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C—No. 1


11. T. Kemp, District Commissioner.

No. 31. THE CHIEF COMMISSIONER TO MR. COMMISSIONER KEMP. Land Commissioner's Office, Auckland, March 10, 1857. Sir,— I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 3rd February last, marked " Special," recommending the purchase of a valuable block of land, named Te Mawhe, in your district, for which you recommend that a sum of Two thousand pounds (£2000) should be placed in the Sub-Treasurer's hands at Russell to enable you, by having the funds at hand, to compl«t« the purchase, if a favorable opportunity offers. The subject of your letter is now under consideration of the Government, and while the advantage of possessing such a valuable block as To Mawhe is fully recognised, I fear that the Government will not entertain your proposal of paying Two thousand pounds (£2000) for five thousand (5000) acres of land. In the mean time, however, you should ascertain the extent of tho land, and the lowest price at which it can be obtained, in order that the Government may have further data to enable it to come to a decision on the subject. I have, &c, Donald McLean, Chief Commissioner. H. T. Kemp, Esq., J.P., District Commissioner, Bay of Islands.

mawhe .• The 'price recommended for Mawhe block is too high. V. Letter No. 29.

E 57-101.

No. 32. MR. COMMISSIONMR KEMP TO THE CHIEF COMMISSIONER. District Commissioner's Office, Bay of Islands, 19th March, 1857. _ Sir, —; In reply to your letter of the 2nd inst., enclosing tho copy of a letter from Rangatira, and other Hokianga Chiefs, offering a piece of land at Oruru for sale, and requesting a Report thereon,



5.—District of Mangonui. Ryan Thomas Phillips Partridge Ford Ford Acres. 2280 3000 8000 2000 3000 6. —District of Russell, neighborhood. and Murphy ... Aberline ... C. B. Waitford Polack 700 200 600 300 18,280 1800 District of Hokianga. Recapitulation. f" 7000 5150 7450 < 6350 12,720 23,800 _ 12,700 10,380 18,280 1800 Diitrict of Whangaroa, District of Mangonui. District of Russell. Grand Total 105,630