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E.—No. 1.

Pouaka: I propose that Ngatitipa shall get the logs and make the pit, and Ngatinaho will do the sawing, the Governor to pay for the sawing and building. ~..., Eraihi: Let the Governor pay for the sawing and building, and we wiU get the logs and build the ■pit; there are two of our tribe who know how to saw. _.«..," ~ I have further to observe that I arrived at the Kobe Koho early on the morning of Sunday the _id February • that in the evening I had a long conversation with Te AVheoro about his arrangement with His Excellency; that he informed me that his tribe would not attend the (then) proposed Runanga at the Punga Punga, on account, as they alleged, of all matters being already arranged between them and His Excellency, but would hold a Runanga at the Kohekohe the next day ; that I then informed Te Wheoro I had been instructed by Mr. Fenton to arrange all the details ot the Runanga at the Punga Punga, such as appointment of officers, &c, in order to submit the same formally to His Excellency for approval or otherwise ; that I had no power to depart from or vary my instructions • and that if they absented themselves from the Punga Punga Runanga the matter must remain in statu quo until His Excellency's decision was communicated to me. I strongly urged upon him the necessity of advising his tribe to yield this point, inasmuch as they could at the Punga Punga divulce all their objections, when I could then officially submit them to His Excellency He at last coincided with my' views, and held a Runanga of his tribe the same night to discuss the question of coin" to Punga Punga or otherwise. In the middle of the night he informed me that they had consented to go to Punga Punga, but with a very bad grace, and that they wanted to see me in the morning before I started for Punga Punga. I deemed it advisable, however, to avoid this proposed interview, as it could lead to no good results, and so started at daylight for the lunga Punga. results are as above stated. # * * # * Jas. Abmitage, Resident Magistrate. No. 4. EXTRACT from general instructions to Mr. Abmitage, dated February 24th. [3 Court-houses.] Native Secretary's Office, Auckland, February 24th, 1862. g lß '* * * * * * * * ' The Governor having promised the Ngatitipa and Ngatinaho Runangas, that aid should be granted towards the erection of Court-houses at Taupari and Kohekohe, I have to convey to you authority to incur an expenditure not exceeding £100 (£5O each) on those buildings. * J. Armitage, Esq., Waikato. Henet S*WM_ No. 5. Ciyil Commissions, Waikato, to the Hon. the Attobney-Geneeal. g IE _ Resident Magistrate's Office, Lower Waikato, 30th April, 1862. I have the honor to request that the sum of Fifty Pounds (£5O) may be paid to me or to my account at the New- Zealand Bank, on account of the sum of £100, which, by your instructions of the 24th February last, I am authorised to expend on buildings for Court-houses at Taupari and I have let the contracts for timber for these buildings, and shall have payments to make on account thereof, very shortly. I have, &c -> The Hon. H. Sewell, Attorney-General, Jas. Abmitage. Auckland. _________________________________________________________•_ ————- No. 6. The Assistant Law Officee to the Resident Magisteate, Lower Waikato. g IE _ Attorney-General's Office, Auckland, 22nd May, 1862. I have the honor to inform you that the sum of £50 has been paid into your account at the New Zealand Bank, on account of the sum of £100 authorised for the erection of Court-houses at Taupari and Kohekohe. I have, &c, F. D. Fexto . Assistant Law Officer. The Resident Magistrate, Lower Waikato. No. 7. The Civil Commissioneb, Waikato, to the Hon. the Attobkey-Geneeal. Sib _ Waikato, 28th May, 1862. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 22nd instant, informing me that the sum of £50 has been paid into my account at the New Zealand Bank, on account of the sum of £100 authorised for the erection of Court-houses at Taupari and Kohekohe. As my official duties aro in all probability about to terminate, I cannot apply this sum for the objects for which it is granted, and I have therefore to request the favour of your instructions as to same. As the amount is paid into my account, I propose (with your sanction) to credit myself with it in the account current which I shall shortly forward you, n accordance with your instructions to that effect, of the 24th February last. I have, &c, The Hon. H. Sewell, Attorney-General. Jas. Abmitage.