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D.—No. i.

No. 1. For His Excellency the Governor, — Ministers beg leave to inform the Governor that, if His Excellency approves, they wish Mr. Crosbie Ward, a Member of the Executive Council, and Postmaster-General of Now Zealand, to represent the Government of this Colony in Australia and Great Britain upon general questions relating to the interests of New Zealand, and especially upon tho following matters : — (1.) Tho extension of Steam Postal Service from Great Britain to New Zealand via Panama. (2.) Tho conduct of such business as may be necessary in seeking the Imperial guarantee to the Loan of £500,000 just authorized by the General Assembly. (3.) The settlement of accounts between the Imperial Government and this Colony arising out of Commissariat advances during the recent insurrection. (4.) The construction of Electric Telegraphs. With this view, Ministers request that His Excellency will be pleased to inform His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, to the above effect, and to allow Mr. Ward to take with him a duplicate of the Despatch giving that information. F. D. Bell, In the absence of Mr. Domett. Auckland, 31st October, 1862. No. 2. Auckland, Now Zealand, October 31st, 1862. Mr Lord Duke, — I have the honour to transmit to your Graco the Copy of a Minute I have received from my responsible advisers informing me that it is their wish that Mr. Crosbie Ward, a Member of* the Executive Council, and Postmaster-General of New Zealand, should represent this Government in Australia and Great Britain upon tho several important questions alluded to in the enclosed Minute, tho arrangement of some of which will necessarily place him in constant communication with your Grace's Department. It is therefore the further wish of my Responsible Advisers, that I should communicate with your Grace on this subject, and furnish Mr. Ward with tho necessary credentials. Entertaining a vory high opinion of Mr. Ward's capacity and fitness for the important duties to be entrusted to his care, I have felt no difficulty in complying with the wishes of my responsible advisers. I have thereforo given my entire concurrence to the proposed arrangement, and beg to recommend Mr. Ward to your Grace's most favourable consideration. I have, &c., Or. Grey. His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, k.g., &c., Ac, &c.