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E.—No. 1.

No. 49. No Ngaruawahia, Maehe 21, 18G3. Haere ra c taku reta aroha ki a Kawana Kerei. _ _ _ E hoa tena ra koe te matua o nga iwi c rua ote Maori ote kiri ma. Mau c atawhai enei un c rua ara ma korua ko Matutaera Potatau c tiaki enei iwi c rua. Ka huri tena taha korero, ka tv tenei. He kupu ke tenei naku mo te whare a Wiremu rauako Puteruha c whakaturia nei kite Kohekohe. E mea ana au mau te ritenga kia raua kia whakamutua te tautotohc a enei tangata kei puta mai he kino ki nga iwi c rua. Ko taku whakaaro hoki tenei, mau to ritenga ki nga papa kia whakahokia kite la, tatemea kaore au c pai kia tv te whare na kite Kohekohe. Ahakoa i eke ano a Puteruha, ki runga ki taua wahi ame au hoki i eke pu ki runga kite Kohekohe, koia ka hoatu taku kupu kia rongo koe. Rere ! kia rongo mai koe, kua oti maua ko toku whenua te takapau ki raro kite mana o Potatau raua ko tana tamaiti ko Matutaera na koia tena kite iho na koe i ena kupu. Ko tenei, kati ano c riro atu ki a koe ko nga tangata, ko te whenua ara ko te Kohekohe c kore c whakaaetia atu hei tunga mo te whare a Wiremu raua ko Puteruha. Na, ko taku tino, kupu tena kaore etuiau te whare kei te Kohekohe, kei raruraru taua i enei tangata ;na kei tuku koe i a maua ko toku whanaunga kite ringa kaha ote kino, a mehemea c pai ana koe kia riro maua ko taku whanaunga i te ringaringa o te kino, c pai ana na maua ta maua; c kino ana tc tuakana kite teina c kino ate teina kite tuakaua. Heoi ka huri, na to hoa aroha, Xi a Kawana Kerei, kei Akarana. Na NeHBJOA te Area. [translation.] Nehemia tk Area to His Excellency Governor Grey. Go my loving letter to Governor Grey. Ngaruawahia, March 21, 1863. ' Salutations to you, the father of the two races, of the Maori and the white-skin. Do you foster these two races—that is, you and Matutaera Potatau—protect them. That subject ceases and this commences. . , This word of mine is about the house of Wiremu and Puteruha, that is being erected at the Kohekohe. It will be for you to direct these two men to cease their striving, lest evil should come upon the two races. My opinion is tliat you should direct that the timber be taken back to the la, for Ido not approve of that house standing at the Kohekohe. Although Puteruha has a claim upon that land, yet I (also) have a valid claim upon it, and therefore it is that I give you my word that you may hear it. Listen. I and my land have been spread (as a mat) under tlie mana of Potatau and of his*son Matutaera ; hence it is that you see these words. And now, it is sufficient for you to get away the men. The land, that is, tho Kohekohe, I shall not agree to as a standing place for Wiremu a and Puteruha's house. This is my decided word. I shall not permit the house to stand at the Kohekohe lest you and Ibe troubled by these men. Ho not give my relatives and me into the strong hand of evil. If you are pleased to do so, well and good, ours will be our own. The elder brother will be against the younger, and the younger against the elder. Enough. It is ended. From Your loving friend, To Governor Grey, Auckland. * Nehemia te Area. Xo. 50. Xi a te Pere,— Mangere, Maehe 25, 1863. Tena koe. E hoa, kua tae mai tau reta whakaatu mo aku mahi he, ka pai tau whakaatu Na kia ron^o mai koe c hara i tc Kohekohe te take i haere ai au ki Waikato. Engari i kite au i nca papa c hoeamia kite Kohekohe, ko toku ngakau kei runga tonu ite take i haere ai au, tae ana au Jute wahi i koroa atu ai ki Ngaruawahia, c rua wiki ki reira ka hoki mai au, Rangiriri, ka wiki ki reira. Mehemea no reira aku mahi he, mau c whakaatu mai kia mohio ai au. No tc po ote ratapu ka ran"ona te korero o nga kamura kua noho kei te Kohekohe. Ka karanga nga Eangatira kia hoea ite Mane ka mea c tchi, ko maua ko Aihepene ki mua, kia puta he koha ma ratou. Ite Mane ka hoe mai matou mc ratou. . Na kua rongo koe i toku taenga kite Kohekohe. Engari mau c korero mai ki au. Xi ate Pere. E hoa kia whakamutua ake enei kupu aku kua tae mai au kua korero au kia Te Matenga i nga kupu o toku taenga ki AVaikato. Engari ko nga mea i rongo ai koe i kite ai ranei, mau c korero mai ki au, ko reira au tuhituhi atu ai ki a koe, ka mutu ena. Xi ate Pere. E hoa kei te hurihuri au mo nga moni utu tau i kua nei mc mutu mai lte 8 o nga ra o Maehe, 1863. . . . He tohetohe no taku ngakau, mo taku reta ranei ; mo nga mom ranei a Kumi i Koia au i mahara ai, mehemea mo nga moni o Kawana Paraone, i mohio ano au na te tohe o nga Pakeha ki au koia au i tan _ ai. He mahara naku ehara au ite taha o Waikato. Kaore au c tmihan^a'kia tano-o au ite moni a Kuini. Na to tohe o nga Minita koia au i tango ai. No Kawana Paraone ano i konei, haere noa ake tae mai ana ki tenei tau, kua wnroware au uci ki taua tikanga. Mehemea ra kei tenei tau i tuhi mai nei otiia kei te awangawanga tonu au. Kei tenei ranei, kei tewhea ranei, mau c whakaatu mai ki au kia rongo mai koe, ka tatari tonu atu au ki tau kupu kua kite pea koe i taku mahi kua rongo ranei whakina ra c hoa. Heoi ka mutu, na to hoa kmo, Xi a te Pere, kei Akarana. Na Tamati Ngapora. [translation.] Timati Ngapora to the Hon. the Natite Minister. To Mr. Bell,- , , . ''' . . Mangere, March 25, 1863 Salutations Your letter has reached me informing me of my misconduct. It is weii tliat you should inform me. The Kohekohe was not the cause of my going to Waikato, but I saw the