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E—No. Sc 8


No. 15. MAJOR NELSON TO MAJOR OF BRIGADE. Camp, Waitara, 25th June, 1860. Sir, — I have the honor to acquaint you, for the information of the Colonel Commanding the Forces, with reference to my Eeport of the 23rd instant, relating to the Waikato Pah, and my Letter of yesterday, with copy of a Message ; that I have directed Captain Richards, 40th Regiment, to proceed in the steamer " Tasmanian Maid" to Taranaki, to afford such further information as the Colonel Commanding may desire. This Officer is also charged with a communication regarding a mode of attack, which I venture to suggest for the consideration of superior authority. If the rebels attempt to come again on Her Majesty's land, I shall at once move out to dislodge them. I have this morning caused a Union Jack to be hoisted ; the other, the White Ensign being worn out. The usual party went out this morning for potatoes ; and at J-past 10 am. a white flag (without the black cross) was hoisted at the Waikato Pah. I have, &c, Thomas Nelson, Major. 40th Regiment, Commanding Camp, Waitara. To the Major of Brigade, &c, &c, &c, Taranaki.

No. 16. MAJOR OP BRIGADE TO MAJOR NELSON. " New Plymouth, 26th June, 1860, In consequence of the representations contained in your letter of yesterday, I am directed by the Colonel Commanding the Forces to acquaint you that he sends down per Tasmanian Maid an augmentation to your force as per margin, and he trusts that with them you will be enabled to teach the troublesome Nativee a lesson they will not easily forget. You will be pleased to take every necessary precaution against the wily foe, as regards ambuscades which the friendly Natives would be the best to discover, and also if possible cut off their retreat. From the elevated position of the rebels, a good view can be obtained of your Camp, which must be left amply garrisoned ; all remaining on duty, armed and accoutred. I have caused ample information to be afforded to Captain Richards, 40th Regiment, and Lieut. McNaghten, R.A., and I am desired to add iJiat Colouel Gold, (from your former experience) relies confidently on the result of your proceedings. I have, &c, Jamks Paul, „ . „ , Captain, 65th Regiment, 40th Regiment, ° Commanding Troops, Waitara. No. 17. CAPTAIN RICHARDS TO MAJOR NELSON. Camp, Waitara, 26th June, 1860. Sir,— I have the honor to report to you my arrival in Camp at this Station, from Taranaki, to which place I was despatched by your order for the purpose of receiving instructions and orders, for your guidance from Colonel Gold Commanding Troops, and have to inform you, that the Colonel Commanding desired me to convey to you his order to make an attack on the " Puketakauere" Pah, at about 7 a.m. to-morrow morning ; and at the same time, he begged to offer you his best wishes for success. „. ... J nave, Ice, Major Nelson, T . B# RicH arus, 40th Regiment, Captain, 40th Regiment. Commanding Troops, Camp, Waitara.

No. 17. CAPTAIN RICHARDS TO MAJOR NELSON. Camp, Waitara, 26th June, 1860. Sik, — I have the honor to report to you my arrival in Camp at this Station, from Taranaki, to which place I was despatched by your order for the purpose of receiving instructions and orders, for your guidance from Colonel Gold Commanding Troops, and have to inform you, that the Colonel Commanding desired me to convey to you his order to make an attack on the " Puketakauere" Pah, at about 7 a.m. to-morrow morning ; and at the same time, he begged to offer you his best wishes for success. „. ... J nave, Ice, Major Nelson, T . B . Richards, 40th Regiment, Captain, 40th Regiment. Commanding Troops, Camp, Waitara.

Royll Engineer.— 1 subaltern Royal Artillery— 1 subaltern 1 sergeant Iβ gunner* 40ih Regiment— 1 subaltern 1 sergeant 1 drummer •6 rank and file