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D.—No. I

No. 3. New Zealand, Colonial Secretary's Office, Auckland. sth December, 1862. Sir,— I have the honour to request you to be good enough, in entering on the part of the Government of New Zealand, into any contract for the Panama Steam Mail Service, not to fix or recommend any particular Port of call or departure in New Zealand ; but to give the contractors permission to call at those Ports in New Zealand which can on the outward and homeward voyages respectively be most speedily reached from Panama and vice versa, with the smallest cost to the Colony. I have, &c. Alfred Domett. The Honourable Crosbie Ward. &c, &c, &c, No. 4. Sydney, 13th November, 1862. Sir, — I have the honour to inform you that the Government of New Zealand, in accordance with the provisions of an Act of the Legislature of that Colony, recently passed, are prepared to take measures for the establishment of Postal communication with Great Britain by way of Panama. The Legislature has appropriated a sum not exceeding £30,000 a-year for five years, for the furtherance of this object, to be applied by way of subsidy ; .and the Act by which this appropriation is made, contains provisions similar to those of an Act of the Parliament of New South Wales, passed for the same purpose. The object which the Government of New Zealand has in view is one which, if carried out, must be beneficial to the neighbouring Colonies, and its achievement can best be effected by the co-operation of those Colonies, .aided by the Imperial Government. I have, therefore, been instructed to place the views and intentions of the New Zealand Government before you, and to enquire whether the Government of New South Wales will co-operate with them in the prosecution of an undertaking so important to both Colonies. I am about to proceed to Great Britain, and am fully authorized to represent the New Zealand Government there upon the subject; if the New South Wales Government is prepared to move in the matter, I shall be happy to act in concert with any representative whom they mav think fit similarly to authorize. I have, &c, Crosbie Ward. The Honourable the Colonial Secretary, &c., &c, &c. Sydney. No. 5. Colonial Secretary's Office, Sydney, New South Wales, 21st November, 1862. Sib., — 1 am directed by the Colonial Secretary to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 13th inst., stating that you are about to proceed to England, authorised to represent the Government of New Zealand in making arrangements for the establishment of Postal communication with Great Britain by way of Panama, in accordance with an Act of the Legislature of that Colony by which a sum not exceeding Thirty thousand pounds a-year, for five years, has been appropriated for the furtherance of this object, and that you have been instructed, in communicating the views and intentions of the New Zealand Government, to enquire whether the Government of New South Wales will co-operate with them in the prosecution of the undertaking. 2. Mr. Cowper desires me, in reply, to express the gratification which he feels in learning that the Government of New Zealand have now taken such decided steps for the establishment of a line of Postal Service by way of Panama, and to assure you that the Government of New South Wales are fully prepared to co-operate cordially with that of New Zealand in the efforts which are boing made to accomplish what has so long been the anxious wish of the Government and Parliament of this Colony. 3. A communication will be made by the preeent mail to Edward Hamilton, Esquire, 5, Cannon Street, E.C., tho Representative Agent for New South Wales resident in London, requesting him to act with you in this matter, under the authority of the Act of this Colony of the 22nd Victoria, No. 15 (2nd November, 1858), a copy of which is enclosed for your information.