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E.—No. 12


No. 1. CITIL COMMIBBIONEB, MAKETU, TO THE HONORABLE THE NATIVE MINISTEB. Civil Commissioner's Office, Maketu, September 13th, 1862. Sib,— I have tho honor to forward, for the information of the Government, the enclosed copy of a circular letter addressed by "Wiremu Tamehana to the principal Chiefs in this district, inviting representatives from each tribe to attend a meeting at Peria on the 21st of October. It is understood that Tamehana's object in convening this meeting is to ascertain the state of feeling throughout the Island on the question of maintaining a national independence under the so-called Maori King. He is said to have declared his wish to hear the arguments on both sides, and that the question should be settled in accordance with the opinion and wishes of the majority. I have been applied to for advice as to whether this invitation should be accepted. Many of the chiefs are disposed to go. Ido not at present see any objection to their doing so, but have hesitated to give a decided answer before communicating with the Government on the subject. I have now the honor to request that I may be favored with the views of the Government with reference to this question. I have, &c, Thos. H. Smith, C. C. The Honoi-able the Native Minister, Auckland.

Enclosure to No. 1. Peria, "Wahi o Matamata, Hepetema 2, 1802. Kia Tohi Pekamu, kia Ngakai, kia'Hori Te Pukeroa, kia Topine Te Amohau, otira kia koutoa Eunanga katoa. E hoa ma He huihuinga kei konei mo nga iwi katoa he kupu atu tenei na matou kia koutou kia whiriwhiria mai etahi tangata mohio i roto i a koutou runanga katoa kia tokowha o tenei iwio tenei, c haere mai ki tenei huihuinga. Hei te 21 o Oketopa ka noho ki Peria. Pena tonu te tikanga o nga pukapuka ki nga wahi o Aotearoa. Heoi ano, Na "Wiremu Te Wahaboa, Na te Runanga katoa.

(Translation.) wibemu tamehana to tohi pekamu and othebs. Peria, Place of Matamata, September 2, 1862. To Tohi Pekamu, to Ngakai, to Hori Te Pukeroa, to Topine Te Amohau, or rather to all your runangas. Friends, there is a meeting here for all the tribes. This is our word to you to select persons of understanding out of all your runangas. Let four of this and four of that come to this meet-