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Laid on the table of the House 9th July, 1856, and ordered to be Printed.

Central Board of Vaccination. Native Secretary's Office, Auckland, 29th May, 1856. Sir.—I have the honor to transmit, for the information of his Excellency the Governor, the first Report of the Central Board of Vaccination, and trust you will use your influence to get the House of Representatives to place on the Estimates for this year, as recommended by the Board, the sum of five hundred pounds, for the vaccination of the Aboriginal Native Inhabitants of New Zealand. I have, &c., (Signed) G. A, Kissling. Chairman. The Honorable the Colonial Secretary,

First Report of the Central Board for the Vaccination of the Aboriginal Natives of New Zealand.

During the first Session of the House of Representatives of New Zealand, a Select Committee appointed to consider the best means of introducing the most complete system of Vaccination among the Natives, suggested the formation of a Central Board of Vaccination ; and the House voted five hundred pounds in 1854, and two hundred pounds in 1855, to promote Vaccination among the New Zealanders. In December 1854, the Officer administering the Government appointed the following gentlemen a Central Board of Vaccination :—The Lord Bishop of New Zealand, the Right Reverend the Roman Catholic Bishop Pompalier, Rev. George Adam Kissling, Rev. Thomas Buddie, Mr. Commissioner M'Lean, the Native Secretary, Dr. Thomson, 58th Regiment, Dr. Davis, Provincial Surgeon. At the first meeting of the Board, the members present were of opinion that the employment pf two professional itinerant Vaccinators, as suggested by the Committee of the House of Representatives, would require nearly the whole of the money vested for one year ; and from the scattered condition of the Aborigines, these gentlemen could not accomplish the object of the House. The Board, irj consequence, decided that the work should be done by paid itinerant Native Vacci?

A.—No. 10,


iiators, employed and Under the supervision of the Missionaries, Resident Magistrates, Surgeons,and other Gentlemen resident in the Colony. Communications were therefore addressed by the Rev. Mr. Kissling, the Chairman of the Board, to the undermentioned gentlemen ; and four lancets, a quantity of vaccine lymph, several printed papers, in English and Maori, explanatory of the objects of the House of Representatives, and the wishes of the Central Board, were enclosed for distribution in their districts ; and permission given to each gentleman, to draw the money placed opposite his name, for the remuneration of Native Vaccinators as per enclosure. This appropriation absorbed five hundred pounds ; and the remaining two hundred has been spent in purchasing lancets, and materials for preserving vaccine lymph ; and in the part payment of Mr. Andrews, Surgeon, who was appointed to vaccinate the Natives resorting to Auckland; ttf collect and transmit lymph throughout the Colony, and carry on the general correspondence of the Board, as the medical Secretary. The remainder of Mr. Andrews' salary of one hundred and fifty pounds for one year, and at the rate of one hundred a-year for five months ; and four pounds three shillings a month five months, for an Interpreter to the Secretary, have been defrayed out of an additional sum ot four hundied pounds voted by the Provincial Council of Auckland for tile Vaccination ot the Natives within that Province. Favorable accounts have been received from Various parts of the Colony, of the progress of Vaccination ; but the Board have not yet obtained reports from several gentlemen who have not drawn the money appropriated to them for the payment of Native Vaccinators. The Board have experienced two great impediments in vaccinating the Aborigines. Firstly,—The difficulty of keeping up a stock of good vaccine lymph, from the Natives neVer returning when vaccinated; and Secondly,—From the loss of power produced in the lymph by the delay which occurred fiom the irregular communication with distant districts in the Colony. In order to carry out the recommendation contained in the Report of the Committee pf the House of Representatives on Vaccination, the Central Board beg to suggest that an annual vote o five hundred pounds be granted for the vaccination of the Aborigines ; that one hundred ant thirty of this sum be appropriated to the payment of a medical Secretary to the oar , w ose u y should also be the vaccination of Natives resorting to Auckland ; the collection preservation, and transmission of lymph throughout the Colony ; that thirty pounds per annum be set apart to purchase instruments and materials for preserving lymph, and that the remaining three hundre and fifty be transmitted to the Superintendents of the different Provinces, in the following proportions, for the payment of European or Native itinerant Vaccinators within respective^rovinces, viz. :— rn To Auckland .. .. <• " " Wellington .. .• •• " ok " New Plymouth . • «. " "Nelson .. .. .. •• •• " anterbury .. • • • • ' • ln » O'ago .. .. •• •• ™ " Stewart's Island .< " Chatham Islands ~ «« •« " £350 (Signed) Gr« A. Kissling,Chairman'j

Province. j Names. Amount. Totals. Province of Auckland — Hokianga Rev. Mr. Hobbs £ | 1 ' Kaitaia Rev. Mr. Matthews Bay of Islands- Archdeacon H. Williams 10 Ditto Dr. Montgomery ° Kaipara Mr. Buller 10 Whartgarei Ditto ■' Waikato ®- ev - Mr. Maunsell lu


Province. Names. Amount. Totals. Auckland—(continued.) Taupeu Rev. Mr. Ashwell £10 Rangiawhia Dr. Harsant 15 Waipa Rev. Mr. Buttle 10 Mokau Rev. Mr. Schanenberg 11 Kawhia Rev. Mr. Whitely 10 Aotea Rev. Mr. Smales 5 Whangaroa Rev. Mr. Wallis 10 • 1 Tauranga Archdeacon Brown 10 Thames District Rev. Mr. Wilson 10 Ditto Rev. Mr. Lanfear 10 Makatu Rev. Mr. Chapman 5 Rotoroa Resident Magistrate 10 Opotiki Rev. C. Davis 7 Ditto Rev. Mr. Allitag 7 East Cape Archdeacon Wm. Williams 20 Poverty Bay Ditto 10 21.1 Province of Wellington— 5 Wairoa Rev. Mr. Hamlin 1° Hawke's Bay Mr. Domett Castle Point Mr. Guthrie 10 Wairarapa Rev. Mr. Hutton 8 Wellington Rev. Mr. Watkins '0 Ditto Provincial Surgeon 0 The Hutt Rev. Mr. Hutton Waikana, Otaki, and Manuawatu Archdeacon Hadfield Whanganui, Rengitekei, and Taupo Doctor Rees, the Colonial Surgeon jgg Province of Taranaki— , Taranaki Rev. Mr. Turton Ditto Provincial Surgeon j: Ditto Rev. Mr. Govett Ditto Rev Mr. Stanard Ditto Rev. Mr. Reimanschnider ® Province of Canterbury . Canterbury Rev. Mr. Aldred .. Ditto Provincial Surgeon Pfovince of Otago — _ Otago Rev, Mr. Kirk ® Ditto Provincial Surgeon __ Province of Nelson— 20 Nelson Rev. Mr. Ironside jq Nelson's Bay Rev. Mr. Tudor q Provincial Surgeon _ 30 Stewart's Islands Rev. Mr. Wohler j0 Chatham Islands Collector of Customs j2 22 I Total .. ,. £ *00


Central Board of Vaccination. Native Secretary's Office, Auckland, ' 29th May, 1856. Sir,—By a resolution of the Board of Vaccination passed on the 23rd of May instant, I have the honor to request that you will move his Excellency the Governor, to determine the future salary of the Resident Vaccinator and Medical Secretary to the Board at one hundred and thirty pounds per annum commencing on the date thereof. I have, &c., (Signed) G. A. Kissling, Chairman. The Honorable the Colonial Secretary.

Central Board of Vaccination, Native Secretary's Office, Auckland, 29th May, 1856. Sir,—By the direction of the Board of Vaccination, I have the honor to request that you will procure the sanction of his Excellency the Governor to the undermentioned resolution, passed by the Board on the 17th December 1855. I have, &c., (Signed) G. A. Kissling, Chairman. The Honorable the Colonial Secretary.

RESOLUTION. It was proposed by the Rev, Mr. Whitely, on behalf of the Rev. Mr. Buddie, snd seconded by Dr. Thomson, That the Secretary's salary for the next three months, commencing on the Ist of January, 1856, be after the rate of one hundred pounds per annum ; and that a sum after the rate of fifty pounds per annum be paid, for the same period, to a person whose duty it will be to bring unvaccinated Natives to the Medical Vaccinator, and to see that, when possible, these vaccinated Natives return to the Vaccinator at the proper time for taking matter from the Vescicle.

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REPORT OF THE CENTRAL BOARD OF VACCINATION OF THE NATIVES., Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1856 Session I

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REPORT OF THE CENTRAL BOARD OF VACCINATION OF THE NATIVES. Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1856 Session I

REPORT OF THE CENTRAL BOARD OF VACCINATION OF THE NATIVES. Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1856 Session I