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No. 1. W. C. Daldy, Esq., to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary Sik,— Auckland, March 2Gth, 1864. In consequence of my leaving this Province shortly, I hereby resign my office as Commissioner of Crown Lands for the Province of Auckland. I have, &c, To the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. William C. Daldt. No. 2. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary to the Superintendent, Auckland. Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Auckland, Bth April, 1864. Mr. Daldy having resigned his office as Commissioner of Crown Lands, I have to request that your Honor will be good enough to inform me who is the Waste Lands Commissioner under the Waste Land Eegulations, as such officer will have to be appointed by the Governor, under the 4th section of " The Crown Lands Act, 1862." I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent, Auckland. William Fox. No. 3. The Superintendent, Auckland, to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sir, — Superintendent's Office, Auckland, 18th April, 1864. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, dated Bth instant, and numbered 84, requesting to be informed who is the Waste Land Commissioner in lieu of Capt. Daldy, resigned, and to inform you, that your letter shall be laid before His Honor the Superintendent on his return to town, and the information you seek shall be then forwarded to you. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Joseph Newman, Auckland. (in the absence of the Superintendent.) No. 4. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary to the Superintendent, Auckland. Sir, —■ Colonial Secretary's Office, Auckland, 26th May, 1864. I have the honor to enclose for your Honor's information copies of the correspondence on the subject of the Deputy Waste Lands Commissioner Warner's performance of the duties of Commissioner of Crown Lands, in the absence of the Commissioner of Crown Lands. I take this opportunity of referring your Honor to the Colonial Secretary's letter of the Bth April last, to your Honor, on the subject of the vacancy still existing in the office of Waste Lands Commissioner and consequently of Commissioner of Crown Lauds. I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent, Fredk. Wihtakeb, Auckland. (in the absence of Mr. Fox.) Enclosure 1 to No. 4. Deputy Waste Lands Commissioner to the Hon. the Colonial Secretaet. Sin,— Waste Lands Office, Auckland, 3rd May, 1864. Since the beginning of February last I have been the custodian of the Crown grants signed by His Excellency, and ready for delivery to the grantees on payment of the customary fee. At the end of March last Captain Daldy resigned his appointment of Commissioner of Crown Lands, and I have consequently been performing both the duties together with my own, the former of which has now become somewhat onerous, and although insufficient to engage the entire daily attention of one person, I am constrained to devote after hours to the work in order to keep pace with my labors : in addition to which it has become the means of a pecuniary loss which I can ill afford, inasmuch as I yesterday received from the Registrar of Deeds office, a return, charging me with the amount of fees for the registration of two endorsations of errors on Crown grants, which I think (with all due respect) under the circumstances of the case, should have been registered free of cost. I have the honor therefore to submit for your favorable consideration and recommendation that I may be allowed the sum of £100 per annum, from the Ist of February last, for this additional duty. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. H. N. Warner, Deputy Waste Lands Commissioner.