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E—No- II

Sir, we can clearly see the error of our Native tribes in slaying the pakehas at Tataraimaka. But at the same time we cannot lose sight of the error (or injustice) of the Governor in not making known his decision respecting the Waitara in proper time (i.e., before any other steps were taken), that (the Waitara) being the source of the evil in New Zealand, and having made clear what is the root and source (of the evil) before following up the branches (i.e., Tataraimaka, &c.) We were here waiting in vain to see (or hear from) the Governor upon the subject of our request to him, when he visited us, that the Waitara should be investigated. The Governor on that occasion stated that it was Waikato that was holding it (Waitara) bade (from investigation) ; to which we replied, Give Waikato one more trial, and if they do not then consent, enough to them. Then do you fix a day for the investigation, for there are many tribes who wish for one, and let us turn and investigate that evil that it may quickly be done away with. All at once we were astounded by hearing that pakehas had been killed at Tataraimaka. The next thing is we are again astonished by the news—"Ah! here is Waitara handed back to us. It was held back until evil was created (i.e., the renewal of hostilities, and then returned. Why not have returned it in a time of peace that it might have been seen whether the evil (of the Maori) would have been audacious enough to have climbed over (ki fe pilci mai) the Governor's just acts ; and if so, it would have been clear that the Maori had (independently of the Waitara question) evil intentions towards the Europeans. Sir, use your best exertions to put down the evil in this Island of ours, being assisted by your friends exerting themselves in Hie s;ime nuise —that of drawing over the people to what is right. That is all. Prom EEXATA TAMAKTHIKimAXCiI, Karaittaxa Takamoaxa , Te Wirih.vna Toatoa.

No. 8. Pawakairo. Oketopa 19, 1863. Kta Pktetoke, — E boa, tens koe. Kia rongo koe ;he nui te tangata i hnihui kite tatari ki a koe ite Hatarei lv 1 Pawakairo. Hiahia ana nuitou kia rongo i o kororo, kia korero atu hold matou i a matou korero, kia rongo koe. No to korenga c tae mai, he potcri anake matou. Heoti, whai atu uei te matou pukapuka i a koe. E hoa, kia baha koe tc kimi ite take ote whawai ate Kawana. c whawai mai ra ki Waikato. Ko te whawai ka rongo matou, ko te take kaore c mohiotia atu. Ko te Pakeha kei te ki mai kia matou, He kotikoti, he kohuru te take ; ko te taha Maori kaore ano matou i rongo ki aua kotikoti, kohuru. Tenei ia ta matou i rongo ai, ko te whakahnunga a Bewi kia riri i mui'i iho ite maunga o Aporo kite whare herehere. Ka karanga a Eewi i reira kia riri. Ka whakahengia c Matutaera, c Tamehana, eTe Paea, c nga rangatira o Wnikato. No te kahanga o te whakahe, ka whakamutua ta Eewi, haere mai ana ki Taupo kite tangihanga mo Te Heuheu. Ko te hokinga atu, ka tutaki kite huarahi i te rongo o te pananga mai o nga Maori i o ratou wahi, ite whitinga mai hoki o nga hoia i Mangatawiri, ote hinganga o te Huirama. No te hoki mai o ta matou karere i tono atu ai kite whakarongo i te riri a Waikato, ka tutaki kite huarahi, katahi ano ka haere atu ki Mereinere a Eewi tonu me tona iwi hoki, me Ngatiinaniapoto. Ko te huihui o Taati Te Waru raua ko Porokoru Titipa i haere atu ai, ehara i te mea pokanoa, he mea tone mama Mohi kia whakatakina atu ia i muri iho i tona j>ananga mai etc Kawana. Ko te panapananga o te Kohi ma, o nga pakeha katoa, na Eewi tonu i karanga kia Ngatimaniapoto kia panapana ia. Ko te timatanga tena ote whakahe o Waikato i a Eewi. Na ko te tunga atu ote H nirama ma kite Koheroa, no te kitcnga atu ka whiti mai nga hoia i Mangatawiri, c hara mai ana ki te'riri kia Waikato, no kona i tv atu ai kite karo i tona rakau. Ina tenei rongo o matou kite Pakeha, c kohurutia ana a te Kawana c Eewi i tona haerenga ki roto ki Waikato. Kei te whakaparautia c matou, ma hoki rangona katoatia c matou ki nga Maori nga korero o te taenga mai o te Kawana ki Ngaruawahia, o te kitenga o te Kawana i te urupa o Potatau, te tangihanga o te Paea, te whainga atu o Matutaera kia kite i a te Kawana ki Ngaruawahia. Ahe aha rate kohuru a Eewi mo te Kawana i kore ai c korerotia kia matou ? He hoatu ia tenei i nga mea i rongo ai matou kia kimihia iho c koe te totikatanga, te henga ranei, ka whakaatu mai ai kia rongo atu matou, wakaatu rawa mai i nga kupu nana i whakahe. Heoti ano. Na o hoa, Na Eexata Tamakihiktjrangi, Na Katcattlvna Takamoana, Na Te Wiiuiiana Toatoa.

[translation.] Pawhakairo, October 19th, 18G3. To Dr. Featiterston, — Friend, Salutations to you. Hearken. Many men assembled on Saturday, at the Pawhakairo, to wait for you, as we wished to hear what you had to say, and to let you hear what we had to say to you. When you did not come, we were all dark (much annoyed). Enough