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Laid on the table of the House 9th July, 1856, and ordered to be Printed.

Central Board of Vaccination. Native Secretary's Office, Auckland, 29th May, 1856. Sir.—I have the honor to transmit, for the information of his Excellency the Governor, the first Report of the Central Board of Vaccination, and trust you will use your influence to get the House of Representatives to place on the Estimates for this year, as recommended by the Board, the sum of five hundred pounds, for the vaccination of the Aboriginal Native Inhabitants of New Zealand. I have, &c., (Signed) G. A, Kissling. Chairman. The Honorable the Colonial Secretary,

First Report of the Central Board for the Vaccination of the Aboriginal Natives of New Zealand.

During the first Session of the House of Representatives of New Zealand, a Select Committee appointed to consider the best means of introducing the most complete system of Vaccination among the Natives, suggested the formation of a Central Board of Vaccination ; and the House voted five hundred pounds in 1854, and two hundred pounds in 1855, to promote Vaccination among the New Zealanders. In December 1854, the Officer administering the Government appointed the following gentlemen a Central Board of Vaccination :—The Lord Bishop of New Zealand, the Right Reverend the Roman Catholic Bishop Pompalier, Rev. George Adam Kissling, Rev. Thomas Buddie, Mr. Commissioner M'Lean, the Native Secretary, Dr. Thomson, 58th Regiment, Dr. Davis, Provincial Surgeon. At the first meeting of the Board, the members present were of opinion that the employment pf two professional itinerant Vaccinators, as suggested by the Committee of the House of Representatives, would require nearly the whole of the money vested for one year ; and from the scattered condition of the Aborigines, these gentlemen could not accomplish the object of the House. The Board, irj consequence, decided that the work should be done by paid itinerant Native Vacci?

A.—No. 10,