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B.—l [PT. IV]



This publication is one of a series of four statements dealing with the Public Accounts, as under:-B.-1 [Pt. I].—Abstract of the Public Accounts and Supplementary Statements. B.-1 [Pt. II].—Report of Controller and Auditor-General and Details of Revenue and Expenditure. B.-1 [Pt. III].—Statement of the Public Debt and Transactions in connection therewith. B.-1 [Pt. IV].—Balance-sheets of various Government Departments.

B.—l [Pt. IV]


PAGE PAGE Arawa District Trust Board .. .. 3 Post and Telegraph Department .. .. 33 Electric Supply Account .. .. .. 4 Printing and Stationery Department .. 35 Government Life Insurance Department (see Parlia- Public Service Superannuation Fund (see Parliamentary mentary Paper H.-8). Paper H.-26). Hauraki Plains Settlement .. 12 Public Tn,st offlce (** Parliamentary Paper 8.-9 a). Housing Account (see Parliamentary Paper 8.-13). Railway Department (see Parliamentary Paper D.-2). Island Territories Department: M.V. "Maui Pomare " 13 Superannuation Fund (see Parliamentary Paper Land for Settlements Account 14 Rang Ttaiki Land Drainage Scheme 37 Mam Highway Account 18 Samoan Administration . . .. .. .. 38 Maori Purposes Fund Board .. .. ... 21 Small Farms Scfoeme n f. .. .. ..40 Marketing Department— > State (,\>al-mines Account (see Parliamentary Paper C.-2a). Export Division (sec Parliamentary Paper H.-30). • State Fire Insurance OfficeInternal Marketing Division (see Parliamentary Paper Fire Branch (see Parliamentary Paper H.-6). H.-30a). Accident Branch (see Parliamentary Paper H.-6a). National Broadcasting Service .. .. .. 22 State Forest Service .. . . . . .. 42 National Commercial Broadcasting Service .. 23 Swamp Land Drainage Scheme .. . . 45 Native Department— Taranaki Maori Trust Board .. . . .. 47 District Maori Land Boards .. ~ .. 24 Teachers' Superannuation Fund (See Parliamentary Native Land Development Schemes .. .. 28 Paper E.-8). Native Housing Fund .. .. .. .. 29 Tuwharetoa Trust Board .. .. .. . . 48 Native Trustee (1941-42) .. .. .. .. 31 War Damage Fund (see Parliamentary Paper 8.-l 1). Native Trustee (1942-43) .. .. .. ..32 Westport Harbour Account .. . .. ..49 J - ,

EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM ' frf ' i; 4 / "J' -f The following notes are explanatory of the more important matters relating to the preparation of the balance-sheets and revenue accounts included in 8.-l [Pt. IV], 1943, which are prepared on an income and expenditure basis "and present a more comprehensive statement of the financial operations of Departments' and services than is possible in the cash statements included in papers 8.-l [Pts. I and ll]. (i) Authority.—Section 57 of the Finance Act, 1932, requires the preparation of these accounts and their presentation to Parliament. (ii) Capital— (a) General: The amounts under this heading in the accounts usually represent the value of fixed assets at the conclusion of the financial year, aild the amounts are divided to show loan capital separate from, that provided from revenue or other source. (b) Public Works Loans: Loans for the Public Works Account are shown as Public Works Fund Capital in the appropriate accounts recording the expenditure. Redemptions of those loans are allocated by the Treasury to the accounts whose expenditure is represented by the least productive assets. (iii) Depreciation.-- Treasury Instruction No. 79 specifies various rates of depreciation based on an estimated average life for different classes of assets. The rates are computed usually on the original capital cost. If the nature of a Department's depreciating assets calls for special rates, these are approved as required. (iv) Exchange.—Exchange on all remittances abroad is charged to the Consolidated Fund; it is not recouped from, the various departmental votes in the Consolidated Fund nor from votes in the General Purposes Account of the Public Works Fund with the exception of two —Telegraph Extension in respect of purchases made on account of the Post Office, and Railways Improvements and Additions to Open Lines in respect of purchases made on account of the Railways. Exchange on remittances abroad for purchases of materials and miscellaneous services is, however, recouped from all the separate accounts, both within and outside the Public Account. No recoupment is made from, separate or special accounts (either within or outside the Public Account) for exchange on remittances of interest. ■ \ As from Ist April, 1943, exchange is being charged on all payments made overseas. (v) Charges not subject to specific Appropriation.-—ln pursuance of the general authority quoted in (i) above, certain charges such as administration, exchange of properties, assessed rental values, interest on capital and depreciation allowances, &c., are made between Government accounts through the Treasury Adjustment Account without cash payments or specific appropriation by Parliament. (vi) Interest.—ln the accounts an average rate, at present 4 per centum per annum, is charged for all accounts with the exception, of Housing Account. : ; (vii) Rentals. —Some Departments occupying private premises actually pay rentals. Others occupying Government buildings arq assessed annually with rental based on the average rate of interest, the cost or valuation of the property, and the class of building. (viii) Treasury Adjustment Account.— This is the equivalent of a " Head Office Account " in branch accounting, and through it are passed inter-departmental transfers and the total of cash transactions for the year. Separate accounts (see vi) having their own cash balances do not utilize a Treasury Adjustment Account. (ix) Values.—When the provision of accounts and balance-sheets on a commercial basis by all Departments was first instituted about 1922, it was necessary to bring numerous properties and assets into account by means of a fair valuation. New assets since then, or additions, are usually recorded at actual cost with any depreciation provision shown either as a deduction or separately. (x) Nonr-publication of Balance-sheets. —Publication of a considerable number of balance-sheets has been discontinued because of shortage of staff and as a paper-conservation measure.


B.—l [Pt. IV

ARAWA DISTRICT TRUST BOARD Receipts and Payments Accounts for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Receipts £ £ Payments £ Bank balance, 31st March, 1942 .. .. 107 Bonds and debentures .. .. .. •• 2,184 Reserve Bank of New Zealand .. .. 500 Kotorua Borough Council .. • • •• 607 Loans granted .. . ■ ■ • • ■ • ■ 1 > l°o New Zealand Government statutory grant .. .. 0,000 Grants to maraes .. .. . • •• •• 2,394 Loans repayments 795 Administration expenses Sbb Contributions and subsidies .. .. •• •• 2,327 Deposits .. .. .. •• •• •• Deposits .. ..' 769 Special grants— £ Miscellaneous .. .. • ■ • • • • 121 Sundry .. .. .. ■ • • • Advances, sundry tribes, &c. .. •• •• 497 National Patriotic Fund Board (free) .. Members' expenses .. ..: • • • • 4 Tirikatene soldiers (overseas) .. . - 100 Whakapoungakau 4k .. .. • • • • 18 ' Sundries .. .. • • • • • • • • ® Advances to sundry tribes, &c. .. .. .. &&& .. 12 Miscellaneous .. .. •• 1,388 Maketu Farm— " '" £ Sundry rates 200 National Patriotic Fund Board grant .. 1,000 Sundries .. .. . • •• Libertv Loan ■ ■ • • • 500 Cash y 1,500 Bank balance, 31st March, 1943 .. .. 795 Reserve Bank, Wellington: War loans .. 1,000 1,795 £12,659 £12,659 Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Expenditure £ £ Income £ Aged and infirm 13 Arawa Trust-Board 0,000 Depreciation— Arawa Maori Council Maketu Farm .. . • ■ • • • 07 Office .. .. •• • • ■ • 14 Educational grant .. . ■ • ■ • • 211 Interest .. .. • • • • •• 670 Marae grants .. ■ • • • • • • 129 Members' expenses .. ... • • 58 Maketu Centennial .. ■ • • • ' Office — Rents .. .• - ■ • • • • • _6® Expenses .. .. ■ • — 212 Salaries . . .* % • • • • 546 Add K. Thompson £ .. • • 63 609 Special grants .. .. • ■ '97 Arawa, patriotic contribution .. •• 1,000 Maketu general expenses .. • • • • "i — 3,862 Balance forward .. .. ••• •• •• 2,140 £6,002 £6,002 Reconciliation £ £ Loans repayment ; •• 1.498 Balance brought down: Credit balance .. 2,140 Bad debts written off .. • • •• •• 1,445 Accounts transferred to Income and Expenditure Account 482 Balance, Income and Expenditure Account, 31st March, Balance, Income and Expenditure Account.. Ist April, 1942 14,245 1943 .. .. •• i: ■■ ■■ 13,924 ' £16,867 £16,867 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1943 Liabilities £ £ Native Trustee (Treasury) .. " ' 17,846 Property investments : Maketu 33,747 Sundry creditors '3,209 Other properties 1,031 Sundry accounts in credit 82 Other investments 10 Amounts held in trust .. ' 41.7 Loans, including interest 4,981 Sundry villages •• •• 865 Sundry debtors . 6,310 Sundry tribes • • • • 233 Equipment, plant, &c 297 Sundries 55 Cash m hand 6 Services rendered .. .. • ■ • • • • ISO Miscellaneous .. • • • - • • 95 Bank of New Zealand .. .. .. 795 Loans Repayment Reserve .. ..11,204 Reserve Bank: War Loans Account .. 1,000 Income and Expenditure Account ... .. •• 13,924 - i,/9t> Deposits .. .. " • • • • • • • • 97 £48,177 £48,177 T. K. Thompson, Secretary. H. Tai Mitchell, Chairman. The Audit Office, having examined the Balance-sheet and accompanying accounts required by law to be audited, hereby certifies them to be correct.— Cyril G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.


B.— 1 [Pt. IV

ELECTRIC SUPPLY ACCOUNT.—STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS AT THE 31st MARCH, 1943 General Balance-sheet at 31st March, 1943, compared with Position at 31st March, 1942


Liabilities. 1942-43. I 1941-42. Assets. 1942-43. 1941-42. £ £ £ £ £ f £ National Development Loans Account — North Island scheme At 4 per cent, interest .. .. .. 17,624,601 16,801,733 Assets as per separate balance-sheet .. 14,565,376 13,410,895 Investments, Sinking Fund .. .. 98 11,789 14,565,474 13,422,684 South Island scheme — Consolidated Fund — Assets as per separate balance-sheet .. 8,167,458 7,989,126 Interest accrued on loans to 31st March, .. 144 454 155 258 Investments, Sinking Fund .. .. 91 2,924 1943 ' ' — 8,167,549 7,992,050 Cobb River scheme .. .. .. .. 580,559 464,437 Interest reserve, being excess of interest . 58.479 65,847 ! Surveys and General .. .. 21 129 ' 90 9 ft* charged to schemes over interest actually i " ' iv,£oo paid on capital liability | Carried forward .. .. .. 17,827,534 17,022,838 Carried forward .. .. .. 23,334,711 21,899,436 : « ' . '•

ELECTRIC SUPPLY ACCOUNT.—STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS AT THE 31st MARCH, 1943—continued General Balance-sheet— continued at 31st March, 1943, as compared with Position at 31st March, 1942— continued

b.—i [p T . iv;

J. W. Scott, A.R.A.N.Z., Chief Accountant, Public Works Department. I hereby certify that the General Balance-sheet has been duly compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly states the position as disclosed thereby.—Cyril G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.


Liabilities. 1942-43. 1941-42. Assets. 1942-43. 1941-42. £ £ £ £ £ £ Brought forward .. .. .. 17,827,534 17,022,838 Brought forward .. .. .. 23,334,711 21,899,436 Sundry Creditors. — Balance in Electric Supply Account at the North Island scheme .. .. .. 106,390 188,694 end of year — South Island scheme .. .. 99,190 74,833 Cash in Public Account .. .. 3 .. 63,566 265,580 Imprests outstanding .. .. .. .. 60,452 263,527 3 124,018 Depreciation ReserveNorth Island scheme .. .. .. 1,468,567 1,223,424 South Island scheme .. .. 942,121 831,583 2,410,688 — 2,055,007 Sinking Fund — Amount utilized for redemption of loans 2,201,311 1,838,178 Available for further redemptions .. 239,456 363,248 2,440,767 2,201,426 Reserve Fund — North Island scheme .. .. 301,, 015 391,990 South Island scheme .. .. 86,766 86.766 387,781 478,756 Sundry credit balances 2,364 1,900 Total .. .. .. .. £23,334,714 £22,023,454 Total .. .. .. .. £23,334,714 £22,023,454 Contingent Liability Arrears of appropriation to Sinking Fund .. £199,902 £138,030

B.—l [PT. IV]

NORTH ISLAND HYDRO-ELECTRIC-POWER SUPPLY Profit and Loss Account for Year ended 31st March, 1943, compared with Year ended 31st March, 1942 Gross Revenue Account

Net Revenue and Appropriation Account.


1942-43. 1941-42. 1942-43. 1941-42. To Generating-expenses (hydro-electric) — £ £ £ By Sales of electrical energy — ■ £ £ £ £ Arapuni .. .. .. .. .. 47,745 23,682 ' Bulk for resale .. .. 1,608,760 .. 1,517,564 Horahora .. .. .. .. .. 9,319 7,642 Other than for resale — Mangahao .. .. .. .. 14,129 11,478 Traction .. .. 21,343 18,804 Tuai .. .. .. .. .. 19,353 12,727 Industrial .. .. 44,935 44,482 90,546 Retail .. .. 3,224 3,204 55,529 69,502 . Generatmg-expenses (fuel) — 1,678,262 Penrose .. .. .. .. .. 1,210 2,825 1,584,054 Huntly .. .. .. .. .. 1,284 2,849 Rents — 1 King's Wharf .. .. .. .. 128,164 .. Land and buildings .. .. 15,367 11,540 —• — 130,658 Lines and plant .. .. 539 540 5,674 15,906 .. 12,080 . Purchase of power in bulk .. .. .. .. 173,335 374,827 Standby charges .. .. .. .. .. 32,150 69,155 Miscellaneous revenue .. .. .. 2,532 1,847 426,689 505,185 Transmission system: Patrol and maintenance .. .. ■ . . 41,835 33,590 Substations: Operation and maintenance .. .. 79,974 45,646 Communication system: Patrol and maintenance .. 3,382 1,958 Distribution: Maintenance .. .. .. .. 1,379 925 System operation, testing, &c. .. .. .. .. 21,487 15,633 Management and general expenses .. .. .. 67,684 71,227 Balance, to Net Revenue and Appropriation Account .. 1,054,270 923,817 £1,696,700 £1,597,981 £1,696,700 £1,597,981

1942-43. 1941-42. 1942-43. 1941-42. ; i • £ £ £ j £ £ To Interest (gross) for year ended 31st March, 1943.. 463,844 383,55-5 By Balance from Gross Revenue Account .. ..I 1,054,270 923,817 Less interest capitalized .. .. .. 64,555 56,021 Transfer from Reserve Fund (to meet additional pro- 92,314 399,289 vision for depreciation) 327,534 Depreciation on completed works .. .. .. 229,778 70,109 Sinking Fund .. .. .. .. ... 197,652 1 78,020 Reserve Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. 89,371 Social Security charge, national-Security tax. income- .. 319,865 258,783 tax £1,146,584 £923,817 j £1,146,584 £923,817

B.—l [Pt. IV]

NORTH ISLAND HYDRO-ELECTRIC-POWER SUPPLY— continued Depreciation Reserve Account


1942-43. 1941-42. | 1942-43. 1941-42. £ £ £ £ To Replacements, Renewals, &e. .. .. .. 33,572 3,823 By Balance from previous year's statement .. .. 1,223,424 1,112,633 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 1,468,567 1,223,424 Interest at 4 per cent, per annum .. .. .. 48,937 44,505 Amount set aside as per Net Revenue and Appropriation 229,778 70,109 Account £1,502,139 £1,227,247 \ £1,502,139 £1,227,247 Sinking Fund Account £ £ ! £ i To Balance.. .. .. .. .. .. 1,684,652 1,486,962 By Balance at close of previous year .. .. .. 1,486,962 1,308,951 Interest.. .. .. .. .. .. 38 Dr. 9 Amount set aside as per Net Revenue and Appropriation 197,652 178,020 Account £1,684,652 £1,486,962 £1,684,652 £1,486,962 Reserve Fund Account £ £ ' £ £ To Net Revenue and Appropriation Account .. .. 92,314 .. By Balance at close of previous year .. .. .. 393,329 303,958 Balance .. .. .. .. .. j 301,015 393,329 Amount set aside as per Net Revenue and Appropriation ! .. 89,371 Account £393,329 £393,329 £393,329 £393,329

B.— 1* [PT. IV]

NORTH ISLAND HYDRO-ELECTRIC-POWER SUPPLY— continued Balance-sheet at 31st March, 1943, compared with position at 31st March, 1942


I I ' j 1942-43. | 1941-42. 1942-43. 1941-42. ' ; ~ ; 7 ' 7 : — - | ~ ' I i - Liabilities £ £ £ Assets £ £ \ £ Depreciation Reserve .. .. -• 1,468,567 1,223,424 Hydro-electric plants — Arapuni .. .. .. .. 2,732,390 2,714,681 Sinking Fund Horahora .. .. .. .. 327,215 327,275 Utilized for redemption of loans 1,486,902 1,297,152 Mangahao .. .. .. .. 1,366,245 1,368,241 Available for further redemptions .. 197,750 189,810 Waikaremoana .. .. •• /88, 8/9 780,840 1,684,652 Waikaremoana Lower Development .. 918,364 1,486,962 6,133,093 5,191,037 Reserve Fund .. .. •• 301,015 393,329 Fuel-plants — Sundry creditors .. .. • • - • 166,390 187,3oo Penrose .. .. .. .. 65,431 65,431 Sundry credit balances .. .. •• 339 454 Huntly .. .. .. .. 11,264 11,264 Head Office Account .. .. .. •• 10,944,511 10,131,160 King's Wharf .. .. .. 406,589 483,284 76,695 Transmission-lines system .. .. .. 2,384,637 2,362,498 Substations .. .. .. .. .. 1,819,410 1,529,734 Communication system.. .. .. .. 202,526 181,158 Distribution system .. .. .. .. 58,268 56,687 Offices, stores, land, buildings, &c. .. . 74,597 74,826 Cost of raising loans .. .. .. .. j 333,096 333,096 Interest during construction — On assets in operation .. .. 1,117, 208 1.000, 650 On assets not in operation .. .. 26,871 79,970 1,144,079 — 1,080,620 Works under construction .. .. .. 1,069,378 1,809,206 13,702,368 12,695,557 Plant, motor-vehicles, and tools .. .. .. 67,614 65,333 Stocks of materials .. .. .. .. 374,147 305,422 Sundry debtors .. .. .. 421,247 344,583 Sinking Fund investments .. .. .. 98 11,789 £14,565,474 £13,422,684 £14,565,474 £13,422,684

B.—l [FT. IV]

SOUTH ISLAND HYDRO-ELECTRIC-POWER SUPPLY Profit and Loss Account for Year ended 31st March, 1943, compared with Year ended 31st March, 1942 Gross Revenue Account

Net Revenue and Appropriation Account

2—B. 1 r?T. IV


1942-43. 1941-42. 1942-43. 1941-42. £ £ £ j _ £ £ ! £ i £ To Generating-expenses (hydro-electric) — By Sales of electrical energy — Lake Coleridge .. .. .. .. 17,494 14,377 Bulk for resale .. .. 498,623 456,201 Lake Waitaki .. .. .. .. 14,453 10,597 Other than for resale — Kaimata .. .. .. .. 2,136 1,756 Traction .. .. 32,561 27,208 Monowai .. .. .. .. 7,542 7,186 Industrial .. .. 94,933 94,533 41,625 — Retail .... 109,358 108 9 792 33,916 236,852 i 735,475 686,734 Generating-expenses (fuel) Dobson .. .. .. 6,310 6,997 Purchase of power in bulk .. .. .. . . 129 170 Rents — Standby charges .. .. .. .. .. 225 %25 Land and buildings .. .. 4,711 | 4,516 Lines and plant .. . . 502 766 48,289 41,308 : 5,213 Transmission System: Patrol and maintenance .. 20,694 16,926 5,282 Substations: Operation and maintenance .. .. 31,599 24,856 . — Communication System: Patrol and maintenance .. 2,343 1,596 Miscellaneous revenue .. .. .. i 8,754 8,140 Distribution: Maintenance .. .. .. .. 23,892 20,531 System operation, testing, &c. .. .. .. 12,023 12,924 Management and general expenses .. .. .. 62,737 65,249 Balance, to Net Revenue and Appropriation .. 547,865 516,766 Account ! £749,442 £700,156 \ I £749,442 £700,166

194-2-43. 1941-42. | 1942-43. 1941-42. j i | £ £ £ £ £ To Interest (gross) for year ended 31st March, 1943.. 277,462 251,315 By Balance from Gross Revenue Account .. .. 547,865 516,766 Less interest capitalized .. .. .. 14,082 9,814 263,380 1 241,501 Depreciation on completed works .. .. .. 134,473 24,574 Sinking Fund .. .. .. .. .. 41,615 170,513 Social Security charge, national security tax, .. 108,397 80,178 income-tax — £547,865 £516,766 £547,865 £516,766

8.-J | Pt. IV



Depreciation Reserve Account 1942-43. 1941-42. 1942-43. 1941-42. £ £ £ £ To Replacements, Renewals, &c. .. .. .. .. 57,198 38,811 \ By Balance from, previous year's statement.. .. .. 831,583 813,288 Balance .. .. .. .. .. .. 942,121 831,583 Interest at 4 per cent, per annum .. .. .. 33,263 32,532 Amount set aside as per Net Revenue and Appropriation 134,473 24,574 Account £999,319 £870,394 £999,319 £870,394 Sinking Fund Account i _ D , £ £ £ £ To Balance .. .. .. .. .. .. 756,115 714,464 By Balance at close of previous year .. .. .. 714,464 543,856 Interest .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 95 Amount set aside as per Net Revenue and Appropriation 41,615 170,513 Account £756,115 £714,464 £756,115 £714,464 Reserve Fund Account £ £ £ £ To Balance .. .. .. .. .. .. 86,766 86,766 By Balance at close of previous year .. .. .. 86,766 86,766 £86,766 £86,766 £86,766 £86,766

B.—l [PT. IV]

SOUTH ISLAND HYDRO-ELECTRIC-POWER SUPPLY— continued Balance-sheet at 31st March, 1943, compared with Position at 31st March, 1942


1942-43. 1941-42. 1942-43. 1941-42. Liabilities £ £ £ Assets £ £ £ Depreciation Reserve .. .. .. ■■ 942,121 831,583 Hydro-electric plantsSinking Fund Lake Coleridge .. .. .. •. 858, 083 ,553 Utilized for redemption of loans .. .. 714,409 541,026 Lake Waitaki .. .. •• 1,9>6,35/ 1,975,788 Available for further redemptions .. 41,706 173,438 Kaimata .. .. .. 145,455 147,730 756,115 Monowai .. .. .. •• 207,374 205,617 714 464 3.187,269 I 3,197,688 Fuel-plants — — BeserveFund .. .. .. .. .. 86,766 86,766 Dobson .. .. .. •• ■■ 136,692 135,361 Transmission-lines system .. .. .. .. 1,014,967 1,010,578 Substations .. .. .. •• 849,572 780,328 Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. .. 99,190 74,833 Communication system .. .. .. ■■ 79,035 80_,0W Distribution system .. .. •• 893,647 885,115 Offices, stores, land, buildings, &c .. .. •• 21,983 21,684 Sundry credit balances .. .. .. .. 2,025 1,446 Cost of raising loans .. .. .. .. o40,495 540,495 Head Office Account .. .. .. .. 6,281,332 6,282,958 Interest during construction — On assets in operation .. .. ■■ 487,766 490,217 On assets not in operation .. 25,749 9,216 513,515 499,433 Works under construction .. .. .. .. 460,767 422,786 7.697.942 7,573,478 Plant, motor-vehicles, and tools .. .. .. 105,891 107,922 i Stocks of materials .. .. .. 189,619 158,758 ! Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. .. 174,006 148,968 Sinking Fund investments .. .. .. .. 91 2,924 £8,167,549 £7,992,050 £8,167,549 £7,992,050 Contingent Liability - — Arrears of appropriation to Sinking Fund .. £199,902 £138,030 i •••' tji " '9" ' ' " .

B.—l [Pi. IV;

HAURAKI PLAINS SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT Receipts and Payments Account foe the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Receipts Payments Ordinary Revenue Account— £ Ordinary Revenue Account— £ Interest on advances : Artesian-well boring.. .. 1 Drainage-works: Stopbanks, clearing channels, and TnwLt SwM nUI | , ' • • • 3,805 other expenditure incidental to conducting drainage Interest on.sales of land and buildings .. .. 2,178 operations (including formation and metalline of " •• '• •• •• ■/ 3,404 roads), materials supplied, &c. .. .. 6 602 Miscellaneous •• •• .. .. 719 Maintenance of completed works .. 2*334 Credits in reduction oi expenditure .. .. 1,018 Refund of rent ' YT Public Works Account- ' Koihere Ferry expenses !! " " " 405 bales oi land and buildings .. .. .. 2,237 Transfer to ' Repayment of advances: Artesian-well boring .. 2 Treasury Adjustment. Account •> ,rrj Recoveries on account of expenditure of previous years 40 Public Works Account .. .. " " Land for Settlements Account: Recoveries on account of Land for Settlements Account " 2'B7'! expenditure of previous years .. .. ..2 873 ' " ' £17,006 £17,006 Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Dr - £ Or. £ Interest on capital .. .. .. .. .. 6,29!) Accrued rents .. .. .. .. 4 400 Administration expenses, rebates, and remissions . . 877 Accrued interest on sales of land, &c. . . .2 530 Kaihere r erry (net cost of operating) .. .. .. 280 Loss for year carried down ' KO4 Writings off .. .. ~ .... 1 ...... £7,463 £7,403 £ £ Net loss brought down 524 Balance carried forward .. .. 379 8fl o Balance from previous year .. .. .. .. 379,339 ' " ' £379,803 £379,803 Rate Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Or. £ „ Balance at Ist April, 1943 .. .. .. .. 754 Rates levied for 1942-43 .. 3 059 Maintenance of completed works .. .. .. 2,537 Penalty on 1942-43 rates '35 Remissions 3 Balance " 2 00 CL29I Treasury Adjustment Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 O'■ £ Or. £ Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account .. .. .. 43 Balance at Ist April, 1942 .. 380 103 Lands and Survey Department Account .. .. 6 Interest on loan capital .. " '* ' «'oqo Receipts and Payments Account 2,433 Lands and Survey Department Account: AdministraBalanoe, 31st March, 1943 390,282 tion expenses .. 302 £392,764 £392,764 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1943 Liabilities Assets Capital Account £ £ £ Improved lands handed over to Land Board Loan capital .. .. .. 822, 370 for settlement— £ £ Less redemptions .. .. 665,000 Leased .. .. .. ..89 624 157,370 Unleased .. .. .. 'gj] Value of Crown land jet apart under Act .. 45,000 Unpaid purchase-money for land sold on liansierreu from Discharged Soldiers sSettle- deferred payment 4.4 ment Account .. .. .. 405 ' '' '' ' ggj Unimproved value of lands .. .. . 14*755 r , , 'i*j f i ~ „ 202,775 Improvements on adjoining Crown lands .. .. 7*710 Less cash to credit of Land for Settlements Works in progess : Expenditure on land in Account .. .. .. .. 2,873 course of reclamation, including fonna- ,, , . „ , „ , 199,902 tion, metalling of roads .. .. 092,364 Employment Promotion Fund : Capital .. .. 10,084 Less amount written off .. 065'000 Consolidated Fund: Capital .. .. ..0,112 '* ' OC4 Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. .. 8 4 Capital Expenditure— "* Rent charged in advance 1,001 Employment Promotion Fund .. 10 084 Payments in advance .. .. .. .. 838 Consolidated Fund . 6 112 Writings off m Suspense .. .. .. .. 51 Artesian wells— " " Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. .. 389,809 Crown tenants .. .. .. .. .. 7 Crown lands .. .. .. .. ~ 217 Buildings .. .. . . .. 1 4 0r Wharves 5 Machinery, plant, and tools .. .. . . u 023 Stores . . .. .. .. .. 5397 Sundry debtors: Rates .. .. .. . . l'2oB Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. 6*807 Postponed rent .. .. .. .. .. *122 Cash in transit . . .. .. .. . . 50 Rate Account .. .. .. ~ .. 200 Losses in Suspense .. . . .. . . 5] Interest accrued but not due . . .. .. 580 Revenue Account .. .. . . ~ . . 379 863 £607,88! £607,881 R. G. Macmorran, Under-Secretary for Lands. G. 1. Beeson, Chief Accountant. I hereby certify that the Rate Account, the Revenue Account, and the Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the explanatory notes dealing with departmental accounts generally as appearing at commencement of parliamentary return 8.-l [Pt. IV].— Cyril G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l [PT. IV]

DEPARTMENT OP ISLAND TERRITORIES M.V. " MAUI POMARE " Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Expenditure £ Income £ Salaries, wages, and war-risk pay .. .. ..16,134 Fares, freights, &c. .. .. .. 45,816 Overtime .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,588 Balance carried down .. . .. .. 16,955 Pay in lieu of time off' .. .. .. .. 124 Labour at island ports .. .. .. .. 676 Victualling .. .. .. .. .. 5,108 Cabin stores .. .. . . .. .. 130 Deck stores .. .. .. .. .. 850 Engine-room stores . . .. . . .. 781 Fuel oil .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,555 Lubricating-oil .. .. .. .. 2,494 Painting .. . . .. .. .. .. 288 Repairs .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,560 Docking .. . . .. .. .. .. 20 Laundry .. .. .. .. .. 286 Medical expenses and insurance .. .. . . 1,039 War-risk insurance .. .. .. .. 2,720 Stevedoring and tallying .. .. .. .. 5,535 Harbour Board charges .. . . . . ~ 223 Agency commission .. .. .. .. 1,201 Water .. . . .. .. . . . . 106 Printing and stationery .. .. .. .. 75 Transhipping and freight charges .. .. .. 953 Miscellaneous .. . . .. .. 2,607 Depreciation .. .. .. .. .. 3,718 £62,771 £62,771 £ Balance brought down .. .. .. .. 16,955 Balance, being loss on year's working .. .. 20,795 Head Office overhead charges .. .. .. 632 Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 3,208 £20,795 £20,795 C. McKay, Secretary, Department of Island Territories. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account hag been duly examined and compared with the books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly states the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the explanatory notes dealing with departmental accounts generally as appearing at commencement of parliamentary return 8.-l [Pt. IV] -Cyril U. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l [Pt. IV]

LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT Receipts and Payments Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Receipts Payments £ £ Balances at beginning of year — £ £ Vote, " Land for Settlements Expenditure " — Cash .. .. .. .. 134,003 Salaries .. .. .. .. 1,000 Imprests outstanding .. .. 517 Accident compensation .. .. 47 Investment securities .. .. 2,136,365 Acquisition of lands and interest 2,271,485 therein— £ Sales and capital receipts— Freehold land .. .. 12,998 Estates and developed areas— £ Native land .. .. 27 Estates.. .. .. 75,490 Other lands .. .. 1,871 Buildings on estates .. 6,774 14,896 Land developed under Land Administration expenses — Laws Amendment Act, Development expenditure .. 1,818 1929 .. .. .. 1,061 Hutt Valley settlement .. 1,408 Buildings on land developed Settlements .. .. 10,081 under Land Laws Amend- • — 13,307 ment Act, 1929 .. 24 Advances for development of occupied —— 83,349 lands .. .. .. .. 11,820 Crown lands (section 20, Land Act, 1924) 89,494 Advances for protection of buildings on Land Act, 1924, section 208: Capital land-for-settlement leasehold properties 85 value of land .. .. .. 9,844 Audit fees .. .. .. .. 250 Repayment of advances : Land Development operations on Laws Amendment Act, unoccupied land — £ 1929 — Development of land .. 6,437 Current Account £ Chattels .. .. .. 3,582 advances .. 14,422 Seasonal expenditure and liveInstalment Mort- stock .. .. .. 57,894 gage advances .. 3,723 Wages— £ Realization Account 37 Development .. 3,489 18,182 Seasonal .. 18,205 Deteriorated Lands 21,694 Act, 1925— 89,607 Current Aocount Grants to County Councils for maintenance advances 8 of roads serving lands farmed by Instalment Mort- Department .. .. .. 1,543 gage advances .. 122 Improvements to and protection of settle130 ' ment lands .. .. .. 1,750 Benmore loan advances .. 66 Lodgmonts on account of capital Miscellaneous advances .. 10 values of leases— £ 18,388 Interest on .. .. 580 — 201,075 Refunds of .. .. 27 Rents and interest from estates, 607 &c. — Payments for improvements to outgoing Rents — lessees . . .. .. .. 3,285 Derived from estates .. 361,222 Preliminary expenses, inspections, &e. .. 20 Land developed under Land Telephone services .. .. .. 13 Laws Amendment Act, Travelling allowances and expenses . . 28 1929 .. .. .. 4,987 Transfer from Hutt Valley settlement Hutt Valley land .. 77 receipts (Finance Act, 1932, section 11) 20,000 366,286 158,258 Interest — Interest on capital liability .. .. .. 122,233 Derived from estates .. 26,723 Expenditure charged on proceeds of sales of land : Buildings on estates .. 4,284 Crown lands .. .. .. .. .. 630 Land devel >ped under Land Transfer to Loans Redemption Account for redemption Laws Amendment Act, of securities .. .. .. .. .. 1,700,000 1929 .. .. .. 968 Balances at 31st March, 1943 — £ Buildings on land developed Cash .. .. .. .. 672,533 under Laud Laws Amend- Imprests outstanding .. .. 8,461 ment Act, 1929 .. 36 Investment securities held .. .. 436,365 Under section 45, Land Laws 1,117,359 Amendment Act, 1929: Otago University .. 50 On Hutt Valley lands .. 4,600 —— 36,667 Royalties .. .. .. .. 653 ; 403,606 Interest on advances : Land Laws Amend - ment Act, 1929 — Current Account advances .. .. 5,326 Instalment Mortgage Advances .. 5,342 Deteriorated Land Act, 1925 — Current Account advances .. 41 Instalment mortgage advances .. 160 Benmore loan .. . • • ■ 20 Sundry creditors (amount erroneously received) .. .. • ■ 450 11,339 Sales of produce, live-stock, and miscellaneous receipts — Seasonal and live-stock .. .. 106,033 Chattels .. • • • • • • 373 Improvements .. .. •• 4,299 Wages subsidy .. 4,000 Railway maintenance .. . • 1,036 Apanui drainage maintenance .. 30 Hutt Valley lands .. .. .. 12 Insurance . - • • • • 115,786 Finance Aot, 1932 (No. 2), section 6 : Transfer from Public Works Account of cost of acquisition of areas « acquired for soldiers'settlement .. .. 2,450 Carried forward .. .. 3,005,741 Carried forward .. .. 3,098,480


B.—l [Pt. IV]

LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT —continued Receipts and Payments Account jtob the year ended 31st March, 1943 —continued Receipts—continued £ Payments—continued £ Brought forward .. .. .. 3,005,741 Brought forward .. .. .. 3,098,480 Interest on investments .. .. .. 22,813 Receipts referring to other Departments and funds— £ H auraki Plains .. .. .. 2,873 Lands and Survey Department .. 89 Small Farms Account .. .. 15,639 Survey liens .. .. .. 1,748 Swamp Drainage .. .. .. 462 Native Land Development .. .. 39,023 Native Housing Act, 1935 .. .. 9,076 68,910 Credits-in-aid : Vote, " Lands for Settlement " — Water levies .. • • ■ • 121 Seasonal and live-stock .. .. 394 War damage insurance .. .. 1 Salaries .. .. .. • • 500 — 1,010 £3,098,480 £3,098,480 Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Dr. Or. Expenses of a general nature— Revenue of a general nature : Interest on investments— £ Interest on capital— £ In Public Debt Redemption Fund .. .. 27,990 L oang .. .. .. .. .. 371,074 In Public Account .. .. .. .. 24,339 Value of Crown land in estates .. .. .. 8,478 Revenue derived from estates— Accumulated funds of Cheviot Estate .. .. 12,123 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 369,355 Other Departments and funds . . .. .. 1,283 Interest on sales—Sundry expenses re loans capital: Proportion of Land .. .. .. .. .. 26,250 premium on loan conversions .. 10,363 Buildings ... .. .. .. .. 3,499 Interest payable under section 208, Land Act, 1924. . 589 Royalties . . .. .. .. . . 012 Audit fee .. .. . • ■ • • • 250 Miscellaneous interest, &c. .. ■ ■ .. 77 Expenses referring to estates — Land-development revenue— Capital losses on revaluation, reallotment, &c. .. 82,380 Rents .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,137 Administration charges: Salaries, &c. .. .. 589 Interest on sales, &c. .. .. .. .. 1,349 Administration expenses .. .. •• ■■ 9,503 Interest on advances .. .. .. .. 10,619 Rebates .. .. .. •• 33,215 Interest earned on sundry blocks farmed by the DepartRemissions of rent, &c. ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ 15,869 ment .. .. .. .. .. 3,083 Rents, &c„ written off .. .. .. . ■ 2,024 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. 78 Protection of securities : Repairs, &c. .. .. 252 Revenue derived under the Deteriorated Land Act, 1925 : Expenses chargeable to land-development revenue— Interest on advances .. .. .. .. 220 Administration expenses .. .. .. . • 713 Balance: Loss for year carried down .. .. 79,066 Rebates .. .. • • • • • ■ 1,005 Remissions of rent, &c. ........ 64 Rents, cfec., written off .. • ■ • • 7 Compensation for injuries to workmen .. .. 55 Miscellaneous .. . . . . • ■ ■ ■ 149 Losses on disposal of blocks . . .. . . 1,605 Expenses chargeable on revenue derived under the Deteriorated Land Act, 1925— Administration expenses . . .. .. .. 5 Rebates .. . • • • • ■ • • ' 4 Remission of interest .. . . .. • • 3 Irrecoverable losses written off .. .. 62 £551,674 £551,674 Balance £ Adjustment of interest charged on capital proceeds of sale Brought forward .. ■■ •• ..671,311 of Crown lands: Section 13 (3), Land Laws Amend- £ Brought down .. .. •• 79,066 ment Act, 1926 .. .. .. .. .. 549,627 Balance carried forward.: Loss to 31st March, 1943 .. 200,750 £750,377 £750,377


B.—l [Pt. IV

LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT—continued Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1943 Liabilities Assets General General £ Capital— £ £ Cash and investments in the Public Account .. 1,120,070 Loans .. .. .. .. 8,051,632 Investment in Public Debt Redemption Fund .. 405,033 Crown land included in estates .. 211,940 Consolidated Fund: For interest on investments in Cheviot Estate Account (see subsidiary Public Account .. .. .. .. 4,707 accounts attached) . . .. 308,934 Premium on loan con version : Balance not yet written Sales of Crown land under section 20, off .. . . .. .. . . . . 7,800 Land Act, 1924 .. .. 2,965,862 Losses in Suspense .. .. .. .. 3,926 Capital transferred from Discharged Revenue Account: Loss to 31st March, 1943 .. 200,750 Soldiers Settlement Account .. 4,789 Cash referring to other Depart- Estates ments and funds — £ Land—• £ Hauraki Plains Account .. 2,873 Leased .. .. .. .. 8,907,339 Lands and Survey Depart- Unleased .. .. 77,455 ment Account ..89 ' ■ 8,984,794 Small Farms Account .. 10,892 Provisional State forest .. .. .. 3,158 Survey Liens Account .. 1,748 Building and improvements (unsold) .. .. 7,324 Swamp Drainage Account 402 Advances on mortgage (section 35, Finance Act, 1940) 160 Native Land Development Sales debtors— Account .. .. 39,023 Buildings, &c. .. .. .. 83,132 Native Housing Act, 1935, Land .. .. .. .. 482,227 Account .. .. 9,070 505,359 04,103 Plant and machinery .. .. 3,835 11,007,220 Less depreciation .. .. .. 3,451 Deposits by lessees (section 208, Land Act, 1924) .. 31,232 384 Consolidated Fund : For interest due — Loading on Otago University Endowment leases : On loan capital .. .. .. 504,192 Capital .. .. .. .. .. 1,208 On value of Crown land in estates .. 8,478 Debtors for— On accumulated funds of Cheviot Royalties, rent, instalments, &c. .. 07,843 Estate .. .. .. 18,573 Postponed charges .. .. 1.4,780 On funds of other Departments and Departmental and miscellaneous .. 229 accounts .. .. .. 1,283 — 82,858 532,526 Interest accrued but not due .. .. .. 0,288 Reserve for losses on assets transferred from Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. .. 8,191 Land-development Writings-off in Suspense .. .. .. 3,920 Land— Hutt Valley Land Settlement Account (see subsidiary Leased .. .. .. .. 108,377 accounts attached) .. .. .. .. 4,122 Unleased .. .. .. 11,610 Sundry miscellaneous creditors .. .. .. 450 119,987 Sales debtors— Estates Buildings .. .. .. 1,021 Rents and interest charged in advance .. .. 97,709 Land .. .. .. .. 23,783 Payments in advance: Rents and instalments .. 7,000 — 24,804 Sundry suspense accounts .. .. .. 1,003 Water-supply: Headworks .. .. .. 2,877 Sundry creditors: Departmental and Miscellaneous 1,050 Mortgage outstandings (not yet payable) — Current Account .. .. .. 90,910 Land-development Instalment mortgage .. .. 121,104 Land set aside (section 8, Land Laws Amendment Act, 212,014 1929) — Crown and settlement land under development .. 280,378 Areas under development— £ Expenditure on development of Crown Crown lands . . .. .. 30,458 and settlement lands — Primary education endowments . . 950 Improvements .. .. .. 302,024 Settled areas— Chattels .. .. .. .. 18,150 Crown lands .. .. .. 44,973 Seasonal and live-stock .. .. 42,762 Primary education endowments .. 178 . 302 ,930 ——— 70,559 Sundry debtors for— Rents and interest charged in advance .. .. 1,251 Rents, instalments, water levies, &e. 0,731 Payments in advance: Rents and instalments .. 1,500 Postponed charges .. .. 77 Free capital from— Departmental and miscellaneous .. 5,135 Employment Promotion Fund . . 23,250 — 11,943 Consolidated Fund . . . . 20,143 Losses (not yet finalized) on disposal of blocks .. 3,828 49,393 Realization Account .. .. . . .. 6,854 Accrued interest on capital expenditure .. .. 106,964 Deposits held by dairy companies .. .. 748 Suspense Account .. .. .. .. 118 Unrecouped interest on development expenditure .. 100,904 Reserves in respect of deposits held by dairy companies 154 Interest accrued but not due .. .. .. 1,848 Sundry creditors : Departmental and miscellaneous 2,007 Deteriorated Land Act, 1925 Deteriorated Land Act, 1925 Mortgage outstandings— Payments in advance : Interest, &c. .. .. 7 Current Account .. .. 671 Suspense Account .. .. .. .. 09 Instalment mortgage .. .. 3,780 —— 4,457 Sundry debtors for — Interest and principal instalments .. 142 Postponed charges .. .. 20 102 Interest accrued but not due .. .. . . 20 £12,533,717 £12,533,717 R. G. Maomorran, Under-Secretary for Lands. G. I. Beeson, Chief Accountant. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the explanatory notes dealing with departmental accounts generally as appearing at commencement of parliamentary return 8.-l [Pt. IV] and to the following comment: the Cheviot Estate accounts do not include a credit for interest on assets comprising cash and certain, securities held by the estate at Ist April, 1930, nor a debit in respect of interest thereon paid to the Consolidated Fund in terms of section 19 of the Finance Act (No. 2), 1930. These entries have been passed through the Land for Settlements Account (General) only.—Cyril G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General,


B—l [Pt.-IV]

LAND FOE, SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT —continued CHEVIOT ESTATE ACCOUNT (Subsidiary to Land; for Settlements Account) Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Dr. £ Gr. £ Interest on loan capital .. .. .. .. 6,437 Rents, &c. .. •• •• " Interest on accumulated funds held .. .. •• (>,450 Interest on sales (land and buildings) .. . . . . ' Administration expenses .. .. .. .. 796 Interest on investment in Public Debt Redemption Jnind 40 Rebates .. .. .. .. • • • • 1,506 Remissions of rent and interest .. • • • • 115 Irrecoverable rents written off .. .. ■ ■ 99 Balance (profit for year) oarried down .. .. 1,326 £16,729 £16,729 £ £ Transfer to Reserve Account .. .. .. 1,326 Balance brought down .. .. .. •• 1 ' 326 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1943 Liabilities Assets Capital— £ £ Land— 1 Loan capital .. .. .. 160,918 Leased .. .. •• •• Accumulated funds .. .. .. 464,076 Unleased .. ■■ •• • **° 624,994 Sales debtors (not yet payable) — Less cash paid to Land for Settlements Land .. .. .. •• 22,820 Account .. 308,934 Buildings 162 316,060 22,05S Reserve Account .. .. .. •• 19,972 Sundry debtorsRents, &e., accrued but not due .. .. .. 4,897 Principal instalments: Sale of land .. .. f Rents paid in advance .. .. .. .. 18 Interest on sales of land . . . . . . • • jj 1 Rent .. . • • • • • • • ■ ■ Postponed rent . . .. .. • • • • 50 Interest accrued but not due . . .. • • 307 £340,947 £340,947 K. G. Macmorran, Under-Secretary for Lands, G. I. Beeson, Chief Accountant. « HUTT VALLEY LAND SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT (Subsidiary to Land for Settlements Account) Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Dr. £ Cr. £ Administration expenses .. •• •• 1,408 Gross profit on sales of land .. Interest written off .. • . ■ • • • 42 Interest on sales .. .. ■ ■ ■ • • • ' » Rebates .. .. .. • • • • • ■ 23 Rent Remissions .. • . ■ • • • • ■ 1 Balance (profit for year) transferred to Profit and Loss Appropriation Account .. .. .. ■■ 15,393 £16,867 £16,867 Profit and Loss Appropriation Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Dr. £ ® r - Balance carried forward : Profit earned to 31st March, Balance brought forward .. .. •• •• 1943 .. .. , .. 208,691 Profit for year transferred .. .. • • •• lo,dy,i £208,691 £208^691 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1943 Liabilities Assets £ Moneys provided by Land lor Settlements Land on hand .. .. •• •• •• ' j Account for— £ £ Sales debtors (not yet payable) .. •• »0,-oy Purchase of land .. .. .. 164,982 Sundry debtors— £ Street-formation .. .. .. 206,888 Instalment principal .. .. •• USIncidental expenses .. .. .. 21,855 Instalment interest .. .. •• AMb 393,725 Rents.. .. .. 46 Interest on capital provided .. .. •• 81,666 Departmental .. .. .. •• 21,248 475,391 Interest accrued but not due .. •• Less deductions under section 11 (2a) of the Hutt Profits transferred to Railways Department — Valley Land Settlement Act, and section 11 (2) of Profits realized in cash and paid to Railways Finance Act 1932 .. .. .. .. 475,391 Department .. .. •• 49,9bJ Balance unpaid on area taken for workshops 26,389 Balance due .. .. •• •• Nil 76,3j0 Instalments paid in advance .. .. •• 39 Losses in Suspense •• • • • • Rent accrued but not due .. .. .. I Land for Settlements Account: Funds on hand available Writings-off in Suspense .. .. .. •• 42 for disposal under section 11 of Finance Act, IJ.i- .. Profit and Loss Appropriation Account .. .. 208,691 £208,773 £208,773 R. G. Macmorran, Under-Secretary for Lands. G. I. Beeson, Chief Accountant.

15— B. 1 IPT. IV


15. —1 [PT. IV]

MAIN HIGHWAYS ACCOUNT Statement showing Particulars of Net Expenditure on Construction, Renewals, Maintenance, etc., for the Year ended 31st March, 1943, and Total to Date


of Renewals of Main Highways. Maintenance, Repairs, &c., of Main Highways. j Totals. 'lot a! since ' Total since I Total since Total for Year Inception of Main Total for Total since Total for Inception of Main Total for Inception of Main 1042-43. Highways Act, 1922, Year 1942-43. 1/4/36 to 31/3/43. Year 1942-43. Highways Act, 1922, Year 1942-43. Highways Act, 1922, to 31/3/43. | to 31/3/43. | to 31/3/43. Highway District — £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ No. 1 .. .. .. .. 6,300 1.402.067 16.416 147,378 47,428 1,073,263 70,144 2,622,708 No. 2 .. .. .. .. 19,241 2,762,467 9,294 164.590 140,208 2,024,469 168,743 4,951,526 No. 3 .. .. .. 437 917,328 1,552 67.084 98,816 1,160,731 100,805 2,145,143 No. 4 .. .. .. 853 637,705 69 80,753 46,515 844,550 47,437 1,563,008 So. 5 .. .. .. .. 5,020 818,346 184 66,612 66,280 1,243,086 71.484 2,128,044 No. 6 .. .. .. .. 8,749 800.831 CV.110 22,306 48,373 846,992 57,012 1,670,129 No. 7 .. .. .. .. 4,599 913,431 4,324 34,065 55,451 792,672 64,374 1,740.168 No. 8 .. .. .. ... 3,775 969,044 1,995 34,139 69,281 847,799 75,051 1,850,982 No. 9 .. .. .. .. 13,145 1,459,845 1.196 39,237 58.501 920,783 72,842 2,419,865 No. 10 .. .. .. .. | 1,714 425,057 6,305 j 65,812 31,321 721,588 39,340 1,212,457 Totals for North Island .. 63,833 11,106,121 41,225 721,976 662,174 10,475,933 767.232 22,304,030 No. 11 .. .. .. .. 1,462 1,010,843 2,693 17,569 62,459 869,795 66,614 1,898,207 No. .12 .. .. .. .. 8,180 1,041.213 5,132 94,663 108,255 1.384,601 121,567 2,520,477 No. 13 .. .. .. .. 2,775 333,466 .. 4,946 26,140 389,853 28,915 728,265 No. 14 .. .. .. .. 1,659 851,307 487 6,352 31,628 585,677 33.774 1.443,336 No. 15 .. .. .. .. 17,156 541,599 Cr. 20 9,349 29,639 657,965 46,775 1,208,913 No. 16 .. .. .. .. 8,222 872.536 .. 12,362 30,941 535,085 39.163 1,419,983 No. 17 .. .. .. .. 2,557 834,439 2,379 14.242 20,330 478.797 J 25,266 1,327,478 No. 18 .. .. .. .. 15,770 1,012,721 Cr. 230 37,485 42,818 631,809 58,358 1,682,015 Totals for South Island .. .. 57,781 6,498,124 10,441 196,968 352,210 5,533,582 420,432 12,228,674 Totals for Dominion .. .. 121,614 17,604,245 51,666 918,944 1,014,384 16,009,515 1,187,664 34,532,704

B. —1 [I'T. IV]

MAIN HIGHWAYS ACCOUNT-continued Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943, and Total to Date


— ~ j . i| I Total since | Total since Total for Inception of Main rTT5T7A'T,TTT T Dr 1 Totalfor i Inception of Maui i INCOME. Year 1942-43. Highways Act, 1922_ EXPEiNDITLRE. 1 Year 1942-43. Highways Act, 1922.: * to 31/3/43 | to 31/3/43. I ! ' ' £ £ Loans raised under Main Highways Act, 1922, and National Development £ £ Net expenditure on construction, renewals, maintenance, &c. (see separate 1,187,664 34,532,704 Loans Act, 1941 270 000 11 481,918 statement) _ Redemption Account " " !! MM, 613 expenses (including salaries, travelling-expenses, £ Consolidated Fund-Public Debt Repayment Account .. .. .. ■ 55 office rents, printing, stationery, postages, and miscellaneous 270,000 12,851,251 expenses) . .. .. .. • •; 70 ' loG •• , ,ou Receipts under section 15, Finance Act, 1923, from Public Works Account Fees and travelling-expenses of members of the Mam Highways (at 4 per cent, interest) 1,226,000 Board other than Government members 571 .. -l,44o E V e nue transferred from the Consolidated Fund 1,547,446 30,055,189 Miscellaneous expenses — , , r 218,444 Advertising maps, rent of halls, traffic tallies, transport of from local authorities on plant purchased on their behalf' ' '.i 1,262 38,373 samples, depreciation of furniture, &c. .. .. ..or. •• 0,000 x- x- . 44.359 feompassionate grants to widows and relativg of deceased v .. .. " i-! ~ "• ' 22,703 employees .. .. ■■ • - •- •• Transfer from Consolidated Fund (section 14, Main Highways Act, 1922) .. .. 210,000 under secfron 3, Public Works Amendment , ols toHs from fSes .. •• 2,082 Act, 1925 .. .. •• •• •• •• Exchange on remittances .. .. -• •• •• •• Grant to Transport Department towards Traffic inspection .. .. •• 42,90b Penological laboratory and other experimental work, Expenses of .. .. .. .. •• •• 1,831 • • 15,718 Total administration .. .. •• 72,067 1,455,405 Loan charges — Charges and expenses of raising loans, management charges of qq ' Consolidated Stock on account of Construction Fund, &c. .. 477 .. 88,080 Interest on amount appropriated out of Public Works Fund and paid into Main Highways Account Construction Fund . . 49,040 • • 784,640 Interest on loans, recoupment to Consolidated Fund (section 4, Finance Act, 1919) 448,480 .. ?'^8,382 Transfer to reserve for redemption of main highway securities .. .. ■ - 1 > >130 Payment to local authorities in commutation of toll-gate charges (Finance Act, 1925, section 20) .. .. ■■ 1,525 .. 34,750 Payment to Wellington City Council in commutation of fees chargeable in respect of motor-vehicles using Hutt Road (Hutt Road Act, 1939, section 6) .. . - ..36,765 .. 3bo,895 Total loan charges .. .. •• 536,287 5,213,877 Subsidies, &c., in respect of other than main highways — Municipal Corporations (Municipal Corporations Act, 1933, section 71) .. .. ■■ •• •• 33,063 .. 3/4, b<3 Countv Councils and other local authorities (Finance Act, 1930, section 37) ■■ 180,467 .. 2,19,-184 Subsidies to County Councils for rebate to ratepayers (Finance Act (No. 4), 1931, section 45) .. .. .. .. .. •• ~o3,WS Subsidy on rates levied on farming land (Finance Act (No. 3), 1934; section 28) .. .. ■■ •• ... Or. 280 .. 363,962 * Maintenance and construction of roads giving access to outlying areas (Finance Act (No. 3), 1931) .. . • ■ • • ■ • • 4o.918 Total subsidies 213,250 3,235,630 Balance, being excess of expenditure over income, carried to general balance-sheet Or. 185,157 £1,824,111 £44,668,401 £1,824,111 £44,668,401 ~ * Excludes £61,482 9s. lid. interest credited.

13.—1 [FT. IV]

MAIN HIGHWAYS ACCOUNT— continued General Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1943

Notes.—(as) No liability is included for interest on loans redeemed out of Public Debt Repayment Account. (6) The two funds, previously known as " Construction " and " Revenue," were amalgamated as from Ist April, 1936 and are now termed the " Main Highways Account," in accordance with section 3, Finance Act (No. 2), 1935. J. W. Scott, A.R. A.N.Z., Cluef Accountant, Public Works Department. W. L. Newnham, Chairman, Main Highways Board. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental notes enfaced thereon.— G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.


I I LIABILITIES. Total. ASSETS. Total. I I . Excess of income over expenditure — ! £ £ Gash in Public Account — £ £ Balance at 31/3/42 .. .. .. .. .. .. j 415,942 At call .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 49,023 Less excess of expenditure over income for 1942-43 .. .. .. 185,157 Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 41^642 230,785 Advances to local authorities (Main Highways Amendment Act, 1926, Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 164,689 section 2) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 42,913 Interest accrued on loans .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 75,539 Interest paid in advance .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12,260 Motor registration fees paid in advance .. .. .. .. .. 10,095 Interest due and accrued .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,115 Buildings and land .. .. .. .. .. 86,552 Stocks of materials, tools, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. 133,519 Furniture, fittings. &c. — Expenditure to 31/3/43 .. .. .. .. .. .. 938 Less depreciation to 31/3/43 .. .. .. .. .. 719 ■ 219 Plant and equipment — For Main Highways Board — Expenditure to 31/3/43.. .. .. .. .. .. 648,518 Less depreciation charged to works .. . . .. .. 549, 842 j 98,676 Purchased for local authorities — Expenditure to 31/3/43.. .. .. .. .. .. 352,261 Less repayments of principal .. .. .. .. .. 337,072 15,189 Amount transferred to Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. 2,851,973 Less amount utilized for redemption of securities .. .. .. 2,851,973 i £481,108 £481,108

B;—A [PT. IV]

MAORI PURPOSES FUND BOARD Receipts and Payments Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Receipts £ £ Payments £ Balance, Ist April, 1942: Native Trust Office ..44,388 Administration expenses .. .. •• . • 284 Plus Imprest Account with Waiariki Board .. 4 Grants— £ 44,392 Educational scholarships and assistance .. 750 Interest: Native Trust Office, 3 per cent. .. .. 1,317 Publishing: Polynesian Society, Inc. .. 300 Grant from Consolidated Fund .. .. .. 375 Meeting-houses and marae .. .. .. 040 Grants from Maori Land Boards for specific pur- Miscellaneous .. . . . ■ . • 119 poses (contra) .. .. .. .. 015 - 1,809 Rent from cottages, Rotorua .. . . .. . . 24 Purchase books . . .. . • • • • • 3 Employment-promotion subsidy on repair wages -. 18 Publishing costs, " Native Custom ' .. .. .. 11Sales of Balance, 31st March, 1943, Native Trust Office .. 45,035 Board's publications .. .. .. 11l Plus : Imprest Account with Waiariki Board .. 18 Assets not required .. .. 9 " 45,053 Workshop, cottages at Rotorua (first instalment) 400 520 £47,201 £47,201 .. . Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1913 Expenditure ' £ Income £ Administration expenses .. .. .. •• 278 Interest: Native Trust Office .. .. •• 1,317 Grants— Grants— £ Educational— £ Consolidated Fund . . .. ■ • .S7o Government Free Place Scholarships .. 500 Maori Land Boards for specific purposes (contra.) 015 Special assistance .. .. .. 250 ' 990 Publishing: Polynesian Society, Inc. .. 300 Sale of publications (net) .. .. .. 4 Meeting-houses and marae .. .. .. 640 Profit on sale assets . . ... Miscellaneous .. .. •• 119 Employment-promotion subsidy on repair wages .. 18 1,809 Balance : Excess of income over expenditure, transferred to Accumulated Fund .. .. .. • • 284 £2,371 £2,371 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 194.3 Liabilities £ Assets £ £ Creditors .. .. .. .. •• •• 4 Cash with Native Trust Office .. .. 45,035 Special funds — Plus Imprest Account, Waiariki Board .. 18 Carnegie Corporation grant for Maori arts and £ 45,053 crafts .. .. .. .. • • 342 Debtors .. .. . . .. .. • • 402 Katikati Carved Meeting-house .. .. 38 Publications for sale .. .. .. 2,310 Ngati-Kahungunu Trust .. .. . • 10 Piugao for sale .. .. .. .. 23 Publication, " Native Custom" .. .. 31 - 2,333 Ruatoki Carved Meeting-house .. .. 41 Library .... .. .. . . 290 " Western Samoa" translation grant .. 165 Furniture and fittings, &e. .. .. .. 82 627 372 Accumulated Fund as at Ist April, 1942 .. 47,240 PlusExcess income over expenditure .. .. 284 Net increase publications at stocktaking .. 5 47,529 £48,160 £48,100 O. N. Campbell, Deputy Chairman (Native Trustee). Colin W. Morrison, Secretary to Board. I licreby oortify that the Receipts and Payments Account, Income and Expenditure Account, and Balancc-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.—Cyril G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.


13.—1 [FT. IV]

NATIONAL BROADCASTING SERVICE Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Expenditure ' £ _ Income r-LQ^wu Expcnditujp on programmes, including salaries of pro- License fees .. .. •• ..'. 'f."',. gramme staff .. .. 89,345 Receipts from New Zealand Listener.. .. ■■ 30,3bb Maintenance of plant, including salaries of engineering Interest .. .. •. ■■ 14,270 and operating staffs .. .. • . 47,044 Rent .. .. •• . ''m t, •' 1 ' General administrative and running expenses, including National Commercial Broadcasting Service: lecnnical salaries of administrative and clerical staffs.. .. 37,271 services .. .. .. •• •• 10,331 Expenditure on New Zealand Listener .. .. 25,060 Subsidies to " B " stations . . .. .. 210 Payments to stations operating under contract .. 1,002 Broadcasting units with the N.Z.E.F. overseas .. 2,296 Troop entertainment in New Zealand . . . . 1,259 Contributions to Public Service Superannuation Fund.. 666 Contribution to Radio Research Committee .. .. 503 Depreciation of assets .. •• •• 26,391 Balance, transferred to Accumulated Fund .. .. 374,361 £605,408 £605,408 The receipts from license fees show an increase through a change in the method of collection. Fees are now collected a year in advance instead of for six months or a lesser period. The amount of yearly receipts will adjust itself in succeeding years. Ihe above Revenue Account includes the total fees actually received during the period. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1943 Liabilities Assets Accumulated Fund— £ £ Land and buildings .. .. •• •• J 1 „ Balance as at Ist April, 1942 .. ..1,080,267 Machinery and plant ->,7. J Transfer from Revenue Account .. 374,361 Office and studio equipment 21,492 1,454,628 Newsprint and stocks .. .. .. •• J, lot License fees in hands of Post and Telegraph Department 92,499 "B " station purchases .. •• •• •; 1,000 Sundry creditors .. . • •• ■■ 18,125 Works in progress, and stocks of technical equipment lroon and valves .. •• •• •• ■■ Io,JBU Sundry debtors and prepayments .. .. . • 114,331 Temporary investments .. .. 1,180,000 Accrued interest thereon .. .. 4,873 1,184,873 Cash in bank — Broadcasting Account .. .. 24,192 Broadcasting Imprest Account .. 1,332 —: 25,524 £1,565,252 £1,565,252 James Shelley, Director of Broadcasting. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental note enfaced thereon.— Cyril G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.


5. —1 [PT. IV|

NATIONAL COMMERCIAL BROADCASTING SERVICE Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Expenditure £ £ Income. £ Expenditure on programmes, including payment Sales of station time .. .. .. .. 232,354 to artists, hire of special recordings, relay Accreditation fees .. . ■ • ■ ■ ■ 18 lines, and sundry miscellaneous items .. 23,186 Service fees .. .. .. •• •• Less sundry programme charges borne by Interest on investments .. .. .. •• advertisers .. .. .. 10,435 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. .. .. 6 12,751 Broadcasting rights and copyright .. .. ■ ■ <5,274 General administrative and running expenses, including rents, rates, and insurance, lighting, heating, and power, legal and audit, printing and stationery, salaries and wages, telephone services, repairs and maintenance of buildings, plant, and office and studio equipment, advertising, commission, and sundry miscellaneous items .. ' •• •• 137,428 Depreciation provision and writing down of assets .. 8,963 Balance carried down : Net profit for year .. .. 69,507 £234,923 £234,923 £ £ Donation to National Patriotic Fund .. .. 500 Balance brought forward from previous year .. .. 25,487 £ Balance brought down .. .. .. •• 69,507 Reserve for taxation . . .. .. 56,000 Less balance of provision made, 1941-42 accounts . . • • ■ • • • 082 55,018 Balance .. .. .. •• •• 39,476 £94,994 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1943 Liabilities £ Assets . CVeditors 4,772 Office and studio equipment, including furniture,. typeRevenue received in advance 1,292 writers, office mechanical appliances and library .. 21287 Deposit Account 299 Records and music 3,0H Reserve for taxation 56,000 Payments in advance 9J Writings off Reserve .. . . .. •• 1,237 Unplayed episodes of features 3,04> Income and Expenditure Account .. .. 39,476 Stock .. .. . • •• •• • • -,*U> Debtors .. .. . • • • .. 23,884 Less reserve for bad debts .. .. 1,450 22,434 Investments: Treasury bills .. .. .. 40,000 Cash in bank .. .. .. •• 8,879 Cash on deposit .. .. .. ■ • • • 290 Writings off suspense .. . • ■ • • • 1,237 £103,076 £103,076 E. L. Htjtchens, A.R.A.N.Z., Acting-Accountant. ] hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. —Cyril G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General,


B.—l [Pt. TV]

NATIVE DEPARTMENT DISTRICT MAORI LAND BOARDS Combined and Separate Receipts and Payments Statements for the Year ended 31st March, 1943

Interest Accounts for the Year ended 31st March, 1943


Totals. Tokerau. Waiariki. Tairawhiti. Aotea. Ikaroa. South Island. s i i i i j Receipts Cash balances at 1st April, 1942 — £ £ £ £ : £ £ £ £ £ In hand and in bank .. .. .. .. .. .. 45,436 1 1,956 57235 15,039 7,353 3,215 9,743 2,895 Imprests at Post Office .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,890 282 680 122 j 146 774 651 235 ' : ; 48,326 2,238 5,915 15,161 7,499 3,989 10,394 3,130 Total receipts .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. 395,897 30,507 30,386 58,825 78,266 123,858 65,523 8,532 Withdrawals from amounts on deposit ivith Native Trustee .. .. | .. 48,500 .. .. 10,000 10,000 21,000 7,000 500 Special Housing Fund — Receipts from Native Trustee, less refunds .. .. .. .. j .. Cr. 450 Cr. 3,000 600 .. 2,500 1,200 Cr. 2,500 750 Receipts from Natives .. .. .. .. .. . .. 15,714 6,175 4,650 1,729 1,225 .. 1,351 584 Totals .. .. ..' .. .. .. .. .. 507,987 35,920 t 41,551 | 85,715 j 99,490 150,047 81,768 | 13,496 Payments £ £ I £ £ £ £ ££ Total payments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 380,133 30,054 30,483 64,984 88,960 104,921 50,516 10,215 Deposits with Native Trustee .. .. .. .. .. .. 87,229 i 5 1,259 15,354 254 41,067 27,737 1.553 Special Housing Fund: Advances, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 16,333 4,252 6,303 189 2,770 .. 1,837 982 Cash balances at 31st March, 1943 — In hand and in bank .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20,947 1,517 2,992 4,890 7,207 2,955 705 681 Imprests at Post Office .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,345 92 514 298 299 1,104 973 65 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ; 507,987 35,920 41,551 85,715 99,490 150,047 81.768 13, 496 I = = = = —

Totals. Tokeraii. Manjapdto." Waiariki. Tairawhiti. Aotea. Ikaroa. I South Island. Dr. £££££££ £ Interest on amounts held and invested under Native Land Act, 1931, 1,725 .. 446 .. 12 215 998 54 section 281, and other amounts specially invested Interest on amounts on deposit with Native Trustee .. .. 5,564 5 1,094 1,354 254 1,567 737 553 Interest on other investments .. .. .. .. .. 7,832 859 723 603 1,319 3,767 410 151 Interest on overdrafts .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,641 78 184 .. 3,515 619 245 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. 19,762 942 2,447 1,957 5,100 6,168 2,390 j 758 Gr. ' | I Interest allocated in full on amounts held under Native Land Act, 1931, £ £ j £ j £ £ £ £ £ section 281, and other amounts specially invested (as per contra) 1,725 .. 446 .. 12 I 215 998 54 Other interest allocated to sundry blocks, &c. .. .. .. 4,446 120 390 295 674 i 2,068 577 322 Balance, transferred to Income and Expenditure Account .. .. 13,591 822 1,611 1,662 4,414 3,885 815 382 7 — ; : ' Totals.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19,762 942 j 2,447 1,957 5,100 6,168 2,390 758

B.—l [Pt. IV]

NATIVE DEPARTMENT— continued DISTRICT MAORI LAND BOARDS— continued Income and Expenditure Accounts for the Year ended 31st March, 1943

Appropriation Accounts for the Year ended 31st March, 1943

4—B. I [PT. IV]


Totals. Tokerau. Jfontapoto WaiaiiM. Tairawhiti. Aotea. Ikaroa. South Island. Income £ £ £ £ " - Net interest on investments 13,591 822 1,611 1,662 4,414 3,885 81o 382 Board commission j 5,772 314 550 1,169 1,221 1,572 ,75 1/1 Sundry credits (registration and lease fees, &c.) .. .. .. 912 107 358 150 | 16o oo /7 Totals.. .. .. -■ •• •• 20,275 1,243 2,519 2,981 5,800 5,512 1,667 553 Expenditure etc Expenses of management — j £ £ £ £ £ Contribution towards expenses of Native Department .. 9,554 1,000 1,912 1,176 00- 1,060 548 Audit fees .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 466 69 56 66 81 124 47 23 Miscellaneous office and other expenses .. .. .. •• 2,546 268 212 596 615 612 165 78 Depreciation on buildings, furniture, &c. .. .. .. •• 1,961 50 345 459 4/o 468 109 oo Balance, being surplus for year transferred to Appropriation Account .. 5,748 Or. 144 Or. 6 684 w,b 2i _sb tr. ioi Totals.. .. .. .. ■■ •• 20,275 1,243 2,519 2,981 5,800 5,512 1,667 553

Totals. Tokerau. Jfeniapoto Waiariki. Tairawhiti. Aotea. Ikaroa. South Island. Dr. £ £ £ £ I £ £ £ £ Sundry adjustments previous ye,ars .. .. .. •• 165 23 69 .. „'A 0 „ o A-'n ooc i n„ i k"? Surplus for year ended 31st March, 1943, from Income and Expenditure 5,748 Dr. 144 Dr. 6 b84 _,6-/ | -86 X»r. lol 5,913 Or. 121 63 684 2,627 2,459 ' 350 Dr. 149 Cr • *ras££?""r » ' ™ m »• % »• '« Purchase of land, buildings, furniture, &c. .. .. .. 273 .. 9 lOb 10 13 8 -7 Sundry adjustments, previous years .. .. .. 1,309 34 41 .. 31 56 ,10 Balance transferred to/from Assurance and Reserve Account .. .. 3,390 Cr. 155 Cr. 162 10/ -,441 -,1.90 Cr. 8/4 Tota]s 5,913 Cr. 121 63 684 2,627 2,459 350 Cr. 149

B.—l [Pt. IV]

NATIVE DEPARTMENT— continued DISTRICT MAORI LAND BOARDS— continued Combined and Separate Balance-sheets as at 31st March, 1943 Liabilities


Totals. Tokerau. Waikato- Waiariki. Tairawhiti. Aotea. Ikaroa. South Island. Maniapoto. Liabilities to Native beneficiaries — £ £ £.£!£ £ £ £ £ Amounts held under section 281, Native Land Act, 1931, and other trusts — Specially invested (section 101 (2), 1931) .. .. .. .. ! 5,604 .. 4,637 .. .. .. 967 Invested in Common Fund .. .. .. .. .. 107,427 3,646 13,876 .. 200 28,947 54,961 5,797 Other amounts held — Speciallv invested (section 101 (2), 1931) .. .. .. .. 48,206 1,000 4,467 .. 29,323 8,175 5,205 36 At call .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 381,795 39,071 54,635 96,028 71,927 79,209 18,570 22,355 543,032 43,717 77,615 96,028 101,450 116,331 79,703 28,188 Sundry amounts held on deposit and in suspense — Native Trustee (including Special Housing Fund) .. .. .. 37,523 852 1,696 9,779 1,818 19,452 3,707 219 Other .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19,536 5,875 841 7,872 4,639 52 180 77 Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,656 253 1 2,666 .. 2,948 2,698 90 Liability to Treasury for advances under — Native Land Act, 1931, section 340.. .. .. .. .. 591 .. .. .. .. 591 Native Land Amendment Act, 1936, section 48 .. .. .. 1,304 .. .. .. 1,304 Liability of special trusts under — Native Land Act, 1931> section 358.. .. .. .. .. 130,652 .. .. .. 40,060 90,592 Native Land Act, 1931, section 105.. .. .. .. .. 86,897 .. .. 86,897 285,159 6,980 2,538 -107,214 47,821 113,635 6,585 386 Reserves — Special property reserves .. .. .. .. ... .. 54,184 100 14,995 9,648 10,393 16,601 1,769 678 Other special reserves (including depreciation) .. .. .. 101,963 168 3,339 46,840 45,077 5,830 473 236 156,147 268 18,334 56,488 55,470 22,431 2,242 914 Assurance and Reserve Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 67,327 .. 9,966 1,274 3,766 45,865 4,772 1,684 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,051,665 50,965 108,453 j 261,004 208,507 298,262 93,302 31,172 j ~ i = * = — ° = —— —— —

NATIVE DEPARTMENT— continued DISTRICT MAORI LAND BOARDS— continued Combined and Separate Balance-sheets as at 31st March, 1943— continued Assets

B.—l [Pt. IV]

0. N. Campbell, Under-Secretary. M. J. Lawless, A.R.A.N.Z., Accountant. I hereby certify that the Statement of Receipts and Payments, Income and Expenditure Accounts, Appropriation Account, and Balance-sheet have been compared with the accounts and balancesheets of the respective Maori Land Boards and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the following comments : _ . Aotea.—The Audit Office is not aware of any statutory authority for the advance of moneys amounting to £1,086 19s. 9d. for the purchase of seed potatoes in connection with a Maori War Eitort Production Campaign. . 11.r4.Lij j Tairawhiti.—The Audit Office is unable to certify to the adequacy of certain securities owing to the absence of information as to the values 01 the lands secured. Tokerau.—The Audit Office is not aware of any statutory authority for advances on overdraft to blocks, &c„ amounting to £5,433 15s. Bd. and for the following payments out of the accounts mentioned—Te Kao Cream Truck Account : Grant to Te Kao School Farm, £200; wages and metal used on roads inside Te Kao, £68 14s. ; temporary advances, £1,43_ 18s. 4d.; le .tore Accounts : Grant to R. A. Northwood, £20 ; wages and metal used on roads inside Te Kao, £91 Bs. 2d.— Cyril G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.


— — 1 — " : ~~ ( I Totals. Tokerau. jSiapoto. Waiariki. i Tairawhiti. Aotea. Ikaroa. ; South Island. .. 20*947 lfsi7 j , 705 681 " .. .. 3,345 _92_| 514 j 298 I 299 1,104 J)73__ 65_ 24,292 1,609 3,506 I 5,188 7,506 4,059 1,678 746 Investments — Common Fund- 11 400 26 900 1 26,441 67,626 67,061 27,853 5,600 Mortgages and charges 232,881 11,400 .6,900 g ;, 47 ; OnTecoKth Native Trustee ".! !!'. !'. !217', 089 "l84 43,244 4,469 69,207 43,039 19,398 Advances on overdraft to blocks, &e 23,462 5,500 5,691 932 1,36,2 3,052 6,401 524 Government securities .. 124,566 16,865 10,001 20,000 38,600 29,800 6,250 3,050 Mo r rteat r s eStateS- . 17,221 .. 9.104 .. I .. 2,950 5,167 Government and other securities !! !! " . .. .. 1.000 [ 5,225 U>05 36_ 729,821 34,949 89,244 150,335 150,528 186,442 89,715 28,608 Sundry debtors 6,711 853 555 3,524 20 568 51 1,140 Interest and instalments (due and accrued) .. .. .. .. 5,776 122 153 o,41~ .. — 12,487 975 708 8,936 20 568 140 1,140 ' Land and buildings 37,273 .. 11,083 5,503 7,031 13,256 400 .. Office equipment, &c 16,911 100 3,912 4,14o 3,362 3,.34o 1,369 6 ' b 54,184 100 14,995 9,648 10,393 16,601 1,769 678 Assets of special trusts under — Native Land Act, 1931, section 105.. .. .. .. .. 86,897 .. ■■ 86,897 ;■ ■ - Native Land Act, 1931, section 358 .. .. .. .. 130,652 .. •• •• 40,060 90,0 J- „ 217,549 .. •• 86,897 40,060 90,592 Appropriation Account .. .. .. .. .. •• 13,332 13,332 .. •• •• •• ' Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. ■■ •• 1,051,665 50,965 | 108,453 261,004 208,507 298,262 j 93,302 31,172

B.—l [Pt. IV

NATIVE DEPARTMENT—conUtiued NATIVE LAND DEVELOPMENT AND SETTLEMENT Interest Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Dr. £ Cr. £ £ Interest on loan capital .. .. .. .. 87,488 Interest on amounts under Bart I, Native Land Interest on advance from Consolidated Fund under Amendment Act, 1936— section 8, Finance Act, 1929 .. .. .. 72 Expended on development schemes .. 43,303 Interest on settlers'credit balances .. .. .. 127 Advanced to settlers .. .. .. 50,215 Amount transferred to Revenue Account .. .. 7,174 93,518 Interest on advances under— Soction 340, Native Land Act, 1931. (Maori Land Board) .. . . . . .. 24 Section 521, Native Land Act, 1931 (Native Trustee) .. . . .. . . 987 Section 48, Native Land Amendment Act, 1936 (Native settlers) .. .. .. 325 Oturei mortgage .. . . .. 7 1,343 £94,861 £94,861 Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Dr. £ Cr. £ Depreciation: Surveyors'equipment .. .. 24 Amount transferred from Interest Account .. .. 7,174 Amount transferred to Net Revenue Account .. .. 45,331 Administration charge .. .. .. .. 94 Stores on cost and insurance rebates .. .. 1,334 Departmental charge on amounts — £ Expended on development schemes .. 16,470 Advanced to settlers .. .. 20,283 36,753 £45,355 £45,355 Net Revenue Account for the Year ended 3Jst March, 1943 Dr. £ £ Or. £ Amounts compounded, inception to 30th June, Balance, Ist April, 1942 .. .. .. 139,320 1942— Amount transferred from Revenue Account .. .. 45,331 Interest .. .. .. .. 37,226 Administration and supervision charges, previous years 1,650 Departmental charge .. .. .. 3,231 Interest adjusted and written back on loans, previous 40,457 years .. .. .. .. 1,687 Amounts written off— Previous year's profits— £ Interest on advances to Maori Land Boards 1,666 Bulk purchases, &c. (net).. .. .. 734 Surveying equipment .. .. .. • 9 Bush scheme .. .. .. ~ 4,519 1,675 On cost and insurance rebates .. 15,997 Balance, 31st March, 1943 .. .. 167,106 21,250 £209,238 £209,238 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1943 Liabilities £ £ Assets Loan capital .. .. .. 2,163,937 Development and settlement— Less redemption on account of advances Development schemes — £ £ £ written off .. .. .. 2,808 Expenditure .. .. 1,045,023 — 2,161,129 Unrecouped interest .. 105,740 Liability to Consolidated Fund— Unrecouped departmental Advance under section 8, Finance Act, charge .. .. 5,690 1929: Principal .. .. .. 1,800 1,156,453 Interest on loan capital .. .. 73,516 Settled holdings .. 1,269,266 75,316 Creditor: Employment-promotion grant unexpended 30,700 2,425,719 Writings off in Suspense .. . . .. . , 47,274 Advances under section 48, Native Land Net Revenue Account— Amendment Act, 1936, including Balance, Ist April, 1942 .. .. 139,320 accrued interest .. .. . . 7,478 Add net increase, 1942-43, including 2 433 197 adjustments for previous years .. 27,786 Advances (including accrued interest) — 167,106 Maori Land Boards, under section 340, Native Land Act, 1931 .. 3,384 Less amount written off 2,808 576 Oturei Blocks . . . . 275 Outstanding instalments (principal and interest) .. . . . . 75 926 Administration equipment .. .. .. 128 Losses in Suspense .. . . .. .. 47,274 £2.481,525 £2^481^525 Notes. —(1) Expenditure from employment-promotion grants on development schemes since inception, amounting to £1,655,533, is not included in the development and settlement expenditure above ; (2) administration expenses have been paid from Consolidated Fund, vote " Native," since Ist April, 1936, prior to when the salaries and expenses of the field supervisors were paid from vote " Native Land Settlement " and were debited in those years to the Revenue Account; (3) the adjustment in the Revenue Account relating to amounts compounded has been partly estimated and may be subject to amendment. O. N. Campbell, Under-Secretary. M. J. Lawless, A.R.A.N.Z., Accountant. 1 hereby certify that the Revenue Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental notes enfaced thereon and to the explanatory notes dealing with departmental accounts generally as appearing at commencement of parliamentary return 8.-l [Ft. IV], and to the following comments : (1) the loading of the various schemes for administration expenses is not sufficient to cover the full cost; (2) moneys expended out of the " Surveys of Native Land Account " 011 Native-land-development schemes have not been recouped ; (3) in the opinion of the Audit Office, expenditure from the Public Works Fund 011 Native-land-development areas incurred prior to the assumption of control by the Native Department and included in the Crown Lands Balance-sheet should be reflected in the accounts of the Native-land-development schemes.-—Cyril G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l [Pt. IV]

NATIVE DEPARTMENT —continued SPECIAL NATIVE HOUSING FUND Statement of Receipts and Payments for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Receipts £ Payments £ Balance, Ist April, 1942 .. .. .. .. -92,127 Total payments .. .. .. .. .. 18,034 Grant from Consolidated Fund equivalent to amount Balance, 31st March, 1943 .. .. .. .. 04,849 of Native Trust Office profits (1940-41), paid to Consolidated Fund revenue .. .. .. • ■ 2, 001 Other receipts .. .1 ■■ 18,755 £112,883 £112,883 Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Expenditure Income £ Rented properties— £ £ Rented properties: Rents .. .. .. 507 Rates .. ■. • • • ■ .. 40 Interest earned — £ Insurance .. .. .. .. ..36 On loans to Natives .. .. .. 3,361 Repairs .. .. . • ■ • . . 2 On funds held by the Native Trustee and Maori Depreciation.. .. .. •• 125 Land Boards .. .. .. ..1,810 — 203 5,171 War-damage insurance: State's proportion .. 110 Insurance rebates .. .. .. ~ .. 17 Excess income over expenditure for year, carried down 5,382 £5,695 £5,695 £ £ Adjustments previous year (net) : Rented properties 14 Balance, brought down .. .. .. .. 5,382 Balance, transferred to Housing Fund .. .. 5,379 Adjustment previous years .. .. .. .. 11 £5,393 £5.393 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1943 Liabilities £ Assets Special Native Housing Fund .. .. •• 174,537 Land not yet built on— £ £ Deposits and credit balances against advances .. 3,829 Purchased .. .. .. .. .. 375 Creditors .. .. .. • • ■ • 84 Donated . . . .. . . 25 400 Rented properties — £ Acquisition land and improvements .. 460 Erection eleven cottages .. .. 4,442 4,902 Erection two huts on Crown land .. 124 5,026 Vacant section .. .. .. .. 153 5,179 Less Depreciation Reserve .. .. 179 5,000 Loans to Natives— Principal.. .. .. .. .. 77,984 Interest due .. .. .. .. 137 i 78,121 Debtors . . .. . . .. .. .. 80 Cash balances — With Maori Land Boards .. .. .. 14,307 With Native Trustee .. .. .. 80,542 94,849 £178,450 £178,450 Special Native Housing Fund £ £ Balance, 31st March, 1943 .. .. •• •• 174,537 Balance, Ist April, 1942 .. . . .. .. 167,157 Additional grant .. .. .. .. . . 2,001 Excess income over expenditure .. .. 5,379 £174,537 £174,537 Explanatory Note.—To enable the Board of Native Affairs to exercise fully its powers and functions in respect of Natives who, in the opinion of the Board, are unable to furnish the security required under the Native Housing Acts and for the purpose of assisting the most urgent and necessitous cases, a Special Native Housing Fund has been established by section 18, Native Housing Amendment Act, 1938, consisting of grants totalling £155,633 which have been paid into the Native Trustee's Account for disbursement through the Maori Land Boards as directed by the Board of Native Affairs. All interest, repayments of principal, and other accumulations belong to the Fund and may be utilized in granting advances for housing purposes. O. N. Campbell, Under-Secretary and Native Trustee. M. J. Lawless, A.R.A.N.Z., Accountant. I hereby certify that the Statement of Receipts and Payments, Income and Expenditure Account, and Balancesheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the explanatory notes dealing with departmental accounts generally as appearing at commencement of parliamentary return 8.1 [Pt. IV]. The following comment is appended : Part of the money provided for employment-promotion in connection with Native housing has not been recorded in the Balance-sheet. —Cyril G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l [Pt. IV]

NATIVE DEPARTMENT —continued NATIVE HOUSING ACT, 1935 (LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT) Receipts and Payments Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Receipts Payments Repayments by Natives — £ £ Expenditure on dwellings — £ £ Principal .. .. .. .. 11,540 Erections .. .. ■■ 8,885 Interest [contra) .. .. .. .. 5,342 Purchases .. .. .. •• 5,543 16,882 Repairs, additions, &c. .. .. .. 782 Deposits against advances .. .. .. 1,748 - 15|210 Balance : Withdrawal from Land for Settlements Account 1,922 Interest payments to Consolidated Fund (contra) 5,342 £20,552 £20,552 Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Expenditure• £ Income £ Interest on loan capital .. .. .. •• 3,810 Interest earned (net).. .. •• •• 4,295 Balance : Excess of income over expenditure .. .. 485 £4,295 £4,295 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1943 Liabilities £ Assets Loan capital .. .. •• •• •• 96,352 Loans to Natives — £ £ Deposits against advances .. .. .. .. 1,756 Principal .. .. .. 98,811 Creditors.. .. .. .. •• •• 695 Interest due and accrued.. .. .. 214 Reserve .. .. .. •• 10 ~ 99,025 Accumulated Profit and Loss Account — £ Debtors .. .. .. . . • ■ „ Balance, Ist April, 1942 .. .. .. 732 Interest on loan capital paid in advance .. 1,002 Add excess income over expenditure .. 485 1,005 1,217 £100,030 £100,030 Note. —Separate accounts are published for advances from the Special Housing Fund (Native Trustee). O. N. Campbell, Under-Secretary. M. J. Lawless, A.R.A.N.Z., Accountant. I hereby certify that the Statement of Receipts and Payments, Income and Expenditure Account, and Balancesheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the explanatory notes dealing with departmental accounts generally as appearing at commencement of parliamentary return B. I [Pt. IV]. The following comment is appended: Part of the money provided for employment-promotion in connection with Native housing has not been recorded in the Balance-sheet— Cyril G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—i [Pt. iv;

NATIVE TRUSTEE Interest Account, 1941—42 Dr. Or. £ Interest allocated to amounts held under— Interest on mortgage and other investments .. .. 26,934 Native Land Act, 1931—■ £ £ Part 111 .. •• •• •• 5,675 Part X .. .. ■■ •• 1.556 Miscellaneous .. .. . . • ■ 87 7,318 Native Trustee Act, 1930 .. .. ■ ■ • • 374 Native Purposes Act, 1931 .. ■ ■ • ■ HO Maori Purposes Fund Act, 1934-35 .. .. 1,296 Native Housing Amendment Act, 1938 .. .. 978 West Coast Settlement Reserves Act, 1892 .. .. 179 Miscellaneous funds .. • • • • ■ • 85 Interest on advances under — £ Native' Land Act, 1931, section 521 .. .. 1,835 Post Office loan . . ■. • • • • 757 2,592 Surplus, carried to Revenue Account . . .. ■ • 14,002 £26,934 £26,934 Revenue Account, 1941—42 Dr. £ Gr. £ Administration expenses: Contribution to Consolidated Balance from Interest Account .. .. .. 14,002 Fund .. ~ .. .. 12,200 Commission .. .. .. .. •• 5,098 Department's portion of war damage-premiums on pro- Fees .. .. .. . • ■ • • • 387 perties subject to mortgages and charges .. .. 2 Net working profit on properties acquired under mortgage 872 Net profit for year carried down .. .. • • 8,157 £20,359 £20,359 £ ~~ £ Fees written off .. .. .. .. .. 15 Net profit for year brought down .. .. .. 8,157 Net surplus, transferred to Appropriation Account .. 8,353 Adjustments in respect of previous year (net) .. .. 211 ~M6B £8,368 Appropriation Account, 1941-42 Dr. ■ Gr - £ Payment to Consolidated Fund of one-third of the Native £ Balance, Ist April, 1941 .. .. .. •• 16,636 Trust Office profits for the period Ist April 1936, to Net surplus, transferred from Revenue Account .. 8,353 31st March, 1940 .. .. •• 8,631 Balance, 31st March, 1942 .. .. .. •• 15,258 £23,889 Balance-sheet of the Native Trustee as at 31st March, 1942 Liabilities Assets Amounts held under— £ £ Mortgages and other investments Native Reserves Act, 1882 .. .. 62,054 (book value)*- 1 £ £ West Coast Settlement Reserves Act, 1892 44,708 Mortgages .. .. .. 3J8,217 Native Land Act, 1931— Less assignment to Post Office 18,498 Part X .. .. •• 54,447 379,719 £ Local-body securities .. .. •• 5,100 Maori Land Board funds .. 177,909 Properties acquired under mortgage .. 17,014 Special investments . . .. 450 Advances (on overdraft) to estates and Miscellaneous .. .. 6,431 accounts .. .. .. .. 160,631 184,790 Fixed deposit with National Bank 01 New Native Trustee Act, 1930 .. .. 20,770 Zealand .. .. .. .. 35,000 Native Purposes Act, 1931 .. .. 3,146 ' Maori Purposes Fund Act, 1934-35 .. 44,388 Interest and rent due and accrued .. .. .. Native Housing Amendment Act, 1938 .. 76,537 Sundry debtors .. .. .. •• •• 9,821 Miscellaneous funds .. .. .. 15,051 Losses in Suspense .. .. •• •• 15 505,891 Cash balances— Sundry creditors •• •• 1,039 In hand .. .. •• • ■ Native Land Act, 1931, section 521 — At bank .. .. .. •• , Advances under .. .. .. 60,000 At branches .. .. .. •• 14,914 Less repayments ...... 32,311 > 27,689 Interest accrued on loans .. .. • • • • 411 Writings-off in Suspense .. . • • • • • 15 Reserve against unpaid interest .. • . 1, 269 Special reserve against claims .. . ■ 159 Assurance and Reserve Fund Account . . 107,738 Investment Fluctuation Account .. .. 1,195 Profit and Loss Appropriation Account .. 15,258 125,619 £660,664 £660,664 0. N. Campbell, Under-Secretary and Native Trustee. M. J. Lawless, A.R.A.N.Z., Accountant. I hereby certify that, the Balance-sheet and accompanying accounts have been duly examined and compared with the relative books, documents, and securities submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. The following comment is appended : The advances made to the East Coast Maori Soldiers' Fund by the Native Trustee exceed the value of the realizable assets of the fund. —J. P. Rutherford, Deputy Controller and Auditor-General.


B.— 1 [PT. IY]

NATIVE TRUSTEE—continued Interest Account, 1942-43 Dr. £ £ Or. _ £ Interest allocated to amounts held under — Interest on mortgage and other investments .. .. 27,407 Native Land Act, 1931 — Part 111 .. ■ • • ■ .. 5,564 Part X .. ■ ■ • • 1 , 539 Miscellaneous .. .. ■ ■ • ■ 84 Native Trustee Act, 1930 .. .. .. 477 Native Purposes Act, 1931 .. .. . • 104 Maori Purposes Fund Act, 1934-35 . . . . 1,318 Native Housing Amendment Act, 1938 . . 1,554 West Coast Settlement Reserves Act, 1892 .. 179 Miscellaneous funds .. .. • • 54 10,873 Interest on advances under — Native Land Act, 1931, section 521 .. .. 987 Post Office loan .. . . • • ■ • 677 1,604 Surplus, carried to Revenue Account .. .. .. 14,870 £27,407 Revenue Account, 1942-43 Dr. £ Or. £ Administration expenses : Contribution to Consolidated Balance from Interest Account .. .. .. 14,870 Fund .. .. •• •• 12,200 Commission .. .. .. •• 5,078 Department's portion of war-damage premiums on Fees .. . . .. .. • • • • 436 buildings subject to mortgages and charges . . 74 Net working profit on properties acquired under mortgage 761 Net profit for year carried down .. .. •. 8,871 £21,145 £21,145 __ — Overpayment to beneficiary written off as irrecoverable . . 8 Net profit for year brought down .. .. 8,871 Net surplus, transferred to Appropriation Account .. 8,888 Sundry interest adjustments in respect of previous years r (net) .. .. . ■ ■ ■ • • • • 25 £8,896 £8,896 Appropriation Account, 1942-43 Dr. £ Or. £ Donation to New Zealand Patriotic Fund .. .. 100 Balance, Ist April, 1942 .. .. •• .. 15,258 Allocation of profits for 1940-41— £ Net surplus, transferred from Revenue Account .. 8,888 Paid to Consolidated Fund (one-third) .. 2,001 Transferred to Assurance and Reserve Fund (two-thirds) .. .. .. 4,003 6,004 Balance, 31st March, 1943 .. .. .. •• 18,042 £24,146 £24,146 Balance-sheet of the Native Trustee as at 31st March, 1943 Liabilities Assets Amounts held under— £ £ Investments— £ £ Native Reserves Act, 1882 .. .. 67,632 Local bodies' securities .. .. .. 5,100 West Coast Settlement Reserves Act, 1892 46,935 Government securities .. .. .. 3,000 Native Land Act, 1931— £ Short-term investments— £ Part X .. •• •• 53,610 On fixed deposit with bank .. 35,000 Part 111 : Maori Land Boards 216,739 In Treasury bill .. .. 20,000 Special investment .. •. 350 55,000 Miscellaneous .. .. 6,668 Mortgages .. .. .. .. 397,994 277,367 Advances (on overdraft) to estates and Native Trustee Act, 1930 .. .. 37,006 accounts .. .. .. ..163,124 Native Purposes Act, 1931 .. .. 3,250 Properties acquired under mortgages .. 16,638 Maori Purposes Fund Act, 1934-35 .. 45,035 640,866 Native Housing Amendment Act, 1938 .. 80,542 Interest and rent due and accrued .. . . .. 14,179 Miscellaneous funds .. .. .. 17,362 Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. .. 10,612 575,129 Losses in Suspense .. .. .. •• 155 Sundry creditors .. .. .. •• 1,079 Farm stores on hand .. .. .. .. 9 Writings-off in Suspense .. ... .. •• 155 Cash balances Reserve against unpaid interest .. .. 1,269 In hand .. . • .. 16 Special reserve against claims .. .. 159 In transit .. .. .. 3,000 Assurance and Reserve Fund Account .. 111,740 At bank .. .. •• 14,152 Investment Fluctuation Account .. .. 1,048 At branches .. .. .. .. 25,742 Profit and Loss Appropriation Account .. 18,042 42,J10 132,258 £708,621 £708,621 O. N. Campbell, Under-Secretary and Native Trustee. M. J. Lawless, A.R.A.N.Z., Accountant. I hereby certify that the Balance-sheet and accompanying accounts have been duly examined and compared with the relative books, documents, and securities submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. -The following comment is appended : The advances made to the East Coast Maori Soldiers Fund by the Native Trustee exceed the value of the realizable assets of the fund—Cyril G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l [PT. IV]

POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT SAVINGS-BANK BRANCH Profit and Loss Account toe the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Dr £ Gr. £ £ Interest credited to depositors 1,816,430 Interest received .. ■ • •• 2,183,124 Management expenses .. .. 219,192 Plus interest accrued to 31st March, 1943 540,939 Balance carried to Appropriation Account .. .. 109,677 Z j / A 4: j UDo Less interest accrued to 31st March, 1942 54.5,853 2,178,210 Sundry receipts .. .. . • •• 27,089 £2,205,299 £2,205,299 Appropriation Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 j) r £ Gr. £ Balance carried forward 204,063 Balance brought forward 34,380 Profit and Loss Account .. .. .. ..169,677 £204,063 £204,063 Balance-sheet for the New Zealand Post Office Savings-bank as at 31st March, 1943 Liabilities £ £ Balance at credit of depositors'accounts .. 84,588,333 Cash on hand and at bank .. .. 1,350,344 Letters of credit and other liabilities .. .. 40,085 Investments 84,115,305 Reserve Fund .. •• 1,178,789 Interest accrued on investments .. .. .. 540,939 Advances to postmasters' 56 Thrift stamps held by teachers 7 Advance for school savings-bank expenses .. 5,000 Sundry debtors .. .. ' ' Profit and Loss Appropriation Account .. .. 204, 063 £86,016,326 £86,016,326 P. Cutforth, A.R.A.N.Z., Director of Accounts. J. G. Young, Director-General, Post and Telegraph Department. I hereby certify that the Profit and Loss Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with, the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. Cyril G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. POST OFFICE Profit and Loss Account for the Ykar ended 31st March, 1943 £ Gr. £ £ Maintenance and working expenses .. .. 3,881,060 Postages .. .. .. .. 2,010,652 iWwHtion .. .. •• 677,077 Less amount transferred to War Expenses Tntfirfiat " '! .. .. .. 642,242 Account in terms of section 2 (4) (c) of Ttfrf nrnfit " ... 396,489 the War Expenses Act, 1939.. .. 600,000 JNet proni .. •• 1,410,652 Private box and bag rents and rural delivery fees .. 62,303 Money-order and postal-note commission .. .. 56,495 Telegraph revenue .. .. .. .. 588,387 Toll revenue .. .. .. .. .. 1,156,364 Telephone revenue .. .. 1,743,663 Revenue from wireless traffic .. .. .. 43,833 Rent received .. .. .. .. .. 38,379 Miscellaneous revenue .. .. .. .. 496,792 £5,596,868 £5,596,868 Profit and Loss Appropriation Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 J) r £ £ Gr. £ Balance carried forward- Balance brought forward 474,994 Post apd Telegraph Act, 1928, section 95 (d), Net profit for year .. .. .. ..396,489 due to Consolidated Fund .. •• 842,212 Retained by Post Office Account .. .. 29,271 — 871,483 £871,483 £871,483

s—B, 1 [PT. IV]


B.—l [PT. IV]

POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT— continued Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1943 Receipts and Expenditure on Capital Account

General Balance-sheet Liabilities £ £ Assets -P Sundry creditors Capital Account balance ...... i 400 ncc Honey-order payees for unpaid money-orders .. .. .. 55,390 Stock at stores .. .. .. " " " I'tl'T Other Administrations, on money-order, postal, and cable accounts .. 161,214 Sundry debtors '" ' «' ' Postal-note payees for unpaid postal notes 97,125 Other Administrations on money-order account 15 fis* jNational savings coupons sold and unredeemed .. .. .. 9,157 Sundrv other debtors .. .... Other Government Departments .. .. .. .. .. 4,010,442 ' Sundry other creditors .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,581,13 l Investments in Government stocks on account of— ' °' * «■ ~ . 5,944,459 Post Office investment certificates .. 900 ecn Assets written off Reserve Account 6,738 National savings deposits and bonds .. ." " 9 610 000 War Loan Certificate Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,173 ex- .... u,uuu Post Office Investment Certificate Account ! Postmasters' balances and cash in bank .. 477 9 ' 901 ' 60 ° National Savings Fund Account 5,016,864 Less Savings-bank funds held in balance .. !! " " 1 356 344 National Savings Bond Fund Account .. .. .. .. .. 4,849,779 > ' a lnt> Postmasters : For advances to Postmasters of stamps, postal notes, British postal '' ~ Bulk stock of stamps and other documents of value held in Head Office 54 260 674 orders, and other documents of value 4,520,617 Assets written off Suspense Accounts " " fi'vqf Stamps and other documents of value held in Head Office and in transit.. .. 54,342,201 Post Office investments under section 100 of Post and Telegraph Act, 1928 .' 5 935 073 depreciation Reserve .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,311,791 Interest accrued on investments .. ° ' ' 07'179 jbire Insurance Reserve .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 225 000 " *" "' '' *' War Damage Insurance Reserve .. .. .. .. .. .. 420 908 Reserve for accumulated leave .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 000 Earthquake Damage Reserve .. .. .. .. .. .. 100,000 Profit and Loss Appropriation Account .. .. .. .. .. 871,483 183, 00o ,01 3 £83,005,013 P. Cuteorth, A.E.A.N.Z., Director of Accounts. J. G. Young, Director-General, Post and Telegraph Department. I hereby certify that the Profit and Loss Accounts and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.— Cyril G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.


Dr. As at 1st April, Amount debited As at 31st March, i Capital as at 1st Amount received | Capital as at 3Ht • aurlng Year " m3 ' April, 1942. during Year. March, 1943. Expenditure— £ £ £ Receipts— £ £ £ Telegraph and toll systems, including 3,045,797 9,484 3,055,281 Public Works Account and National 16,960,507 946 281 17 206 788 works m progress Development Loans Account ' ' Telephone-exchange systems, including 10,095,363 177,028 10,272,391 Aeradio Adjustment Account (Con- 138,229 -->0 "63 158 4Q» works m progress solidated Fund contribution to ' Wireless systems .. .. .. 50,799 29,212 80,011 aeradio assets) Buildings and sites .. .. 4,547,408 109,156 4,656,564 Tools and plant .. .. .. 71,118 59,382 130,500 Motor assets .. .. .. 328,243 CV.47, 153 281,090 Furniture and fittings .. .. 219,555 4,362 223,917 Aeradio systems — Communication equipment .. .. 86,775 19,808 106,583 Balance carried to General Balance-sheet 17,098,736 ?66 544 17 365 280 Buildings .. .. .. 51,454 455 51,909 ' 1 492 966 18,496,512 361,734 18,858,246 ~ 77 18 858 "46 '

B.—l [PT. IVj

PRINTING AND STATIONERY DEPARTMENT Receipts and Payments Account foe the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Receipts £ Payments £ Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. .. 314,111 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. .. 77,992 Publications .. .. .. .. .. 3,074 Wages .. .. .. .. .. .. 49,194 Sales— £ Allowances to officers performing higher duties .. 366 Machinery .. .. .. .. 18 Overtime .. .. .. .. .. 12,954 Stationery .. .. .. .. 56 Purchases — Typewriters .. .. .. .. 4 Stores, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 10,316 — 78 Paper, stationery, &c. .. .. .. .. 211,541 Refunds —• Freight, cartage, insurance, &o. .. .. .. 29,565 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 449 Machinery, new and repairs to .. .. .. 5,362 Firewatch expenses .. .. .. 1 Type metal .. . . . . .. . • 232 Insurance: War risk .. .. .. 1,453 Type and printing material.. .. .. .. 7 Postages .. .. .. .. 32 Monotype extras .. . . . . .. .. 366 1,935 Fuel, gas, power, light, and water .. .. .. 1,844 Balance to Treasury Adjustment Aocount .. .. 93,579 Medical services .. .. .. . • 13 Office equipment .. .. . • •. . • 29 Postages and telegrams .. .. .. .. 1,244 Telephone services .. .. .. .. 134 Window-cleaning, rubbish-removal, &e. .. 11l Proportion of rent, High Commissioner's Office .. 340 Wages: Cleaners, watchmen .. .. .. 2,497 Proportion of cost of messengers' uniforms .. .. 30 Audit fee . . . . . . • ■ .. 150 Repairs to premises .. .. .. .. 202 Rent of storage space .. .. .. .. 856 Maintenance of fire-alarms .. .. .. 15 Fire-watch expenses .. .. .. .. 221 Public Works Department's expenditure on buildings .. 2,786 Contingencies . . .. .. .. • • J 0 Refund to Departments for publications sold .. .. 4,400 £412,777 £412,777 Trading Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Dr. £ £ Cr. £ £ Paper and materials — Sales-— Stock at beginning .. .. .. 45,818 Manufacturing .. .. .. .. 248,559 Add purchases .. .. •• 174,449 Less work in progress, 31st March, 1942 .. 24,843 220,267 223,716 Less stock on hand, 31st March, 1943 .. 125,918 Add work in progress, 31st March, 1943 .. 35,196 94,349 Stationery— 258,912 Stock at beginning .. .. .. 13,610 Stationery .. .. .. .. 83,711 Add purchases .. .. .. 86,814 Publications .. .. .. . / 6,305 Typewriters .. .. .. .. 11,345 100,424 ' 360,273 Less stock on hand, 31st March, 1943 .. 38,981 Discount received .. .. .. .. .. 425 61,443 Publications — Stock at beginning .. .. .. 12,071 Add purchases .. .. . • 2,557 14,628 Less stock on hand, 31st March, 1943 . . 12,608 • 2,020 Typewriters — Stock at beginning . . . . . . 1, 067 Add purchases .. .. .. 10,121 J 1,188 Less stock on hand, 31st March, 1943 .. 1,865 9,323 Wages — Productive .. . . . . .. 79,815 Establishment .. . . •. .. 35,175 Stationery Office .. •• ■■ 11,529 Freight (inward) .. .. •• •• 24,140 Insurance .. .. •• •• 9,158 Lighting: Proportion .. .. .. 531 Power . . . . • • • • • • 449 Fuel 588 Water . . ■ . .. • • ■ • 133 161,518 Balance transferred to Profit and Loss Account . . 32,045 £360,698 £360,698


"B.—l [Pt. IV]

PRINTING AND STATIONERY DEPARTMENT—-continued Profit and Loss Account fob the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Dr. £ Or. £ Office salaries .. .. .. .. .. 8,790 Balance transferred from Trading Account .. .. 32,045 Repairs and alterations to buildings and plant .. 2,509 Storing and handling stationery, &c„ for other GovernPostage and telegrams .. .. .. .. 1,207 ment Departments .. .. •• 1,503 Freight and cartage: Outwards .. .. .. 2,889 Commission on sales of publications .. .. .. Discounts allowed .. ■ • • • • • 105 Rents receivable .. .. .. . • • • 230 Telephones : Rental .. .. .. ■ • 128 Profit on war-risk insurance .. .. ■ • 'J39 Medical services .. .. .. .. •• 14 Balance carried down .. .. •• 2,;i77 Lighting, &e. : Proportion .. . . .. .. 69 Proportion of rent, &c., High Commissioner's Office .. 340 Office expenses .. .. .. .. ■ • 240 Sundry trade expenses .. .. .. .. 4(39 Audit fee .. . • .. • ■ • • 160 Wages: Cleaners, watchmen, &e. .. .. .. 2,571 Interest on capital .. .. .. • ■ 9 , 025 Depreciation — £ Buildings .. .. . ■ ■ • 1,012 Plant and machinery .. .. .. 0,675 Furniture, fittings, and office equipment .. 78 Type and type metal .. .. .. 7(5 Accessories .. .. .. • ■ 633 8,374 Rent of storage space .. • • • • • • 1,209 Losses on disposal of assets .. .. ■ • 10 £38,689 £38,689 £ Balance brought down .. .. .. .• 2,377 Treasury Adjustment Account as at 31st March, 1943 Part I Dr £ Cr. £ Balance transferred to Part II .. .. •• 93,580 Furniture and fittings from Treasury .. .. 1 Balance ol Receipts and Payments Account .. .. 93,579 £93,580 £93,580 Part II Dr. £ " Balance of Treasury Adjustment Account as at 31st Balance of Treasury Adjustment Account as at 31st March, 1942, now transferred to Capital Account .. 2,981 March, 1942 .. .. .. .. .. 2,981 Balance carried down .. •• 103,205 Interest on capital .. 9,625 Balance transierred irom rart J . . . . .. Vm , ooU £106,186 £106,186 £ Balance brought down .. .. .. .. £103,205 Balance-sheet as at 31st Mahch, 1943 Liabilities £ £ Assets £^ Capital Account— " " " " " " at'^cFr Public Works Fund 112,623 Buddings .. 33,795 Consolidated Fund 128,010 Plant and machinery- £ 240,033 Composing plant .. .. .. OJo PrprlitorH Machine composing plant .. .. 0,885 Departmental 8,767 Addressograph plant 23 Sundrv .. .. .. .. 52,443 Printing plant .. .. .. .. 4,2,58 y 61,210 Binding plant .. .. .. .. 2,687 Wages accrucd l.fll Litho plant 2,214 Bad debts reserve , Photo plant 4,424 Writing-off, Suspense Account 2,178 Stereotype plant 355 Treasury Adjustment Account .. . . .. 103,205 Engine-room plant 220 J Miscellaneous plant .. .. .. 3,224 ' 24,898 Furniture, fittings, and office equipment .. .. 569 Type and type metal .. .. .. .. 12,371 Accessories — Composing Branch .. .. . . 742 Machine Composing Branch . . . . 29 Printing Branch .. . . .. J 7 Binding Branch . . .. .. 142 Litho Branch .. .. . . . . 34 Photo Branch .. .. . . . • 19 Stereotype Branch . , . . . . 4 Engine-room .. .. . . . . 82 Paper-store . . . . . . . . 79 1,148 Debtors, departmental .. .. .. 60,410 Sundry .. .. .. .. .. 2,519 62,935 Work in progress .. .. .. .. .. 35,196 StockOn hand .. .. .. .. 179,168 In transit .. .. . . .. 73 On consignment .. . . . . 132 — 179,373 Stock Suspense Account .. .. .. .. 2,156 Assets to be written off . . . . . . 23 Balance, Profit and Loss Account .. .. 2,377 £409,200 £409,200 A. W. Gyles, A.R.A.N.Z., Accountant. I hereby certify that the Receipts and Payments, Trading, and Profit and Loss Accounts and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the explanatory notes dealing with departmental accounts generally as appearing at commencement of parliamentary return 8.-l [Pt. IV] and to the comment that the asset, " Typo and type metal £12,371," is not supported by stock-sheets.— Cyril C. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l [PT. IV

BANGITAIKI LAND DRAINAGE SCHEME Rate Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Capital. Maintenance. Capital. Maintenance. l,r £ £ Cr. £ £ Remissions . .. •• <>60 648 L. Balance as at 31st March, 1942 .. .. 1,012 11,053 Transfer to Reserve Fund . •• 1,408 Rates struck for 1942-43 year .. .. 10,435 5 ' 9 ca Interest on capital cost .. .. 8',547 "10 per cent, penalty added to 1942-43 .. 119 66 Cost of maintenance 11.002 Subsidy on mamtenance costs 3,300 Balance as at 31st March, 1943 .. .. 951 8,755 £11,506 £20,405 £11,566 £20,405 Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Dr. £ t „o D „c, ,„;«™ ~ff .. .. . . 5 Accrued rent .. .. • • • ■ • • Interest on loan cau'ital " ■■ 19,567 Interest on capital cost recoverable by rates .. .. 8,547 Interest on loan capital .... Balance, transferred to Drainage Works Account .. 10,847 £1.9,572 £19,512 Receipts and Payments Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Consolidated Consolidated Fund. Fund. Receipts £ , , Payments £ v . u .. .. .. 21,881 Maintenance ot completed works .. .. 10,044i)J nt . " .. .. 168 Refund of rates' .. •• •• 18 t l " " " " 127 Transfer of net receipts to Treasury Adjustment Account 26,074 haw-costs .. • • ■ • • ■ Subsidy on maintenance costs .. •• 'J.,,, Sundries .. •• • • ■ * * * * * Transfer of expenditure to Treasury Adjustment Account 10,544 £36,636 £36,636 Treasury Adjustment Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 I )r £ < ~ lr ' £ Net receipts'oredited to Consolidated Fund, Miscellaneous Balance as at Ist April 1942 .. .. .. 297,942 rnei ieueipuo u 26,074 Transfer from Hauraki Plains Settlement Account .. 43 Swamp Land Drainage Account .'. .. 22 Transfer from Swamp Land Drainage Account .. 342 H i ,= ~t'list March 1943 •• •• 302,342 Expenditure, Lands and Survey vote: Maintenance Balance as at 31st March, .. of completed works 10,544 Interest on loan capital .. .. .. • • 19,567 £328,438 £328,438 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1943 Liabilities £ . Assets . I .. 489,169 Drainage works — £ FreTcapS from Employment Promotion Fund .. 891 Recoverable capital expenditure (section 11, Finance Reserve Account for repayment ot capital cost .. «>,29b Act, 193 , N . ) .. • • , . . . Treasury Adjustment Account . .. •• 302,343 Not recoverable : Capital expenditure and capitalized Unpaid for land token .. •• Hant machinery, ' !! !! !! '844 Sundry creditors: Miscellaneous .. •• Buildings 1,151 Rate Account Sundry goods .. .. .. .. .. 956 BK—. :: " . " •• Writings-S in Suspense •• •• •• Maintenance '. 1 1 !! M 22 Payments m advance. Rates .. Law-costs 62 Rent .. .. ■ • • • • • 16 Miscellaneous .. .. .. • ■ 20 ' Departmental .. .. .. .. 212 14,887 Cash in transit from Post Office .. .. .. 398 Expenditure from Employment Promotion Fund .. 891 Losses in Suspense .. . • • • .. 6 £808,314 £808,314 R. Gr. Maomorran, Under-Secretary tor Lands. G-. I. Beeson, Chief Accountant. I hereby certify that the Rate and Revenue Accounts and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, siibiect to the explanatory notes dealing with departmental accounts generally as appearing at commencement of parliamentary return 13. 1 [Pt. IVJ.-J. P. Rutherford, .Deputy Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l [PT. IVI

ADMINISTRATION OF WESTERN SAMOA Revenue and Expenditure Account as at 31st March, 1943 Expenditure £ a. d. Revenue £ s. d. Administrator and Government House .. 2,112 10 9 Education .. .. .. ... .. 426 9 3 Education .. .. .. .. .. 9,983 13 8 Medical .. .. .. .. . . 10,605 16 6 Medical .. .. .. .. .. 23,877 18 4 Justice .. .. .. .. .. 2,277 I. 3 Justice .. .. .. .. 1,636 13 7 Lands and Survey .. .. .. .. 131 17 8 Lands and Survey .. .. .. .. 3,464 6 9 Native Affairs .. .. .. .. 568 18 9 Native Affairs .. .. .. .. 8,380 2 0 Police and Prisons .. .. .. .. 2,670 6 11 Police and Prisons .. .. .. .. 8,288 16 9 Postal and .Radio .. .. .. .. 11,411 0 8 Postal and Radio .. .. .. .. 7,011 14 9 Public Works .. .. .. .. 6,064 910 Public Works .. .. .. .. 21,668 6 8 Treasury .. .. .. .. .. 180,987 10 1 Secretariat .. .. .. .. .. 7,339 1 9 Treasury .. .. .. .. .. 100,207 22 Reserve for bad and doubtful debts adjustment .. 1,742 0 0 Public debt charges .. .. .. .. 14,641 3 1 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 4,790 0 8 £215,143 10 11 £215,143 10 11 Notes. —(a) £87,000 included in item " Treasury, £100,207 2s. 2d." has been appropriated as a reserve ; (b) £10,890 included in item " Public debt charges, £14,641 3s. Id.", is a repayment of public debt. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1943 Liabilities Assets £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ ». d. Capital Account .. .. 196,066 0 7 Land .. .. .. 33,178 19 9 Pius Balance Revenue Account 4,790 0 8 Roads and bridges .. .. 34,052 13 7 200,856 I 3 Apia drainage and waterworks .. 22,136 4 8 Assets Replacement Reserve .. .. .. 12,000 0 0 Native water-supply .. .. 26,256 9 8 Vaisigano Bridge Replacement Reserve .. .. (2,000 0 0 115,624 7 8 Buildings and wharves . . . . 138,038 0 0 224,856 I 3 Plant and machinery .. .. 35,249 15 2 New Works and Buildings Reserve .. .. 80,000 0 0 Launches and boats .. .. 3,184 12 3 Reserve for assets in suspense for write-off .. 1,794 18 4 Buoys, beacons, and moorings .. 1,326 2 3 Public debt, New Zealand Motor and other vehicles .. 4,362 9 3 Government .. .. 91,215 0 0 Arms and accoutrements .. 605 10 6 Less repaid during year .. 10,890 0 0 Eire-fighting appliances ' .. 1,339 14 5 80,325 0 0 Furniture and fittings .. .. 12,749 18 7 Samoan currency notes . . .. .. 60,000 0 0 Mechanical office appliances . . 825 19 1 Post Office Savings-bank deposits .. .. 114,139 9 4 Medical and technical instruments, Coolie Labour Account .. .. .. 13,712 10 11 &o. _ .. .. .. 6,126 14 1 Sundry deposits— Libraries .. . . .. 970 18 2 Held in Treasury . . . . 6,225 10 7 Assets suspense . . .. 15 11 1 Held in' departmental trust Assets in suspense for writing-off .. 1,794 18 4 accounts .. .. 3,459 11 9 9,685 2 4 206,590 3 2 Sundry Creditors .. . . .. . ■ 3,676 110 Less depreciation .. .. 97,992 510 Public Debt Sinking Fund .. .. .. 2 7 11 108,597 17 4 Loose tools .. .. .. 183 17 9 Saddlery and harness .. . . 62 7 3 Live-stock . . . . .. 186 6 6 Consumable stores .. .. 19,512 10 19,944 18 6 Reserve Eund investmentsAssets replacement: New Zealand Government stock . . 2,000 0 0 Vaisigano Bridge replacement: New Zealand Government stock . . ~ .. 5,000 0 0 7,000 0 0 Other investments— Samoan currency notes .. 57,000 0 0 Ordinary revenue: New Zealand Government stock .. 43,350 0 0 Deposits, Post Office Savingsbank, Apia . . .. 424 3 3 Mortgage over freehold property in Samoa . . . . . . 356 16 4 Public Debt Sinking Fund .. 2 7 11 101,133 7 0 Post Office Savings-bank Account— Cash in New Zealand .. 0 17 1 Investments in New Zealand . . 109,627 0 0 Bank of New Zealand, Apia .. 4,511 12 3 114,139 9 4 Coolie Labour Account — Investments : New Zealand Government stock .. .. 11,550 0 0 £ s. d. Sundry debtors . . 1,559 3 5 Less reserve for bad and doubtful debts .. 1,159 3 5 . 400 0 0 Accrued interest not yet due .. 96 2 11 Furniture and mechanical offieo appliances .. 56 10 I Less depreciation reserve 55 2 7 1 7 6 12,047 10 5 Carried forward .. .. .. 588,191 11 11 Carried forward .. .. .. 478,487 4 9


B.—l [PT. TV]

ADMINISTRATION OF WESTERN SAMOA —continued Balance-sheet as at 31st Mabch, 1943 —continued Liabilities—continued £ s. d. Assets—continued £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 588,191 11 II Brought forward .. .. .. 478,487 4 i) Advances— £ s. d. Sundry .. .. .. 22,945 11 8 Aleisa Land-settlement Scheme 3,582 12 4 26,528 4 0 Sundry debtors— £ s. d. Ordinary .. 14,294 2 (i Tula e 1 e Farm : Deferred principal .. 210 4 14,296 12 10 Less reserve for bad and doubtful debts .. .. 9,700 0 0 4,596 12 10 Interest on investments accrued but not due .. 633 6 2 Payments in advance .. .. .. 7 14 6 Cash and bank balances : Cash in hand— Apia .. .. .. 5,718 9 3 Resident Commissioner, Savaii 37 1 5 Bank of New Zealand, Apia .. 10,609 19 4 Cash held in departmental trust accoutits . . .. .. 3,459 11 9 Deposit Account, Now Zealand Treasury .. .. .. 37,157 8 0 Bank of New Zealand, London, imprest .. .. .. 46 16 3 Coin held for issue . . .. 7,800 0 0 New Zealand Reserve Bank notes for issue .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 66,829 6 0 Plus remittances in transit .. 11,109 3 8 77,938 9 8 £588,191 11 11 £588,191 II U P. H. PEARCE, Treasurer of Western Samoa. Examined and found correct.—Cvrtl G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l [PT. IV

SMALL FARMS SCHEME Revenue Account foe the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Dr. C r - Interest on capital— £ £ Rents receivable .. .. .. .. .. 3,694 Loan capital .. .. .. ..85,489 Interest receivable— £ Consolidated Fund .. .. .. 1,560 Current Account mortgage .. .. 4,871 87,049 Instalment mortgage .. ■ .. .. 15,744 Rent payable .. .. • • • • ■ • «09 Share-milkers' loans .. .. .. 407 Remission under Mortgagors and Lessees Rehabilitation Miscellaneous . . .. .. .. 578 Act, 1936 .. II 21 > 600 Rebates .. .. •• •• ■■ 1,233 Interest accrued on loan to Napier Harbour Board .. 1,342 Accident compensation .. .. .. .. 1,263 Interest on development expenditure recouped .. 15,402 Miscellaneous expenses .. . . • • • • 99 Rebates on superphosphate .. .. .. 152 Deficit on redisposal of properties .. .. .. 432 Surplus on redisposal of properties .. .. .. 569 Losses on realization of advances to small-farm occupiers 3,902 Profit on disposal of developed blocks .. .. 1,033 Losses on disposal of developed blocks .. •• 387 Balance: Loss for year carried down .. .. 51,193 £94,985 £94,985 Balance— £ / Loss brought forward from 31st March, 1942 .. 204,217 Balance : Loss to 31st March, 1943 .. .. .. 255,410 Loss brought down .. .. .. •• 51,193 £255,410 £255,410 Receipts and Payments Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Receipts Payments Interest on other public moneys : Vote " Lands and Survey," item " Payment of properties £ Interest ill respect of advances— £ £ £ leased, &c. : Paid from Consolidated Fund .. 645 Current Account mortgages .. 6,062 Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), section 6—Transfer to Land Instalment mortgages ..' .. 9,237 for Settlements Account of cost of acquisition and Under share-milkers'agreement. . 5,901 development costs of areas for Soldier Settlement Miscellaneous .. .. 3 Account: Paid from Public Works Account .. 2,450 21,203 Vote " Small Farms Development " —■ £ Territorial revenue : Rents under Small Farm Acquisition of land and interests therein .. 2,034 Scheme .. .. .. 3,872 Expenditure on blocks being de Credited to Consolidated Fund.. .. 25,075 veloped— £ Credits-in-aid, vote "Small Farm Improvements .. .. 68,117 Development"— Chattels .. .. .. 8,330 Improvements .. .. 47,090 Wages— Seasonal and Live-stock .. 251,092 Development .. .. 59,750 Chattels .. .. .. 1,291 Seasonal.. .. .. 55,601 Sales of land .. .. .. 927 Seasonal expenditure and liveWater levies, &c. .. .. 1,587 stock .. .. .. 123,019 301,957 314,817 Capital receipts: Development of Advances to small-farm occupiers .. 46,695 small farms (repayment of prin- Accident compensation .. .. 1,263 cipal under mortgages, &c.)— Water-supply maintenance .. .. 1,014 Current Account— Grants to County Councils .. .. 1,112 Improvements .. .. 4,680 Travelling-expenses, &c. .. .. 101 Stock and chattels .. .. 50,160 Paid from Land for Settlements Account .. 367,030 Instalment mortgages .. •• 12,140 Transfer of balances— Share-milkers'agreements .. 4,423 Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. 24,430 Realization Account .. .. 2,945 Land for Settlements Account .. .. 15,598 Miscellaneous .. .. 299 40,028 80,647 Credited to Land for Settlements Account .. 382,634 Transfer of balance : Public Works Account .. 2,450 £410,159 £410,159


B.—l [FT. iv;

SMALL FARMS SCHEME —continued Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1943 Liabilities Assets Capital — £ £ Land — £ £ Loan capital .. .. .. 2,142,841 Leased .. .. .. .. 80,268 Consolidated Fund .. .. .. 39,000 Unleased .. .. .. .. 3,624 Land donated .. .. .. 595 Purchase-price of areas being developed, including value of Crown and other 2,182,436 land set aside .. .. .. 412,017 Less credit in Land for Settlements ——-— 495,909 Account .. .. .. 10,892 Blocks under development— 2,171,544 Gross capital expenditure on development 1,853,100 Subsidies— Expenditure on live-stock, and farm Employment Promotion Fund .. 457,514 working .. .. .. .. 278,349 Consolidated Fund .. .. .. 511,873 Chattels (including store buildings) .. 67,283 969,387 2,198,732 Loan from Social Security Fund .. .. 3,161 Loan to Napier Harbour Board (Ahuriri Land set aside for small farms— Lagoon) . . .. .. .. 30,354 Crown Lands Account .. .. 60,029 Add accrued interest .. .. 4,107 Education Endowment Account .. 2,547 34,461 62,576 Water-supply schemes: Head works .. .. 7,443 Rent accrued : Crown Lands Account .. .. 273 Advances to small-farm occupiersCreditors— Current Account— £ Rent .. .. .. .. 67 Improvements .. .. 37,412 Miscellaneous (departmental, &c.) .. 10,387 Stock and chattels .. 46,967 10,454 84,379 Water Supply Account: Maintenance .. .. 1,060 Instalment mortgages .. .. 303,092 Undisbursed surpluses on realization .. .. 447 — 387,471 Payments in advance — Advances under share-milking agreements .. 6,259 Rent .. .. .. .. 240 Realization Account: Leased areas in course of Principal— £ realization .. .. .. .. .. 18,641 Instalment mortgages .. 150 Losses on blocks disposed of (not finalized) .. 78,870 Share-milkers'loans .. 116 Debtors — Current Account .. .. 31 Rent owing by small-farm occupiers .. 2,261 297 Principal— £ Interest — Instalment mortgages .. 1,127 Instalment mortgages .. 281 Share-milkers' loans .. 499 Share-milkers'loans .. 21 1,626 Current Account .. .. 30 Interest—• . 332 Instalment mortgages .. 2,616 Water levies .. .. .. 42 Share-milkers' loans .. 151 911 Current Account .. 2,674 Accrued interest on capital on blocks being developed 243,431 — 5,441 Rent Adjustment Account .. .. .. 946 Water levies .. .. .. 128 Writings-off in Suspense .. .. .. 13,757 Miscellaneous (departmental, &c.) .. 4,317 Capital Reserve : Special assets taken over at book — 13,773 value .. .. .. .. .. 39,453 Deposits held by dairy companies .. , 1,103 Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. .. 296,033 Less reserve .. .. .. 275 ■ 828 Interest Adjustment Account .. .. .. 4,289 Interest unrecouped on development expenditure .. 243,431 Losses in Suspense Account .. .. .. 13,757 Subsidies in respect of blocks disposed of— Employment Promotion Fund .. 37,603 Consolidated Fund .. .. .. 16,556 54,159 Revenue Account: Balance carried forward .. 255,410 £3,813,433 £3,813,433 Notes. —(a) Profits or losses from farming operations on blocks under development are included in the Revenue Account only when the final position is ascertained on realization of the block ; (b) interest on expenditure on blocks under development has been credited to Revenue Account only to the extent that trading results have enabled it to be met. The balance has been credited to the balance-sheet item " Accrued interest on capital on blocks being developed, £243,431." R. G. Macmorran, Under-Secretary for Lauds. G. I. Beeson, Chief Accountant. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental notes enfaced thereon and the explanatory notes dealing with departmental accounts generally as appearing at commencement of parliamentary return 8.-l [Pt. IV]. The following comments are appended : (1) the account does not bear a charge for the cost of expenses incurred by Departments administering the scheme, other than a reduced charge for the supervision of the erection of cottages and milking-sheds ; (2) it is unlikely that the realizable value of certain properties is equal to the development expenditure thereon.—Cyril G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.

6—B. 1 [Pt. IV


B.—l [PT. IV]

STATE FOREST SERVICE UTILIZATION BRANCH, ROTORUA Working Accounts for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Waipa Creosote Plant Dr. £ Cr. £ Stocks, Ist April, 1942 .. .. .. .. 15,257 Sales .. .. .. .. .. .. 20,942 Wages, creosote, timber purchases, &c. .. .. 21,523 Stocks, 31st March, 1943 .. .. .. .. 17,540 Balance to Profit and Loss Account .. .. .. 1,702 £38,482 £38,482 Waipa Sawmill and Box-factory Dr. £ Cr. £ Stocks, Ist April, 1942 .. .. .. .. 19,400 Sales .. .. .. .. .. .. 172,051 Logging, milling, kiln-drying, maintenance .. .. 164,328 Stocks, 31st March, 1943 .. .. .. .. 26,901 Balance to Profit and Loss Account .. .. .. 15,224 £198,952 £198,952 Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Dr. £ Cr. £ Profit and Loss Appropriation Account .. .. 16,926 Sawmill and Box Mill Working Account .. .. 15,224 Creosote Working Account .. .. .. .. 1,702 £16,926 £16,926 Appropriation Account Dr. Cr. £ Balance— £ £ Profit and Loss Account .. .. .. .. 16,926 General Account .. .. .. 10,765 Adjustment of interest, 1942 .. .. .. 675 Interest to Ist April, 1942 .. .. 25,451 Balance .. .. .. .. .. .. 33,413 36,219 Interest for year 1942-43 .. .. .. .. 14,798 £51,014 £51,014 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1943 Liabilities £ Assets £ Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. 4,828 Plant (at cost, less depreciation and reserves) .. 89,312 Head Office .. .. .. .. .. 368,864 Buildings and construction units (at oost, less deprecia- £ tion) . . .. .. .. .. .. 130,994 Main Balance-sheet figure .. •• 379,771 Departmental property and stores .. .. .. 23,656 Less South Island utilization plants .. 28,909 Stocks .. .. .. .. .. .. 44,441 Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. .. 22,830 350,862 Establishment account and miscellaneous .. .. 29,046 *Plus debtors .. .. .. .. 22,830 Appropriation Account .. .. .. .. 33,413 373,692 ♦Minus creditors .. .. .. 4,828 £368,864 £373,692 £373,692 * Incorporated in main Balance-sheet.


B. —1 [PT. IV]

STATE FOREST SERVlCE—continued STATE FORESTS ACCOUNT Income and Expenditure Account foe the Year ended 31st March, 1943 General Revenue Account Expenditure £ Income Salaries and contributions to Public Service Super- Timber— £ £ annuation Fund .. .. .. .. 17,927 Royalties .. .. .. .. 8,672 General management of indigenous forests— £ Sales .. .. .. .. .. 100,362 Postages, cables, stationery, &c. .. .. 2,12S Trespass .. .. .. .. 1,506 Payments to otber Departments for services 110,540 rendered .. . . . . . . 269 Leases — Forest reconnaissance, timber cruising, &c. .. 10,274 Grazing .. .. .. .. 1,250 Legal expenses .. .. . . . 4 62 Sawmill sites .. .. .. .. 292 Office rent, heating, lighting, and cleaning .. 1,829 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 278 Transportation expenses and maintenance of 1,820 motor-vehicles .. .. .. 1,428 License and transfer fees .. .. .. .. 351 Travelling and transfer expenses . . . . 2,954 Fees for inspections .. . . .. . . 2,283 Maintenance of buildings and departmental Administration expenses (Forests Amendment Act, 1926) 1,364 property . . . . . . .. 532 Miscellaneous revenue .. . . .. . . 2,343 Contingencies .. .. .. .. 36 Profit on Omahuta .. .. .. .. 13,596 19,509 Royalty, Whirinaki .. .. .. .. 9,410 Forest-fire prevention : Fire-fighting wages, &c. .. 1,250 Profit, Whirinaki .. .. .. .. .. 1,125 Research and educational : Silvicultural management studies and timber products testing .. .. 592 Miscellaneous £ Annual rent, Otanewainuku .. . . 74 Payment of special rates .. .. .. 42 Loss on Puketi Forest .. .. . . 838 Work for other Departments . . . . 752 Bad debts .. .. . . .. 43 1,749 Depreciation .. .. .. . ■ .. 1,383 Timber-control expenses .. .. .. .. 11,349 Balance carried down . . . . . . .. 89,073 £142,832 £142,832 Allocation of Revenue Account Dr. Or. £ Consolidated Fund — £ Balance from General Revenue Account .. .. 89,073 National Endowment Account Revenue (Forests Act, section 39 (2) ) .. .. .. .. 17,455 Local bodies : Fifths of revenue (Finance Act, 1924, section 17) .. .. .. •• 24,258 Working Railways Account (Finance Act, 1936, section 24 (1) and (2) ) .. . . .. .. > 549 General Reserve .. .. .. •• 46,811 £89,073 £89,073 Nurseries and Plantations: Interest and Miscellaneous Dr. £ Cr. £ Loss on Westland Nursery ~ .. .. .. 87 Interest on commercial projects .. .. 14,313 Interest payable ~ ,■ 140,962 Net interest payable capitalized .. .. .. 126,736 £141,049 £141,049

7—B. 1 [PT. IV]


B.—l [PT. IV]

STATE FOREST SERVlCE—continued STATE FORESTS ACCOUNT—continued Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1943 Liabilities £ Assets £ Capital Account .. .. .. .. 36,361,026 Land .. .. .. .. .. 1,091,298 Loans from Treasury .. .. .. .. 3,497,438 Standing forests .. .. .. .. 34'028'190 Advances from Consolidated Fund .. .. 87,405 Forest improvements, roads, demarcation, &c. .. 7,066 Sundry creditors— Plantations .. .. .. .. .. 6,333,587 Consolidated Fund for— £ Regeneration areas .. .. .. .. 59,082 Interest paid .. .. 926,938 Managed forests .. .. .. .. 64,507 Loans redeemed on conversion .. 141,554 Utilization plant .. .. .. .. 379^771 National endowment .. .. 21,455 Departmental property, indigenous forests: BuildWorking Railways .. . . . . 549 ingg, equipment, motor-vehicles, reference library, On open accounts .. .. .. 33,530 stores, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 15,665 ■ 1,124,026 Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. 114,300 Reserves, general .. .. .. .. 1,876,625 Cash in Public Account .. .. .. 32,652 Amounts held in deposit .. .. .. 9,876 Net interest payable, capitalized as from Ist April, Reserve for assets in suspense .. .. .. 11,856 1940 .. .. .. 310 492 Administration expenses not yet allocated .. 9,910 Amounts held on deposit .. .. .. 9,876 Assets in suspense . . .. . . ~ 11,856 £42,968,252 £42,968,252 Notes.—(l) Lands and standing forests other than areas purchased have been valued as follows : prairie value, ss. per acre; protection, £1 per acre; merchantable forests, £10 per acre; accretions during the year have been brought into the accounts at the prairie value of ss. per acre. (2) Plantations have been valued at cost plus compound interest to 31st March, 1940, less returns compounded to 31st March, 1940. (3) The liability for advances from the Consolidated Fund is fixed by section 21 of the Finance Act, 1926, and section 3 of the Finance Act, 1926, and section 3 of the Finance Act, 1927, at £104,250. £87,405 3s. 4d. only is shown as a liability of this account, £16,844 1 68. Bd. representing the expenditure 011 sand-dune reclamation, having been transferred without statutory authority to the Crown Lands Account. Alex. E. Entrican, Director of Forestry. W. J. C. Kinlocii, A.E.A.N.Z., Accountant. I hereby certify that the Working Accounts, Profit and Loss Account, Income and Expenditure Account, and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental notes enfaced thereon and to the explanatory notes dealing with departmental accounts generally as appearing at commencement of parliamentary return 8.-l [Pt. IV].— Cyril G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.


1 [Pt. IV]

SWAMP LAND DRAINAGE SCHEMES Receipts and Payments Account foe the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Receipts Payments Ordinary Revenue Account— £ Ordinary Revenue Account—■ £ Rents from national-endowment land in Waihi Drainage Rates refunded .. .. .. .. , . 21 Area . . .. .. .. .. 352 Kaitaia Drainage Area : Maintenance of completed Interest on sale of land .. .. .. .. 35 works .. .. .. .. .. 1,611 Rates — £ Poukawa Drainage Area: Maintenance of completed Waihi Drainage Area .. .. .. 1,842 works .. .. .. .. .. 95 Kaitaia Drainage Area.. .. .. 11,710 Waihi Drainage Area : Maintenance of completed works 1,449 Poukawa Drainage Area . . .. 786 Transfer receipts to— 14,338 Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. .. 15,672 Thirds .. .. . . .. .. 51 Public Works Account .. .. .. .. 60 Miscellaneous .. . . .. .. .. 896 Land for Settlements Account .. .. .. 462 Public Works Account: Recoveries on account of expenditure of previous years ...... 60 Land for Settlements Account: Recoveries on account of expenditure of previous years .. .. .. 462 Transfer of expenditure to Treasury Adjustment Account 3,176 £19,370 £19,370 Treasury Adjustment Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 £ s. d. £ s. d. Receipts credited to Ordinary Revenue Account 15,651 15 10 Balance, Ist April, 1942 .. .. .. 371,528 10 2 Transfers — Transfers— Vote " Lands and Survey Account ".. .. 76 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account . . . . 21 16 6 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account .. .. 448 1 0 Vote " Lands and Survey Account . .. 2,122 13 4 Balance, 31st March, 1943 .. .. .. 369,803 9 8 Expenditure from vote "Lands and Survey: Maintenance and Administration" .. .. 3,155 3 0 Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 9,151 3 6 £385,979 6 6 £385,979 6 6 Rate Accounts for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 KAITAIA DRAINAGE AREA Special Rate Accounts : Capital Rural Town Rural Town Subdivision. Subdivision. Subdivision. Subdivision. Dr. £ £ Or. £ £ Transfer to Reserve .. .. .. 510 70 Balance, Ist April, 1942 .. .. 2,450 154 Interest charges .. .. .. 2,490 340 Rates levied, 1942-43 .. .. .. 3,183 440 Balance, 31st March, 1943 .. .. 2,633 184 £5,633 £594 £5,633 £594 General Rate Accounts : Maintenance Rural Town Rural Town Subdivision. Subdivision. Subdivision. Subdivision. Dr. £ £ Or. £ £ Remissions . . . . . . . . 783 .. Balance, Ist April, 1942 .. ~ 2,485 205 Cost of maintenance .. .. 1,367 200 Rates levied, 1942-43 .. .. .. 2,692 200 Balance, 31st March, 1943 . . .. 3,027 205 £5,177 £405 £5,177 £405 WAIHI DRAINAGE AREA Special Rate Accounts : Capital Pukehina Kaikokopu Pukehina Kaikokopu Ward. Ward. Ward. Ward. Dr. £ £ Or. £ £ Transfer to Reserve . . .. •. 50 75 Balance, Ist April, 1942 .. .. 520 340 Remissions .. . . . • . . • ■ 7 Rates levied, 1942-43 . . . . .. 320 430 Interest charges . . .. .. 205 307 10 per cent, penalty on unpaid rates .. 7 3 Balance, 31st March, 1943 .. .. 592 384 £847 £773 £847 £773 General Rate Accounts : Maintenance Pukehina Kaikokopu Central Pukehina Kaikokopu Central Ward. Ward. Ward. Ward. Ward. Ward. Dr. £ £ £ Or. £ £ £ Maintenance costs .. .. 130 671 540 Balance, Ist April, 1942 .. 1,132 306 759 Remissions . . .... 3 23 Rates levied, 1942-43 . . 78 537 300 Balance, 31st March, 1943 .. 1,082 173 499 10 per cent, penalty on unpaid rates .. .. .. 2 4 3 £1,212 £847 £1,062 £1,212 £847 £1,062 POUKAWA DRAINAGE AREA Special Rate Accounts : Capital £ £ Transfer to Reserve .. .. .. • ■ . . 178 Balance, Ist April, 1942 .. .. .. .. 483 Interest charges .. .. .. ■■ ..768 Rates levied, 1942-43 .. .. .. .. 1,002 Balance, 31st March, 1943 .. .. . ■ • • 578 10 per cent, penalty added to unpaid rates .. .. 39 £1,524 £1,524 General Rale Accounts : Maintenance £ £ Cost of maintenance .. .. • • • ■ 95 Balance, Ist April, 1942 .. .. .. .. 781 Balance, 31st March, 1943 .. .. .. 1,010 Rates levied, 1942-43 .. .. .. .. 312 10 per cent, penalty added to unpaid rates .. .. 12 £1,105 £1,105


13.—1 [PT. IV]

SWAMP LAND DRAINAGE SCHEMES—continued Balance-sheet as at 3Lst March, 1943 Liabilities 4 ssets Capital Account £ £ £ Kaitaia Drainage Area— £ £ Loan capital . . .. . . . . 498,320 Allocated cost of work on which rates are Less Loans Redemption Account 61 levied Less Land for Settlements Account 402 Rural subdivision .. .. .. 60,000 523 Town subdivision . . . . , . 8,200 497,797 68 2 ()0 Reserve : Repayment of capital costs Excess cost of works not recoverable .. 164,254 Kaitaia Drainage Area £ Interest Account: Amount chargeable to Rural subdivision .. 5,171 area capitalized to 31st March, 1940 .. 168,958 Less capital remitted 1,893 ggg ... 3,278 Waihi Drainage AreaTown subdivision .. . . 707 Allocated cost of work on which rates are 3,985 levied— Waihi Drainage Area— Pukchina Subdivision.. .. 5 000 Pukohma Subdivision .. 502 Kaikokopu Subdivision .. .. 7,500 Less capital liability Central Subdivision .. .. 46 313 remitted.. .. 167 ' _1_ 58j813 .. . . . ~ Excess cost of works not recoverable .. 28,607 Kaikokopu Subdivision . . 752 Interest Account : Amount chargeable to T , , rA . A 1,087 area capitalized to 31st March, 1940 .. 48,576 roukawa Drainage Area .. 1,509 77 Less capital liability remitted .. 289 Poukawa Drainage Area — 1,220 Drainage-works .. .. .. 17,494 lt . J ._ _ , 6,292 Interest Account: Amount chargeable to area 1,446 Kate accounts—Special Rate Accounts: % Capital- Hikurangi Drainage Area— Kaitaia Drainage Area Drainage-works .. .. .. 260,219 Rural subdivision .. .. 2,633 Less amount written off .. .. 184 389 lown subdivision . . . . 184 2,817 75 ycjQ Waihi Drainage Area— Interest Account : Amount chargeable to Kaikokopu Subdivision .. 384 area capitalized to 31st March, 1940 .. 163,068 Pukehma Subdivision .. .. 592 238 898 ... . _ . — 976 Mangawai Drainage Area— loukawa Drainage Area .. .. .. 578 Drainage-works .. .. .. 1,878 n it> j. a . nj . 4,371 Interest Account: Amount chargeable to Ueneral Kate Accounts : Maintenance— works to 31st March, 1939 . . 1 606 Kaitaia Drainage Area— Rural subdivision . . . . 3,027 lown subdivision . . . . 205 Less amount written off . . 3 484 3,232 _L AY aihi Drainage Area Harihari Drainage Area— Pukehina Subdivision .. .. 1,082 Drainage-works .. .. .. 4 355 Central Subdivision . . . . 499 Interest Account : Amount chargeable to Kaikokopu Subdivision . . 173 area capitalized to 31st March, 1940 . . 3,429 1,754 7 Poukawa Drainage Area .. .. .. 1,010 Unpaid purchase-money on land sold on deferred payment '697 c, , ~ 5 ' 996 Buildings .. . . .. .... 1 226 Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. 60 Buildings: Loading .. .. .. '184 Hents charged m advance . . .. . , .. 98 Plant and machinery .. .. . . 1 682 ay merits m advance : Rates . . . . . . 1,102 Loose tools .. '63 Buildings Suspense 184 Stores on hand .. .. " " 904 Drainage Works Suspense .. .. .. .. 697 Motor-vehicles .... . ' 52 Writings off in Suspense .. .. .. .. 773 Sundry debtors for rates— Ireasury Adjustment Account .. , 369 804. ~ ' Drainage Capital. Maintenance. Area. £ £ Kaitaia .. .. 12,265 5,578 17,843 Waihi .. .. 2,745 .1,877 4,622 Poukawa .. .. 2,333 525 2,858 Sundry debtors— Rent under section 4 (2), Swamp Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1926 .. 84 Law-costs . . .. .. , . 575 House rents .. .. . . . . 3 Departmental .. .. . . . . 24 General . . . . . . .. 12 698 Revenue Account—Waihi Drainage Area : Central Subdivision . . . . .. . . , . 19 869 General Revenue Account .. . . ~ 32 571 Losses in Suspense .. .. .. .. 773 Interest accrued but not due .. .. .. 10 Cash in transit from post-office .. .. .. 92 £887,174 £887,174 R. G. Macmorran, Under-Socretary for Lands. G. I. Beeson, Chief Accountant. Note.—Up to 31st March, 1940, interest on the recoverable expenditure was charged against the Rate Accounts and interest on the balance of the expenditure was capitalized, but, in torms of Treasury Instruction No. 81, Treasury agreed that thereafter interest 011 irrecoverable expenditure need not bo brought into the accounts. I hereby certify that the Rate Accounts and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the .position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental note enfaced thereon and to the explanatory notes dealing with departmental accounts generally as appearing at commencement of parliamentary return B. l [Pt. IV].- ,J. P. Rutherford, Deputy Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l [Pt. IV]

TARANAKI MAORI TRUST BOARD Receipts and Payments Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Receipts £ Payments £ Balance in bank as at Ist April, 1942 .. . . 6,617 Grants— Interest .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 Marae— Compensation grant . . .. .. .. 5,000 Renovation .. .. .. .. .. 1,454 Ketemarae Pa : Marae renovation . . . . .. 63 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. 133 Land property: Sale .. .. .. .. 249 District .. .. .. .. .. .. 546 Rima Wakarua Memorial Fund : Refund .. .. 10 Special .. .. .. .. .. .. 700 Rent . . .. .. .. .. . . 72 Education .. .. .. .. .. 110 Office refund : Members special expenses . . .. 10 Administration of the Board— £ Members' allowance and expenses .. 36 Members' special expenses. . .. 5 Secretary's salary .. .. 278 Office : Honorarium, countersigning officer . . . . .. 10 329 Office .. .. . . .. .. 89 Petty cash . . . . .. . . 39 Office renovation .. .. . . 177 — 634 Balance in bank — £ Current account . . .. .. 7 ,'956 Investment, Liberty Loan.. .. .. 500 8,456 • « £12,033 £12,033 Reconciliation with Bank Pass-book £ Balance as per pass-book .. .. .. .. 8,039 Less outstanding cheques . . . . . . . . 83 Agrees with balance as per cash-book. . .. £7,956 Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended the 31st March, 1943 Expenditure £ £ Income £ Grants — Compensation grant .. .. .. .. 5,000 Marae — Interest .. .. .. . . .. .. 12 Renovation .. .. .. . . 1,295 Rent .. .. .. .. .. .. 72 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 250 District .. .. .. .. 1,807 Special .. .. . . . . . . 700 Education .. . . .. .. 200 Health . . . . .. . . .. 200 4,452 Administration of the Board —• £ Members' allowances and expenses .. 36 Secretary's salary . . .. 278 Office t Honorarium, countersigning officer . . . . . . 10 324 Office . . . . .. . . . . 154 General expenses. . . . .. .. 50 528 Balance, excess of income over expenditure . . .. 104 £5,084 £5,084 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1943 Liabilities £ £ | Assets £ £ Grants — Compensation grant outstanding— Marae— Balance as at 31st March, 1942 .. .. 3,000 Renovation .. .. .. .. 2,465 Grant due for 1942-43 .. .. .. 5,000 Miscellaneous ........ 331 . — District .. .. .. .. 1,364 8,000 Education .. .. .. .. 90 Less payment during the year .. .. 5,000 Health .. .. .. .. .. 2,600 3,000 — 6,850 Furniture and fittings .. .. .. .. 96 Reserves .. .. .. .. .. 1,619 Land and buildings.. .. .. .. .. 1,169 Office . . . . .. .. . . . . 215 Sundry debtors . . .. .. . . .. 261 Appropriation Account — £ Office . . .. .. .. .. .. 5 Balance as at 31st March, 1942 .. 5,844 Cash balances —■ £ Plus— In bank on current account .. .. 7,956 R. Wakarua Memorial Fund re- War Loan : Duration and six months after .. 1,000 . fund .. . . . . 10 Liberty Loan .. .. .. .. 500 Atiawa Marae miscellaneous: 9,456 Manukorihi .. .. 38 Ngatiruanui District .. .. 17 Balance, excess of income over expenditure .. .. 104 6,013 Less — Reserve, general . . .. 500 Office Renovation Reserve .. 210 — 710 5,303 £13,987 £13,987 The Audit Office, having examined the Balance-sheet and accompanying accounts required by law to be audited, hereby certifies them to be correct subject to the following—Comment: As Parliament has not provided in the Appropriations for the payment of the compensation grant of £3,000, the item " Compensation grant outstanding, £3,000," should not be shown in the Balance-sheet as an asset of the Board. Exception : No receipted vouchers or invoices were produced at audit in respect of payments to District Committees amounting to £217 18s. —Cyril G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.


13.—1 [PT. IV]

TUWHARETOA TRUST BOARD Receipts and Payments Account foe the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Receipts £ £ Payments £ Grant from New Zealand Government .. .. 3,000 Grants .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,785 Interest .. .. .. . . .. 106 Members .. .. .. .. .. .. 58 Fines and penalties .. .. .. 22 Office expenses .. .. .. .. .. 130 Repayments against advances .. .. 98 Petty cash expended .. .. . . . . 8 Refund of grants .. .. .. .. 43 Sundry unclassified expenses .. .. .. 51 Sale of property .. . . . . .. 296 Debenture interest .. .. .. .. . . 90 Office rent .. .. . . , . 5 Bonds Account .. .. .. .. ~ 500 — 570 Advances and repayments credits .. .. .. 37 Balance, Ist April, 1942 : N.Z. Government War Balance, 31st March, 1943 : New Zealand Govern- £ Loan . . . . .. .. .. 750 ment War Loan .. .. .. .. 750 Deposit, Native Trustee .. .. .. 3,146 Deposits—■ National savings .. .. .. .. 200 Native Trustee .. .. .. .. 3,250 Post Office Savings-bank and petty cash .. 7 National Savings .. .. .. 502 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. . . 8 4,1.03 Petty cash on hand .. .. .. 2 Less overdraft, Bank of New Zealand .. 543 3,560 4,512 Less overdraft, Bank of New Zealand . . 41 4,471 £7,130 £7,130 Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Expenditure £ Income £ Grants .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,743 Grant from New Zealand Government .. .. 3,000 Members .. .. .. .. .. .. 58 Interest : Post Office Savings-bank, Native Trustee, and Office expenses .. . . .. . . .. 14J. national savings .. . . . . .. 106 Petty cash expended .. .. .. .. 8 Pines and penalties .. . . .. " 22 Sundry unclassified expenditure .. . . .. 51 Depreciation Assets Reserve ...... 1 3 Debenture interest .. .. ... .. .. 90 Balance, carried down .. .. .. .. 7' 340 Loss, sale Taupo property .. .. . . . . 104 Sundry debtors— £ Written off .. .. .. .. 2,440 Jones Estate: Written off .. .. 5,838 8,278 £10,474 £10,474 £ £ Balance brought down .. .. .. .. 7,346 Balance brought forward ... .. .. ..15 798 Balance carried forward .. .. .. .. 8,452 £15,798 £15,798 Balance-sheet as at the 31st March, 1943 Liabilities £ Assets £ Reserve for depreciation .. . . .. .. 60 Office furniture .. .. .. ~ .. 42 Tongariro Timber Owners' Claims Account, &c. .. 1,000 Office appliances .. .. .. " °' l 7 Sundry creditors .. .. . . .. .. 32 Post Office Savings-bank . . .. " " g Bank of New Zealand .. .. .. .. 41 Native Trustee Deposit Account .. .. " 3 250 Excess income over expenditure .. .. .. 8,452 Petty cash on hand .. .. .. \ , ' \ Tongariro Timber Owners' Claims Account .. .. 2,000 Ngati Tuwharetoa compensation claim : Principal . . 1 074 Barclay, G. .. . . .. .. ~ '4 Sundry debtors for advances .. .. .. 1 937 Loan to New Zealand Government free of interest .. '750 National Savings Account .. .. .. .. 502 £9*585 £9,585 Hoani te Heuheu, Chairman. P. Alfred Grace, Secretary. The Audit Office, having examined the Balance-sheet and accompanying accounts required by law to be audited hereby certifies them to be correct. —Cyril G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l [PT. IV]

WESTPORT HARBOUR ACCOUNT Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Expenditure £ Income £ Dredging .. .. .. .. .. ..20,271 Special coal rate .. .. .. .. .. 22,323 Harbour-maintenance .. .. .. .. 3,936 Endowment revenue .. .. .. .. 16,910 Breakwater-protective works .. .. .. 2,381 Port dues .. .. .. ~ .. 3 142 Working-expenses of tug and launch .. .. 334 Sale of stores, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 1 Office administration (local).. .. .. .. 975 Hire of plant .. .. .. .. .. 3,903 Endowments: Administration expenses .. .. 452 Rent . . .. . . . . 100 Audit fees . . .. .. .. .. 21 Use of transmission-line .. .. .. .. 35 Telephone services .. .. .. . . .. - 109 Supervision of explosives magazine .. .. .. 75 Compensation for accidents .. .. .. 404 Balance carried down .. .. .. .. 822 Travelling-expenses . . .. .. . . 28 Head Office administration .. .. . . .. 600 Depreciation— £ Buildings .. . . .. .. .141 Dredge wharf, &c. .. .. . . 140 Dredges, launches, &e. .. .. .. 2,141 2,422 Interest on loans .. .. .. .. .. 17,347 £49,280 £49^280 £ £ Balance brought down .. .. .. .. 822 Excess expenditure over income carried down.. .. 7,292 Transfer to Sinking Fund .. .. .. .. 6,470 £7,29' £7,292 ■■=» — £ Excess expenditure over income, 31st March, 1943, brought £ Balance carried down .. .. .. .. 72 ,355 down .. .. .. . . .. .. 7,292 Balance, 31st March, 1942 .. .. .. .. 65,063 £72,355 £72^355 Receipts and Payments Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Receipts £ s. d. Payments £ s. d Marine revenue: Westport Harbour receipts .. 46,036 4 9 Refunds of revenue .. .. .. 1.9 18 II Final charges: Adjustments .. .. .. 40 2 9 Westport Harbour payments .. .. 25,349 19 9 Credits in aid (gross) .. .. .. .. 83 19 4 Final charges : Adjustments .. .. .. 40 2 9 Balance carried down .. .. .. 20,750 5 5 £46,160 6 10 £46,160 6 10 Treasury Adjustment Account Dr. £ g. d. Or. £ s . d. Balance brought down .. .. .. 20,750 5 5 Administration charges: Head Office .. .. 600 0 0 Balance carried down .. .. .. 20,150 5 5 £20,750 5 5 £20,750 5 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance brought down .. .. .. 20,150 5 5 Balance, Ist April, 1942 .. .. .. 95,876 4 9 Balance carried down .. .. .. 102,775 18 0 Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 10 11 Sinking Fund contribution .. .. .. 8,570 1 9 £122,926 3 5 £122,926 3 5 £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. ..£102,775 18 0


B.—l [PT. IV]

WESTPORT HARBOUR ACCOUNT—continued Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1943 Liabilities Assets Liability to Consolidated Fund— £ Endowment lands — £ £ Loan capital (National Development Loans .. Leased.. .. .. .. .. 35,532 Act, 1941, section fi) .. .. .. .. 369,575 Unleased .. .. .. .. 23,748 Other capital (Finance Act, 1932, section Ifi) .. 92,421 59,280 Breakwaters .. .. .. .. .. 344,333 461,990 Training-walls .. .. .. .. .. 102,998 Endowment capital .. .. .. .. 59,281 Protective works and relief channel .. .. .. 17,385 Sinking Fund Reserve .. .. .. .. 281,594 Limestone quarry .. .. .. .. .. 128 Writing-off' Reserve Account .. .. .. 95 Gridiron .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,230 Payments in advance .. .. .. .. 112 Dredge wharf .. .. .. .. .. 744 Creditors.— £ Martin's Island .. . . . . . . . . 700 Departmental .. .. .. .. 468 Harbour buildings .. .. .. .. 1,646 Sundry .. .. .. .. 4,452 Dredges, tug " Mana," plant, &c. .. .. .. 5,140 4,920 Cape Foulwind Railway .. .. .. .. 8,251 Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. .. 102,776 Offico furniture and fittings.. .. .. .. 25 Stock and stores .. .. .. .. .. 5,188 Breakwater Repairs Suspense Account .. .. 3,295 Debtors — £ Accrued revenue .. .. .. 467 Departmental .. .. .. . . 2,543 Sundry .. .. .. .. 3,377 6,387 Sinking Fund investments .. .. .. .. 281,594 Writing-off Suspense Account . . .. .. 95 Excess of expenditure over income .. .. .. 72,355 £910,774 £910,774 L. B. Campbell, Secretary of Marine. William C. Smith, Accountant. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the explanatory notes dealing with departmental accounts generally as appearing at commencement of parliamentary return B. I [Pt. IV]. —Cyril G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (579 copies), £115.

By Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington. —1944, Price Is. 3d.]


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Bibliographic details

BALANCE-SHEETS AND STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS OF VARIOUS GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS FOR THE YEAR 1942-43 AUDITED ACCOUNTS (Presented to Parliament in Terms of Section 57 of the Finance Act, 1932), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1944 Session I, B-01-part04

Word Count

BALANCE-SHEETS AND STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS OF VARIOUS GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS FOR THE YEAR 1942-43 AUDITED ACCOUNTS (Presented to Parliament in Terms of Section 57 of the Finance Act, 1932) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1944 Session I, B-01-part04

BALANCE-SHEETS AND STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS OF VARIOUS GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS FOR THE YEAR 1942-43 AUDITED ACCOUNTS (Presented to Parliament in Terms of Section 57 of the Finance Act, 1932) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1944 Session I, B-01-part04