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D—No. 2


The mode of determining the respective contributions is a question for the consideration of the Governments concerned, aud this Government cannot finally decide in the matter until the details of your scheme are fully known, especially as it is understood that some alterations of your original proposition are contemplated. I have, &c, (Mgned) W. Gisborne, F. Gisborne, Esq., Under Secretary. Australian Club, Sydney, N.S.W.

MR. F. OISBORNE TO MR. STAFFORD. Australian Club, Sydney, 9th February, 18G0. Sir,— I have tho honor to enclose the Resolutions passed by the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales, subsidising the proposed Telegraph to Java. Former Papers I have communicated, will have explained that the whole subsidy asked for, is £35,000 per annum, of which New South Wales contributes £9,625, or 27A per cent, and Victoria the remainder. Your Letter to me of the 2Gth Eecember last, stating that your Government will recommend a contribution towards tbe Telegraph, aided me in my negotiation here. I proceed immediately to Melbourne to obtain the contribution of Victoria. That will conclude the matter as far as the Company is concerned. The contributions of the other Colonies will be obtained by Victoria and New South Wales respectively. I have, &c, (Signed) F. Gisborne. The Honorable E. W. Stafford, Colonial Secretary, &C., &c, &c.

Mil. ELYARD TO MR. F. GISBORNE. Colonial Secretary's Office, Sydney, Bth February, 1860. Sir,— I am directed by the Colonial Secretary to transmit to you a copy of the Resolutions passed by the Legislative Assembly on the 2nd instant, respecting a Subsidy for a Telegraphic Line from this Colony to East Java, and to state that the Government is prepared to enter into an arrangement for effecting this object upon the basis of these Resolutions. 2. lam at the same time desired to intimate to you that the Resolutions appear to the Govern - ment, to cast upon you tho duty of obtaining the co-operation of the Government of Victoria. I have, &c, (Signed) W. Elyard. F, Gisborne, Esq., &c, &c, Sec. RESOLUTIONS OF LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. (Adopted 2nd February 18G0 .J 7. Telegraphic Communication with the United Kingdom :—On the Order of tbe Day being read, tho Speaker left the Chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole, further to consider of an Address to His Excellency the Governor General, with reference to a Subsidy towards Telegraphic Communication with the United Kingdom. The Chairman reported that the following Resolution had been agreed to in the Committee :— Resolved, That an Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor General, embodying the following Resolutions :— 1. That this House is of opinion that the Government of this Colony should be authorised to grant a subsidy not exceeding £9,G25 per annum, for a term not exceeding twenty-one years, to any Company, of the stability of which satisfactory assurance shall be given, to induce such Company to construct and maintain a Telegraphic Line, from this Colony to East Java, upon the following conditions, that is to say :— (1.) That the Government of Victoria shall make arrangements with such Company, by subsidy or otherwise, for the residue, over and above the annual subsidy of this Colony, necessary for the carrying out of the work,
