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9 E—No 3c

No. 18. MAJOR NELSON TO MAJOR OF BRIGADE. Camp, Waitara, 27th June, 1860. Sir,— I have the honor to inform you, for the information of the Colonel Commanding the Forces, (in reference to your letter of yesterday's date), that I moved out this morning at 5 o'clock with the detail noted in the margin, to attack the new pahs on the mounds on the South East of the Camp, and returned from thence to Camp at half-past 11 a.m. The attack was commenced by the Artillery at 7 a. m , at a range of 400 yards to the North West of the pahs. A breach was, however, not made in the large pah of a sufficient size to justify me in ordering the men to assault it. During the time the Artillery was playing on the pah large bodies of Maories were seen advancing from the rear and occupying in extended order a ditch and bank, about 400 yards in advance of our Right Flank, from which they kept up a constant fire. Seeing there was no means of entering the pah, I immediately ordered an advance towards the ditch and bank just mentioned, which was made in the most continued and gallant manner, until the, men reached a deep ravine with an entrenchment behind, and which they found impossible to pass, it being defended by two, if not even three large bodies of Maories, who were almost entirely concealed behind it; and another entrenchment in rear as well as the very high fern. Here a desperate and destructive fire was opened upon us, and most gallantly returned. Our skirmishers being far fewer in number and exposed in a much greater degree than the enemy, I deemed it advisable to direct them to joiu the main body ; and our ammunition being nearly expended, I withdrew the whole of the men, and returned to Camp in regular ordor. I regret to have to report that the casualties have been numerous ; but when, (as it is supposed the whole of William King's Natives came down the support the Waikato in the pahs, the whole amounting apparently to about 800 men, foremost among whom was a European who was shot dead,) it cannot be considered that the number is great, in proportion to those opposed to us. Among the deaths I have to lament that of Lieutenant Brooke, 40th Regiment, a young Officer of much promise, who fell in the noble discharge of his duty, and <29 Non-Commissioned Officers and Men of the different corps Among the wounded, Captain Seymeur, R.N., severely, and 33 NonCommissioned Officers and Men of the different corps. I enclose a return of casualties. The loss of the rebels, from personal observations, must have been very great. I cannot speak too highly of the gallant bearing of the Officers and Men of all arms engaged, and I would particularly beg to mention the valuable services rendered by the several Officers in command, ■viz. : Lieutenant McNaghten, R. A., Lieutenant Battiscombe, R. N., Lieutenant Morris, R. M., and Captains Bowdler and Richards, 40th Regiment. I would also desiie to express my sense of the very valuable services of Captain Seymour, R. N., who was so good as to accompany me and afford me every assistance until he was severely wounded. I feel much indebted to Assistant-Surgeon B. Stiles, 40th Regiment ; Assistant-Surgeon Edwardes, R. N., and Mr. J. R. Murray, M D., Surgeon, attached to the 40th Regiment, for the very efficient assistance they afforded to the wounded in the field. And my best thanks are due to Lieutenant Mould, R. E., who attended me, and my Staff Officer, Ensign Whelan, actiDg Adjutant, Detachment 40th Regiment. I have, &c, Thomas Nelson. The Major of Brigade, Major 40th Regiment, &c, &c, &c, Commanding Camp, Waitara. Taranaki. sp. m.—l have just visited the wounded in the whares and hospital tent. There are a few dangerous cases (about 5) ; the remainder are doing as well as could be expected. T - N -

Iloyal Artillery— 1 officer 1 sergeant If) gunners Royal Engineers — 1 officer G rank and Hie < Naval Brigade— 4 officer* 50 blue jackets Royal Marine Artillery— 1 officer 10 rank and file 40th Resell! officers 24J N. C. officers and men

Enclosure in No. 18. LIST shewing the number KILLED and WOUNDED on the 27th JUNE, 1860.

B. Stiles, Assistant-Surgeon, 40th Regiment.

Killed. Wounded. Corps. a I 5 CO I 3 I .3 s g S c & I 1 11 I i I .., 3 Koyal Artillery 1 3 25 1 3 I 25 I Royal Na\-al Brigade - 1 1 ... 8 40 th Regiment 1 ... '21 1 1 1 ... ... 32 Total