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E.—No. 1.

entered into between him and yourself for the erection of a building at tbe Kohekohe, Waikato. We shall be glad to see you on this matter at your earliest convenience, as Mr. Eutherford desires to have it settled forthwith. ~r Truly y° .». To Mr A. H. Hunter mimtvh and Jackson. George's Bay. ___—_——_———————. —__— No. 27. The Native Secretary to Mr. A. Hunter. Sic _ Native Office, Auckland, September Ist, 1863. With reference to the claim for compensation forwarded by you for work done and expenses incurred at the Kohekohe building, Lower Waikato, I am directed by Mr. Wood to request that you will be good enough to furnish particulars to this office on the following points :— 1. Lost time of men employed. 2. Damages for contracts made for doors, &c. A statement of the number of men employed, the time lost, and rate of wages paid. Also, the names of the contractors, and the amount of damage sustained m each case, should bo furnished. „ \ haye > &c -> AT .. _ Mr. Hunter Parnell. Edward Shortland, Native Secretary. No. 28. Mr. A. Hunter to Native Secretary. grR _ Parnell, 10th September, 1863. In reply to your letter of the Ist inst., I have the honor to furnish the information therein required. 1. " Lost time of men employed:" — 3 men, 6 days, at 12s. per day ..... £10 16 0 1 man 8 .... 4 16 0 l man, a „ „ „ . Master, 6 „ 15s. „ 410 0 £20 2 0 (The two shillings are not charged in the account.) 2. " Damage for contracts made for doors, &c.:" — J. Gilberd, doors and sashes . . • • • £5 0 0 W. J. and T. Peek, flooring and lining] . . . • 710 0 The shiugler . . . . • • • 710 0 £20 0 0 3. The number of men employed, —the time lost through delay in the supply of blocks to the "round, delay on the interference of the natives, and time occupied in returning,—also the rate of wages paid,—are specified in my reply to No. 1 interrogatory; the name of the contractor under me is Mr. James Eutherford; Gilberd, Peek, and the shinglers were engagements to supply or perform work. The damage in each case is furnished in reply to No. 2. I have, &c., A. H. Hunter. The Native Secretary. Enclosure 1 to No. 28. PAETICULAES of Work done, and other Expenses incurred, by James Euthereohd, at the Kohekohe Buildings, Waikato. August 21st, 1863. 95J squares of framing, at 10s. ..... £47 17 6 64 squares roofing, at ss. . . . . • • 16 0 0 Excavating and levelling ground . . . . . 15 0 0 Hardware, paint, oil, &c, carried away . . . . 40 0 0 Carriage . . . . • • • • 80 0 Lost time of men employed . . . . • 20 0 0 Damages for contracts made for doors, sashes, flooring, shingling, &c. 20 0 0 Profit on contract . . . . . • • 34 0 0 £200 17 6 The above is Eutherford's claim on Alexander Hunter, contractor; to which add for Alexander Hunter's commission as contractor on £500 at 10 per cent. . 50 0 0 £250 17 6 I certify that the service performed by Mr. Eutherford is fair and reasonable. A. H. Hunter. Enclosure 2 to No. 28. Mr. Eutherford Dr. to W. Peek, Carpenter, Otahuhu. March, 1863. To 12j days waste time through our engagement to lay flooring at Kohekohe being broken at 12s. per day ... . j£? 10 0 William John Peek,