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E.—No. 4

No. 26. ASSISTANT NATIVE SECBETABY, TABANAKI, TO THE HONOBABLK THE NATIVE MINISTEB. New Plymouth, May 14th, 1862. Sir,— I have the honor to transmit herewith copy of a letter received this morning, by the overland mail, from, the Chief Karaute Hikaka, requesting payment for carrying the mail, threatening, if the question of increase of pay is not settled, to stop the mail. I have written to Karaute, recommending him to wait for the decision of the Government in the matter. There can be no doubt that for the services performed in carrying this mail they are entitled to the full amount which he asks for, as explained by the Reverend Mr. Morgan, in his letter to the Honorable the Postmaster-General. I have therefore the honor to submit, for the favourable consideration of the Government, that it is desirable an answer should be sent to Karaute Hikaka without delay. I have, &c, Robert Pakkis, Assistant Native Secretary. The Honorable the Native Minister, Auckland.

Enclosure to No. 26. Whakapapa, May 9th, 1862. Friend,— Salutations. This is my second letter to you respecting the mail, which will be stopped now. I sent two letters to Mr. Morgan which have not been, answered, asking for one pound ten shillings (£1 10s.) in addition to the two pounds (£2). Not a letter hare I received from Mr. Morgan. This gentleman is very hard. I look to your letter. It is for you to write to Mr. Morgan and to the Governor also at what time it will be settled. I am being deceived. I understand it. I received three pounds (£3) from Mr. Morgan to purchase a canoe. I did not approve of it, and therefore took it in payment for my canoe, which has been used for three years past, because I asked Mr. Morgan to allow me 5s. for it from the Torea to the Kauri (a distance of about six miles on the Mokau River). Mr. Morgan did not consent, and therefore I am displeased with Mr. Morgan for behaving deceitfully, and therefore I have thought of stopping it now I know that I am being deceived. You listen. If it should be taken via Kawhia; at Mokau it will be burnt by me. The evil is not from me, but from you, the European side. I brought this mail from Pukewhau to the Kauri. I am at the Kauri. Loving friend, Mr. Parris, a word of mine to you respecting this money that I am asking for, one pound ten shillings (£1 10s.) in addition to the two pounds (£2) from Pukewhau to the Kauri, from the Kauri to Taranaki. You cause it to be forthcoming on receipt of this letter, because I have been in correspondence with Mr. Morgan, by whom it has not been sent. This is all to the loving friend, Mr. Parris. From Kabaute.

No. 27. THE HONOEABLE THE NATIVE MINISTEB, TO ASSISTANT NATIVE SECBETAET, TAEAMAKI. Native Secretary's Office, Auckland, May 24, 1862. Sir,— In acknowledging the receipt of your letter of the 14th instant, transmitting the copy of a letter from Karaute Hikaka, requesting increase of pay for carrying the Mail; I am directed by Mr. Fox to request that you will be good enough to settle this claim as early as possible, and report for the information of the Government. I have, &c, H. Halse, Acting Native Secretary. Assistant Native Secretary, Taranaki.