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E.—No. 2c.

4. Every man will have allotted to him a certain -quantity of land, which will vary in size according to circumstances, —from 5 to 1000 acres. 5. A Crown grant will be given for the land so allotted. 6. Assistance, by employment at wages or otherwise, will be given to each man till he can grow his own crops. Advised by Ministers. Eredk. Whitaker. 17th May, 1864. ORDER IN COUNCIL. G. Gret, Governor. At the Government House, at Auckland, the day of May, 1864. Present: —His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas the Governor in Council has been satisfied that the Native tribes or sections of tribes or considerable numbers thereof in the district hereinafter described, have, since the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixtythree, been engaged in rebellion against Her Majesty's authority. Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order appoint and declare that the said district shall be a district under the provisions of the " New Zealand Settlements Act, 1863," and that the boundaries of the said district shall be as follows : On the East the Tauranga Harbor, on the North the Intaitake Stream from Tauranga Harbor to its source at Ngatuketuke, on the West the summit of the mountain range from Ngatuketuke to Whanga, and on the South a direct line from Whanga to the South-western extremity of Urumingi Creek of Tauranga Harbor as delineated by the plan hereto annexed, marked C. And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the day of 186 . Clerk of Executive Council. ORDER IN COUNCIL. G. Grey, Governor. At the Government House, at Auckland, the day of May, 1864. Present: —His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas the Governor in Council has been satisfied that the Native tribes or sections of tribes or considerable numbers thereof in the district hereinafter described have, since the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixtythree, been engaged in rebellion against Her Majesty's authority : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order appoint and declare that tho said district shall be a district under the provisions of the " New Zealand Settlements Act, 1863," and that the boundaries of the said district shall be as follows : —On the North, the Maungatawhiri River from Paparata to the Waikato, and the Waikato River to Tuakau ; on the West, a direct line from Tuakau to the summit of Pukekaroa, and thence a direct line to the summit of Hakaramata, thence following the summit of the Whawhapunga range to the summit of Pirongia and thence a direct line to Hangatiki; on the South, a direct line from Hangatiki to the summit of Maungatautari, and thence a direct line to the Waikato River at a point one mile south of the bridge at Maungatautari, and thence a direct line on a bearing of East North-east for six miles ; and on the East, a direct line from the last mentioned point to the summit of the Pukerau range, and thence a direct line to