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E.—No. 4

Enclosure 2 to No. 23. New Plymouth, 29th April, 1862. Sib,— I have the honor to acknowledge your letter of the 28th instant, bringing under my notice a statement made by Mr. A. Hoskins, to the effect that sheep are depasturing on the Native Land the other side of the Bell Block. In reply, I beg to inform you that the only sheep which I know to be running on Native Land the other side of the Bell Block, are some belonging to the Contractor, kept at Waitara for supplying the detachment of troops stationed at that place. I have written to the Government for instructions how to act under the peculiar circumstances of the Province. I have not received any complaints from Natives in reference to sheep ; but last week a Native came to my office, to report that some wild cattle were running on their land, and frequently annoyed them by chasing them. I have taken steps to find out the owner of these cattle, in order to have them removed. I have, &c, RoBEBT PaEEIS, Assistant Native1 Secretary. His Honor the Superintendent, Taranaki.

Enclosure 3 to No. 23. New Plymouth, 29th April, 1862. Sib,— I have the honor to inform you that information has been laid against you for depasturing sheep on Native Land beyond the Bell Block, contrary to the Ordinance in that behalf, and that you thereby render yourself liable to a fine of £50. I therefore request that you will, without delay, remove the sheep from the said Native Land. I have, Ac, Eobeet Paebis, Assistant Native Secretary. Mr. Albert Wills, Bell Block.

No. 24. THE HONORABLE THE NATIVE MINISTEB TO ASSISTANT NATIVE SECEETABY, TABANAKI. Native Secretary's Office, Auckland, May 9th, 1862. Sib,— In acknowledging the receipt of your letter, dated 29th ultimo, seeking to be instructed whether the Land Purchase Ordinance should be enforced at Taranaki, I am directed by Mr. Fox to state that the Government can do nothing at present in the matter to which you refer, nor do they feel inclined to give you the discretionary authority for which you ask. I have, &c, Henry Halse, Acting Native Secretary. The Assistant Native Secretary, Taranaki.

No. 25. ASSISTANT NATIVE SECEETAET, TAEANAKI, TO THE HONOBABLE THE NATIVE MINISTEB. New Plymouth, May 12, 1862. Sir,— I have the honor to report for the information of the Government, that on the 5th instant a party of Natives from the Poutoko came to my Office to see me respecting the proposed commencement of the road through the Tapuae district. They explained that they should be glad to sec the work proceeded with if there were no difficulties, but that they considered it to be their duty to inform the Government that mischief would arise out of it, inasmuch as the Taranaki Natives had expressed a determination to oppose it. I reported the information to Colonel Warre, C.B., and to Mr. F. Carrington. I believe the work is deferred for a time. I have, &c, Robert Parri3, Assistant Native Secretary. The Honorable the Native Minister, Auckland.