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C—No. 1

Enclosure 2 to No. 4. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary to 11. N. Warner, Esq. Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Auckland, 2Gth May, 1864. I am directed by Mr. Fox to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 3rd instant, on the subject of your performance of the duties of Commissioner of Crown Lands, and of some remuneration for this addition to your regular duties. In reply I am to inform you that the payment of the Commissioner of Crown Lands is a matter for the consideration of the Provincial Legislature. If as you state you have been gratuitously performing the duties of Commissioner of Crown Lands, you should prefer to the Provincial Government your claim for remuneration on that account. The question which you raise regarding the payment of fees required by the Registrar of Deeds for registering endorsements in correction of grants, has been considered, and the Registrar of Deeds will be instructed to remit them. This correspondence should properly have come through his Honor the Superintendent of the Province of Auckland, and copies of it will be sent from this department to his Honor. I have, &c, 11. N. "Warner, Esq., W. Gisborne, Deputy Waste Lands Commissioner, Auckland. Under Secretary. No. 5. The Superintendent, Auckland, to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sir,— Superintendent's Office, Auckland, 28th May, 18G4. Having appointed Charles Haselden, Esq., to be Waste Lands Commissioner for this Province, I have the honor to request that he may also be appointed Commissioner of Crown Lands; and as there is no salary appropriated to either of these offices, I have further to solicit that Mr. Haselden may be appointed Receiver of Laud Revenue for the Province. The duties of this latter office being comparatively light, they may conveniently be performed by the holder of the other appointments. By the arrangement I now propose, the Province will in fact save the salary of one officer—about £150 per annum. I have, &c, Robert Graham, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Auckland. Superintendent. No. 6. The Superintendent, Auckland, to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sir, — Superintendent's Office, Auckland, 31st May, 1864. With reference to your letter No. 124, of 2Gth instant, I have the honor to inform you that the Deputy Waste Lands Commissioner has only been temporarily performing the duties of Commissioner of Crown Lands, and that 1 only wait a reply to my letter No. 675, addressed to you under date 28th instant, in order to terminate that arrangement. I have, &c, Robert Graham, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Auckland. Superintendent. No. 7. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary to Charles Haselden, Esq. Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Auckland, June 21st, 1864. I have the honor, by the direction of Mr. Fox, to transmit to you the accompanying warrant under the hand of His Excellency the Governor, appointing you to be a Commissioner of Crown Lands under the provisions of " The Crown Lands Act, 1862." I have, &c., W. Gisborne, Charles Hawelden, Esq., Auckland. Under Secretary. No. 8. Charles Haseldex, Esq., to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Commissioner of Waste Lands Office, Auckland, Sir,— 21st .Tune, 1864. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter No. 341, June 21, 1864, enclosing the warrant under the hand of His Excellency the Governor, appointing me a Commissioner of Crown Lands under "The Crown Lands Act, 1862."" I beg to offer my best thanks to His Excellency and the Government for the honor thus conferred upon me. I have, &c, Charles Haselden. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. No. 9. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary to the Superintendent, Auckland. Sin, —- Colonial Secretary's Office, Auckland, 23rd December, 1864. The attention of the General Government has been drawn to the position of the officer who 0