter from Tamihana Te Eauparaha, on the Manawatu Block. Tiie portion which I have underlined appears to me worthy of your attention, as indicating that the most important part of the negotiations for the purchase of that disputed Block, namely, the 2