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examination, when viewed by the light of the explanations given, that the conclusions arrived at by His Excellency as to the proposals of his Ministers being " contrary to Law and Equity," contrary to his " duty to the Imperial Government and not in accordance with the responsibilities imposed by the presence and aid of the British forces and the expenditure of large sums of British money," are entirely without foundation, and that nothing was proposed by Ministers but what was in strict conformity with the policy inaugurated by the Governor in 1863, adopted by the General Assembly, sanctioned by the Imperial Government, and which if carried out with firmness and vigour at the time when Ministers advised it, would, they firmly believe, have secured by this time a just, satisfactory, and permanent peace —an event which, they regret to think, has been indefinitely postponed by the vacillation and indecision of HisExcellency. Feedeeick "Whitakeb,

Enclosures to the Governor s Memorandum. Draft Order in Council, submitted for His Excellency's approval. May 17th, 1864. Frederick Whitaxer. ORDER IN COUNCIL. Governor. At the Government House at Auckland, the day of May, 1864, Present:—His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas the Governor in Council has been satisfied that the Native tribes, or sections of tribes, or considerable numbers thereof, in the district hereinafter described, have, since tho first day of January one thousand eight hundred and sixtythree, been engaged in rebellion against Her Majesty's authority : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint, and declare, that the said district shall be a district under the provisions of " The New Zealand Settlements Act, 1863," and that the boundaries of the said district shall be as follows, as delineated by the plans hereto annexed : —A line commencing at the Tamaki Portage, and thence, following the Tamaki River and the Waiheke Sound, and crossing the Erith of the Thames, to Cape Colville ; thence along the East Coast to the Tauranga Harbour ; thence through that harbour to Urumingi; thence to Arowhena ; thence to Hangatiki; thence to the mouth of the Awaroa River on the Kawhia Harbour; thence to the mouth of the Kawhia Harbour ; thence along the West Coast to the Manukau Harbour ; and thence to the Tamaki Portage. And doth declare, that this Order shall take effect from and after the day of , 1864. Clerk of Executive Council. REGULATIONS for the Location of Natives who have been in Arms against the Queen's Troops, on Land to be allotted, to them by the Government :— 1. Every man must sign a declaration that he will submit to the Queen's law, and must assist Her officers, whether European or Maori, to carry it out. 2. Every man will be required to give up his arms if he has any, or to satisfy an officer appointed by the Government that he has none. 3. No man will be permitted to obtain arms, or keep them in his possession, unless he first obtain a license to do so from an officer appointed by the Governor.