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(2.) That the period within which the first call of the subscribed capital of the Company shall be made, shall be limited to twelve calendar months from the date of the concurrence of the Colony of Victoria in the preceding condition. (3.) That the whole work shall be completed and in effective operation within three years from the present date ; subject however, to such extension of the time, to meet possible contingencies, as may hereafter be agreed upon. (4.) That the proposed subsidy shall be proportionally payable on the capital of the Company as paid up. (5.) That the payment of the said subsidy shall be conditional on the maintenance of the Line in effective working order, and that no payment shall be made until the Line is completed. (6.) That no tariff of charges shall be established without the concurrence of this Colony. (7.) That in the event of the net profits of the Company exceeding in any year tho rate of ten per cent, per annum, such excess shall be rateably applied to reduce the respective contributions of this Colony and of Victoria. 2. That steps be taken without delay to communicate with, and settle the proportionate contributions of the other Colonies, in aid of the respective contributions of Now South Wales and Victoria. And the same having been read at length by the Clerk— Mr. Forster moved, That the House do now adopt this Resolution. Debate ensued. Question put. The House divided. Ayes, 23. Noes, 5. Mr. Black, Mr. Laycock, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Samuel, Mr. Hurley, Mr. G. Lang, Mr. Piddington, Mr. Parkes, Mr. Wisdom, Mr. Clements, Mr. Hay, Mr. Gordon, \T ~ Mr. Watt, Mr. Macleay, Mr. Atkinson. j le " ers - Mr. Wild, Mr. Plunkett, Mr. Hart, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Hamilton, Rev. Dr. Lang, Mr. Hoskins, Mr. Nott, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Forster, I_, ~ Mr. Hyeronimus, Mr. Morris. j lellers - Mr. Garrett,

MR. FORSTER TO COLONIAL SECRETARY, NEW ZEALAND. Colonial Secretary's Office, Syduey, New South Wales, 10th February, 18G0. Sir,— I have the honor to transmit to you a Copy of Resolutions passed on the 2nd instant by tho Legislative Assembly of this Colony, respecting a subsidy for the construction and maintenance of a Telegraphic Line to East Java ; and to state, that it has been intimated to Mr. F. Gisborne, who has come to Australia for the purpose of furthering the establishment of such a Line, that this Government will be prepared to enter into an arrangement with any Company of approved stability, for carrying out the object in question, upon the basis of the Resolutions. 2. You will observe, that the Resolutions made it a condition that the concurrence of the Colony of Victoria to such an extent as may be necessary for carrying out the proposed work, shall bo obtained ; and that the co-operation of the other Colonies interested in such a project shall also be invited. A Communication has been made by me to tho Government of Victoria on the subject; and I have to request that you will favor me by stating whether New Zealand will co-operate in the wav suggested, and, if so, whether your Government would be disposed to leave with the Government of this Colony, the details of such negotiations as may be necessary for completing the arrangement. 3. I enclose, for your information, printed copies of the Papers on this subject, which have been laid before the Legislature of this Colony. I have, &c, (Signed) William Forster. The Honorable The Colonial Secretary, New Zealand.