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A.—No. 4.

Na Te Matenga, x Na Tarikama, „ Parao, x „ Hamapiri, „ Bama, x „ Himiona, „ Takana, ' „ Pumipi, „ Hoeta, , „ Hopa, „ Tc Karehana, „ Eruini, „ Hitana, „ Teni, ~ Mfttiu, „ Eimini, „ Te Koro, „ Hiriwetere, „ Epiha, x „ Makerini, „ Te Wetini, x „ Paramena, „ Te Waka, „ Te Peina Taliapara, x „ Hone tc Tihi, x „ Eiahana te Potaua, x „ Moihi Tarapuhi, „ Eewi Karaka, „ Marino, „ Hare Perc, „ Kapita, „ Herikuiha. x [translation.] Fhikxd, — Eangitikci, 25th February, 18G6. You will send our word (request) to Port Nicholson, to Mr. Eussell, and Mr. Eussell will forward it to the Runanga of Port Nicholson, to withhold Mr. Featherston. Do not allow him to come and disturb us, as wo do not (now) intend to sell Eangitikei; this is the decided word (expression) of the whole tribe. (Here follow the signatures.) Mr. Edwards, Resident Magistrate. Enclosure 3 in No. 1. Copy of a Letter from Hunta Hakeke and others to the Honourable the Pusaoxß. Xi a Tahapata t/poko Euxaxoa, — Turakina, Maehe 23, 1860. E hoa, tena koc, c hoa he vi ritenga atu tenei ki a koe, na matou ko toku iwi ko Ngatiapa,kei te kimi noa iho o matou whakaaro kite tv o te main a Takuta Petetone, c mahi nei i to matou whenua i Bangitikei, ka nui to matou pouri, kahore hold i te marama, ia matou tona tikanga, he kimi haere nei ia i te tikanga a tetahi iwi ke atu, kahore nei o ratou putaketanga ki runga ki to matou whenua, na matou ano i hoatu te whenua ki a ia,nana hoki i haere mai kite peni i tc whawhai a Xgatiapa raua ko Ngatiraukawa, hoatu ana c matou te pu maungarongo ki tona ringaringa, ki atu ana matou, kia raua ko te Kawana te whenua, me hoko mai kia matou, kei a matou tc whakaaro ki etahi iwi atu, ka ki mai ia c pai ana; ka ki atu matou ita matou tino kupu ki a ia. "Xi te whakarongo koo kite reo o Ngatiraukawa, ara o lhakara i muri iho o tenei hoatutanga kia koo, ko te tupu ano tenci raruraru;" kahore enei laipu i huna ki aiai tc timatanga ote korcro ote whenua kia ia. I roto i tenei tau hove hipa ana matou i te whawhai ki Patea, c tukuna ana c ia tetahi pukapuka whakaae kia tangohia c lhakara tetahi £100 pauna o Eangitikei, o te whenua ano hoki o te raruraru, i whakaae pono matou ki nga moni o ngareti ki a ia tiaki ai, ara kia te Petatone, ki ana mai ia, ac, mana c tiaki ekore ia c hoatu ki tetahi tangata ke, i naianei kua lie tana kupu, kahore o matou kanohi i kite itaua tukunga moni, no konei matou ka whakaaro, akuanei mau tonu ai te maminga o te Petatone ia matou, me tana karanga Eunanga puta ke ki Manawatu, i naianei c te runanga o Poneke, kua kore matou 6 whakarongo ki tana tikanga. Kaputake koia te mahi a Petatone mepehea koia matou? Me whakahe ano matou ki te tikanga c puta ke ana, no konei matou ka whakaatu kite Eunanga pakeha. Ko te Petatone pea c maminga nei ia matou, ko te JCai-whakamaori pea. E hoa ma ehara ite whakaaro iti to matou whakaaro pakeke ki to matou whenua ake, he nui noa atu, ki ana mai a te Petatone, mana c tiaki, mana c 1 iaki, no reira matou ka whakaae, ko tenei ritenga kei te tinihangatia matou, ko te puta ano he raruraru mo matou mo nga Maori, kite he ake matou c pai ana. c ho ana ko to matou whenua, kite pokanoa hoki tetahi tangata ki runga kite whenua Pakeha ka tupu ano te raruraru. E hoa c Tarapata me ton runanga, kei te mohio koutou, kua kite tuturu koutou i te whenua o Ngatiraukawa i Mauugatautari, kua tuku panui ratou, kia tino mohio ai koutou nga Pakeha ko to ratou whenua ten, ki (c he mai i a koe me tou Eunanga nga korero o to matou pukapuka tuhituhia mai tetahi tikanga marama, me haere mai etahi o koutou ki Whanganui nei korero tahi aitatou, ko te Petetone, kia kimihia tona lie. Heoi ano tena ra koutou. Na Hunia Hakeke, Na Hamuera, „ Mold Mahi, „ Eatana Ngahina, „ Wiremu Mokomoko, „ Matene te Matuku. [tbanslatiojj.] To Me. Stafi-okd, PbXMXEB, — Turakina, 23rd March, 1866. Friend, salutations ! Friend, this is a question to you from us and our tribe Ngatiapa. We arc vainly endeavouring to understand the object of Dr. Featherston's proceedings relative to our land at Bangitikei We arc very sad because we do not understand what he is about. He goes about inquiring the sentiments of a stranger tribe, who have no claim whatever to our land. We gave him tlu' land when he came to prevent hostilities between the Ngatiapas and Ngatiraukawas. We placed the gun of peace in his hand, and told him and the Governor to buy the land from us, and that we would arrange with the other tribes. He replied it is well. We then told him our decision. If you listen to the voice of Ngatiraukawa, viz., to Jhakaia, after this concession to you, trouble will spring up. This warning was not concealed from him at the commencement of the talk about the land.