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E.—No. 5.

Ghurch of England. In the second place, the sin of the Governor at Rangiriri—his cruelty— the women are dead. Thirdly, Raugiaohia, the women were shot—-that is a sacred law of the Governor's. We are now aware, with regard to those laws, that they were made by the authority—suppressing committee (Parliament) of England. Why is not the Governor ashamed at the great number of his authorities suppressing (laws) laws, practising deception upon our bodies ? You say, again, to me that I must give up my guns and my powder to you. You perhaps thought to treat us like pigs—you perhaps wished us to give up our guns lest we shoot you. You perhaps think it not possible to kill men with wooden weapons. Friends, our island now is aware of your doings. Listen. You catch the Maories ; I also kill the Pakehas. You crucify the Maories, and I also crucify the Pakehas. But now release (unto us) Hori Tupaea and his companions, and we will then let go Mr. Grace ; but if you withold Hori Tupaea and his companions, we will also withhold Mr. Grace. If you are pleased with my word*, give the reply to the Jew. He will^bring it to me, and we will also give up Mr. Grace. That is all our word. The Committee of — Ngatiawa, Whakatohea, TJrewera, Tarawa ki. No. 6. THE CIVIL COMMISSIONER, RAT OF PLENTY, TO THE HON. THE NATIVE MINISTER. Tauranga, April Ist, 18G5. Sir — I have the honor to forward for the information of the Government, correspondence relating to the late murder of the Rev. C. S. Volkner, at Opotiki, from which it will be seen that the Ngatiawa, while professing to condemn the Whakatohea, yet forbid the passage through their territory of any hostile expedition against the latter, also that the Arawa chiefs condemn the conduct of the Ngatiawa, and are ready to assist the Government in any measures which may be adopted for the punishment of the murderers, and of those who may aid or attempt to shield thorn from the consequences of their act. I have, &c, Tuos. H. Smith, Tho Honorable the Native Minister, Civil Commissioner Bay of Plenty. Wellington. Enclosure 1 to No. 6. BETTER FROM ASSESSOR nOHAIA MATA TE HOKIA, OF WHAKATANE, REPORTING MURDER OF REV. MR. VOLKNER. Whalatane, Maehe 6, 1865. Xi a Te Arawa Katoa. E hoa ma, tena koutou katoa ; kua mate a Te Wakaiia, he kohuru na Te Whakatohea raua ko Taranaki Hau Hau ;note 2 o nga ra o Maehe i mate ai. Ko Te Kerehi ratou ko ona hoa Pakeha kei te herehere ; kahore ahau c mohio c ora eanei, ka mate ano ranei. Heoi. He whakaaro tenei na Awa katoa, kia kotahi te ara mo te whawhai, ko te moana anake kaua a uta. Waiho ratou kia noho noa ana. no te mea kua kore ia c uru ki a Te Whakatohea na te hara kohuru, ahakoa tae hoia ki Opotiki, ki Ohiwa kahore etu ki runga; engari kite takahia ia katahi ia !> atu ki runga Heoi ano, ka mutu. Na HonoiA Mata Te Hokia. [translation] Whakatane, March 6th, 1865. To all the Arawa. Friends. Greeting. Mr. Volkner is dead, murdered by the Whakatohea and Taranaki Hau Haus. He died on the 2nd March. Mr. Grace and his Pakeha companions are captives ; Ido not know whether they will live or die also. Enough. This is the thought of all Ngatiawa. * This may mean, entrust Hori and his companions to the keeping of Mr. Levy for bam to conduct them to Opotiki.—Translator.