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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.


PAGE Summary .. .. .. .. 2 Field — Geodetic Triangulation .. . . 2 Triangles .. . . .. .. 2 Minor Triangulation .. .. .. 2 Topographical Surveys .. .. 2 Military .. .. .. • ■ .. 2 Standard Surveys .. .. .. 2 Precise Lcvolling .. .. .. 2 Rural Surveys .. .. .. 2 Native Surveys .. .. .. 2 Town and Suburban Surveys .. .. .. 2 Housing .. .. .. .. 2 Roads and Railways .. .. .. 2 Inspections and Investigations .. .. .. 2 Traverse Accuracy .. .. . ■ • • 2 Other Work .. .. .. .. .. 2 Oeeice — Plan Examination and Recording . . .. 3 Computing Branch .. .. .. .. 3 Map Publications .. .. .. . . 3 Aerial Mapping .. .. .. .. 3 Town Schemes .. .. . . 3 Warrants for Title .. .. .. 3

PAGE Proposed Operations, 1941-42— Geodetic Triangulation .. .. .. 3 Surveys .. .. .. . . 3 Office-work .. . . .. .. 3 Staff .. .. .. .. .. 3 Appendix—Head Office, Draughting Branch .. .. 4 Geographic Board .. .. .. 9 Survey Board .. .. .. 9 Tables— Table A.—Field-work executed .. .. 9 „ B. —Rural and Native Surveys .. .. 9 „ C.—Geodetic Triangulation .. .. 9 „ I.—Areas surveyed for Lands and Survey Department .. .. 10 „ 2. —Areas surveyed for other Departments .. II „ 3.—Work on Hand . . .. . . 12 „ 4.—Office-work .. .. .. 12

The Surveyor-General to the Hon. the Minister oe Lands. g IB) Wellington, Ist July, 1941. I have the honour to present herewith the report on survey operations for the year ending 31st March, 1941. I have, &c., H. E. Walshe, Surveyor-General. The Hon. Frank Langstone, Minister of Lands.

I—C. Uf



The tables appended to this report set out in analytical form the work carried out by the field and office staffs during the year ended 31st March, 1941. The returns generally indicate an increase on those of the previous year, with the exception of Native surveys, the area surveyed this year being less than a third of that of last year. A further large decrease, which is not fully disclosed by the tables, comprises office routine duties such as indexing, recording, drawing, and revising standard publications. Field. Geodetic Triangulation (Base-line). —A base-line a little over seven miles in length has been prepared for measurement, the line being ranged and terminal and intermediate blocks inserted. It is anticipated that the loan of equipment for measuring this, and also those at Waitaki and Culverden, will be made available during the year, the Government of Tanganyika having offered its equipment for this purpose. The bases in the North Island were measured twenty-five to thirty years ago, based on standards consisting of steel bands, which, unfortunately, were not immediately compared with Imperial standard, and therefore some doubt exists as to the accuracy of the standard at the time of measurement. They were, however, very carefully intercompared during measurements, and the remeasurement of several sections with the same equipment should give a standard correction to these base-lines. Triangles. —Thirty-one stations were occupied during the year, completing the closure of ninetythree triangles, the average closing error being 1-00 in., with a maximum of 2-51 in. The stations generally were high, ranging up to 6,900 ft. above sea-level. Bilby towers (100 ft.) were erected on three stations, and one wooden tower, 30 ft. high, was also used during the year's observations. Reconnaissance of the geodetic network has been completed, and, in addition, the surveyor in charge has also selected stations for second-order triangulation and hydrographic points in the Foveaux Strait and on Stewart Island. Minor Triangulation. —Sixty-one square miles in three districts were covered by minor triangulation, the greater part being to insert further control for aerial topographic surveys. The observations on other areas were held up to allow of more urgent work being undertaken. Topographical Surveys : Settlement. —Scattered areas amounting to 120 square miles in Auckland and Canterbury have been topographically surveyed prior to development for settlement. Military. —Work on this was practically confined to the large scale of 1/25,000, on which over 400 square miles were completed in field and office, while 60 square miles were completed on the mile to 1 in. scale. A further large area is in hand, but, although completed in part, has not reached the stage when it can be entered on the returns. The cost per mile on the large scale approximates £11 per square mile, but the sheets completed to date comprise suburban areas with an excessive amount of close intricate detail. Standard Surveys.--Of the forty-one miles returned as completed this year, four-fifths was from Otago, where the work was done principally in conjunction with surveys of deviations of the main highway. Precise Levelling.—Only sufficient work on this was done to close the line of levels on the tidegauge at Timaru. The closing error between the Lyttelton and Timaru gauges amounted to 0-090 ft., the distance being some 120 miles. Rural Surveys. —Of the 110,440 acres of rural land surveyed, over half is represented by resurveys of settlement land in Hawke's Bay consequent upon the destruction of plans ten years ago. Native Surveys. —These are now mostly carried out by private arrangement, and costs are not available. Over the last ten years the annual return of this class of survey has rapidly declined and the figures for this year are the lowest on record. Town and Suburban Surveys. —A block of 51 town sections at Tekapo was the only major town survey, the balance of 146 sections being scattered throughout the Dominion, as were also the 77 suburban sections laid out during the year. Housing. —For the Housing Construction Department 1,703 building lots were surveyed during the year, the average cost per lot being £2 175., and 342 acres were subjected to preliminary survey and schemes. Roads and Railways.—Land plans of twenty-two miles of the South Island Main Trunk Railway in Marlborough, and of twenty-four miles of the Rangitata Diversion and irrigation races (the balance being mostly made up of scattered road deviations), were completed during the year. Inspections and Investigations. —The number of inspections carried out this year was again small. While generally the work proved to be well executed, in several instances the ground marking was adversely commented upon as not being up to the high standard required in modern practice. Traverse Accuracy.—lnsufficient traverse closures are returned to enable a complete analysis to be given, but they indicate that 1 in 25,000 can be readily attained in easy country. Other Work.—The miscellaneous survey work such as locating boundaries, restoring lost pegs, &c. ; amounted to £1,552 ; Police Court surveys and attendance, £187 ; maintenance of standard works, £548 ; and office routine, reports, &c., £942.



Office. Plan Examination and Recording.—The aggregate number of plans examined this year shows only a small decrease, but as this includes a large number of simple plans not hitherto included, the actual decrease is much greater, approximating 16 per cent. The Land Transfer plans, which are a good indication of private subdivision,-show a decrease of 12| per cent., and there were no accumulated arrears at the end of the year. Computing Branch, Head Office- A complete tidal analysis for Auckland for the year 1926 was carried out, the mean sea-level at Timaru determined from three years' tide-gauge records —Ist January, 1935, to 31st December, 1937. The times and heights of high and low waters for 1942 for the seven standard ports —Auckland, New Plymouth, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, and Westport— were predicted by means of the machine at the Tidal Institute, University of Liverpool, from the harmonic constants computed by this branch. Adjustments of third-order triangulation in Auckland, Gisborne, and Hawke's Bay districts were made and plans prepared. Star altitude'charts for 30° to 40° south latitude were computed for the Public Works Department. A considerable time was occupied in the computation of military grid positions. Map Publications. -Full details of these appear in the report of the Assistant Surveyor-General appended hereto. Aerial Mapping. —It has not been possible to equip this branch as fully as desired, and consequently the number employed cannot be increased at present. Manufacture is being undertaken locally of part, but this is slow, as the work is highly technical and involves much experimentation. In the meantime extra officers are being trained in the use of the machines available. In order to cope with the volume of work in hand, ground methods in conjunction with the aerial photographs are being used extensively, and these are proving very satisfactory. The areas are specially selected for their suitability for this method, while the machines cope with the balance. Town Schemes. —The decrease in the area noted in last year's report has been made up, this year showing approximately the same area as former years. The reserves set aside amount to nearly 7 per cent, of the gross area, or 4 perches for each lot. As the area returned includes a fair proportion of schemes amending the boundaries of lots previously approved, the proportion of reserves to new subdivisions would be somewhat higher. Warrants for Title, dc. —Two hundred warrants for the issue of certificates of title and eleven proclamations of road-lines under the Native Land Act, 1931, were dealt with. Proposed Operations, 1941-42. Geodetic Triangulation.—lt is anticipated that the angular and linear measurement will be completed in the coming year. About a dozen stations have to be reoccupied for longitude, latitude, and azimuth in order to permit the Laplace equations being included in the final adjustment. Surveys. -Ample work is in hand for the staff, and it is anticipated that much more of an urgent nature will be forthcoming. Office. —The increased programme of topographic mapping will, with essential routine of the office, keep this staff very fully occupied during the year. Staff. I regret to have to record the deaths of Mr. Hector McL. Ross, whose excellent work on the geodetic triangulation set a high standard for his successors, and of Mr. E. J. Williams, Senior Computer. In the report on the settlement of Grown lands there appears a complete list of those officers of the Department now on active service. Included in these are the names of five surveyors, eight survey cadets, forty-six draughtsmen, and six temporary draughtsmen. With the staff reduced to this extent, essential work will take precedence and normal peace-time work may have to be severely curtailed.


C. —IA,


HEAD OFFICE DRAUGHTING BRANCH. (R. G. Dick, Assistant Survey or-General.) Map Publications. The following tables summarized the printing-costs and sales of maps published by the Department for the year ended 31st March, 1941 :— ?

Table 1a. —Summary of Printing-costs of Map Publications for the Year ended 31st March, 1941.

Table 1b. —Summary of Map Sales and Credits for the Year ended 31st March, 1941.


Class of Map. Number of j Number of T j c Average Cost Average Cost 1 Issues. j Maps printed. per Issue. per Map. £ s. (1. £ s. d. s. d. Survey districts, 40 ch. .. 35 1,855 276 2 7 7 17 9 3 0 Survey districts, 80 ch. .. 48 12,300 391 5 10 8 3 0 0 8 Counties .. .. .. Nil Boroughs .. .. .. 3 790 70 8 3 23 9 6 1 9 Territorial .. .. .. Nil Topographical .. .. 2 2,000 97 10 7 48 15 3 1 0 Miscellaneous .. .. 18 7,979 483 2 3 26 16 10 1 3 Totals .. 106 24,924 1,318 9 6

Item. Credits. J £ s. d. £ s. cl. Sale of lithographs to the public .. .. .. 1,335 0 9 Sale of lithographs to other Departments .. .. 1,361 14 6 Lithographs issued free to other Departments .. 358 8 9 Lithographs for office use .. .. .. 451 7 11 3,506 11 11 Sale of publications and plan forms .. .. 425 16 11 Search fees .. .. .. .. .. 14 11 5 Royalty fees .. .. .. . ■ .. 341 15 11 Total .. .. .. .. .. £4,288 16 2


Table 1c.—Summarized Statement of Sale and Disposal of Lithographs, Publications, Plan Forms, and Search Fees from 1st April, 1940, to 31st March, 1941.


Survey Survey rvnpr 1 i ! ~ District. Districts, Districts, Counties. | Cities. Boroughs. Towns Four-mile Mam Miscella- | Topo- Publica- ! Plan Search 80 ch. 40 ch. J J Series. ofN.Z. neous. j graphical. tions. | Forms. Fees. xotals. A South" (N ° rth " 9 Sl7 " " S ° 1 "° ® * 2 " ® ® " « » 15 0 7 12 0 "7 9 9 7 11 0 25 15 *8 153 4 0 5 5 5 640 10 t " 9 1 2 8U5 I9 13 2 ° ° 6 8? 0 12 6 " It 0 0 7 6 18 13 10 14 'l 0 5 5 1 19 " 0 010 in 0 9 Taranaki .. .. 31 0 0 14 10 0 27 3 6 5 3 0 5 1 6 0 10 6 5 1 0 0 4 0 0 12 3 1 16 6 3 7 1 4 10 1 Oil 0 , SSSi" :: gJ ! "SiS II 20 15 0 >2 S S III S S 1 ! S 3 , 4 6 3 2 6 In I 3 HI wUld :: :: l i2 0 I™ 8 20 1« S 11 . 9 6 III e ;g I III 8 S ?oo °il I lo 12 S » 8^7:: :: Si J -,}• 0 g0 o 7 6 6 1,1. ,1 1 2 SSL:: :. J S1? 11 2 4? ii 2 »• S1! S15 8 ,S 2 «° S 2 J 2 *2 2 ■.!" 5 ? ! 5 » s 2 ,S!? Total .. 691 14 0 179 18 10 489 12 4 188 3 9 226 13 5 24 3 6 498 15 9 65 11 8 407 0 4 734 18 4 60 15 7 365 1 4 14 11 5 13,947^^7"


(1) Printing-costs. Although the expenditure on map printing has slightly decreased on last year's costs, there has been an increase of approximately 40 per cent, in the number of maps issued. With the receipt of fresh supplies of lithographic paper, the Government Printer was able to reduce considerably the accumulated arrears of survey district maps. The experimental work carried out in connection with the printing of the proposed Centennial Atlas has proved of great value in the publication of the 1 in 25,000 military topographical map series. The standard of printing in these series reflects credit on the efficiency of the printer and compares more than favourably with similar maps published overseas. (2) Map Sales. The sale for departmental maps has increased approximately 40 per cent, over the past year, while there has been a marked decrease in the free issue of maps to the Public Works Department and for departmental use. The increase in sales is due to demand from the public and defence units for suitable maps for defence purposes, while the relative drop in free issue is largely due to the decline in routine work. As there is uncertainty in obtaining regular supplies of lithographic paper from overseas, every endeavour is being made to economize in the use of maps. (3) Lithographic Draughting. (a) Centennial Atlas. —Unfortunately it was necessary at the beginning of the year to put aside all Centennial Atlas drawings, and transfer the draughting staff on to the preparation of military maps, aeronautical charts, and aerial map strips. The specialized training obtained by the draughtsmen on the Centennial Atlas drawing has proved of great value in this mapping-work. It is proposed to proceed with the preparation of the Centennial Atlas as soon as a favourable opportunity occurs and staff are available for the purpose. (b) Special Feature Maps.—(i) Pasture Maps : Four special maps illustrating the pasture survey carried out by the Scientific and Industrial Research Department in Hawke's Bay have been completed. Owing to war conditions both field and office work has been held in abeyance. (ii) Air Plotting Charts : A series of three air plotting charts for the training of pilots in the R.N.Z.A.F. were drawn and published. (iii) Air Training Maps : In addition to the 8 mile to an inch aerial strip maps previously prepared for civil aviation, a special series of 4 mile to an inch air training maps covering five selected areas have been prepared. These maps embody special features for aeronautical purposes and have been drawn in accordance with B.A.TT. specifications. It is proposed to use these maps for the training of R.N.Z.A.F. pilots. (iv) Aerial Map Strips : It has been necessary to revise the original drawings of the 8 mile to an inch aerial strip maps for reissue, this work being at present in hand. (c) Aerial Survey Mapping (Military Maps). —Work in connection with the preparation of the 1 in 25,000 military map series has been intensified during the year to meet the urgent needs of Defence authorities for maps in the Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch areas. Contracts for the aerial photography of 6,000 square miles were let to the New Zealand Aerial Mapping, Ltd., Hastings, 1,230 square miles of which have been completed to date. Special staffs have been set up in the districts concerned to supplement the work carried out by the Head Office staff. As the two plotting-machines in Head Office were not sufficient to cope with the increased programme of mapping-work, the major portion of the area mapped during the year (see table below) has been carried out by plane table methods supplemented by aerial photographs. It is not possible to give a complete summary of the cost of this work for individual areas. In all the sum of £6,572 has been expended during the year, which amount is distributed over the two map sheets already published and a number of sheets in the course of preparation. An index of all aerial surveys carried out in New Zealand has been completed which gives particulars as to the areas covered by photography, the scale of the photographs, and their suitability for mapping and other purposes. As required, series of prints are added to the photographic library for inspection by other Departments.

This mapping-work lias been considerably intensified during the year, the number of staff engaged being doubled. It is anticipated that still further increase in the staff will be required during the coining year.


District. Area flown. Published. Scale. Ma gand." Square Miles. Square Miles. Square Miles. Square Miles. Auckland .. .. .. 683 320 60 1/25000 300 Hawke's Bay .. .. 120 90 60 1/25000 146 Wellington .. .. .. .. • • • • 1/25000 240 Canterbury .. .. .. 426 60 .. 1/63360 420 Totals 1,229 470 120 .. 1,106


Draughtsmen's and Computers' Examinations. At the annual examinations held in October 1940, fifty candidates presented themselves for examination, fifteen of whom were successful in obtaining passes. Standard of Length. During the year twenty-five chain bands, comprising 132 chains, were compared with the standard bands m the custody of Head Office. The Christchurch Office has during the past year installed in a selected basement a complete chain-testing bench equipped with frictionless pullies for testing under tension with weights. This equipment will.assure that at least in the Canterbury District staff and contract surveyors will have T^fa'' 7 ° f fre l uent oom parison of their working-bands with the standard band in the custody ol the Chief Surveyor, Christchurch. It is hoped that suitable locations for similar chain-testing benches may be found in other districts and similar equipment installed. Town Scheme Plans. The following table sets out in summary form the number of town scheme plans dealt with under section 16 of the Land Act, 1924 :—

Table 1d.—Summary of Town Scheme Subdivisions dealt with under Section 16 of the Land Act, 1924, for the Year ended 31st March, 1941.

i Korw^ 616 i.^ aS a raar^ increase in the number of lots dealt with (2,277, as compared with I,BBJ tor the previous year). The area set aside for new roads represents approximately seven and a quarter miles of new road for subdivisional purposes. Expenditure. There has been a slight decline in the salary expenditure during the year, but generally the proportions or expenditure under each item remains the same.


Number dumber Dl8trlot - Plans. Saleable New Boa(ls - Reserves. (pontage). SaleaW e L °ts- Total Areas. —1— Auckland and North Auck- 115 962 24 3 31-8 28 3 39-43 7 319 3 08373 239*67 Hawk™Bay !! I it \[ " " \ jj f^ 4 \ 3 jjf - " 4 asft-, ■ " »i % 2 8S:g® 8 0-39-84 -8 S S S2i lis 5 S:2i Marlborough .. .. 4 28 1 1 13-90 0 3 10 2 30 1 00-34 32 1 24-24 Nelson .. .. 6 425 16 3 03-5 9 1 24 10 97 1 27-2 123 2 14-7 Westland .. .. 9 103 3 2 04-9 1 0 32-2 4 24 1 09-8 29 0 06-9 Canterbury .. .. 39 353 5 3 16-6 6 1 00-8 6 104 1 15-3 116 1 32-7 Southland " " I ?« 1 0 14 5 20 2 34 ' 35 22 2 19 ' 55 .. ia 5 1 18-2 5 1 18-2 lotals .. .. 235 2,277 57 2 18-09 . 56 0 00-27 6 711 3 33-88 825 2 12-24


Table 1f.—General Summarized Statement of Salary Expenditure in various Offices from 1st April, 1940, to 31st March, 1941.

Table 1e.—General Summary of Salary Expenditure from 1st April, 1940, to 31st March, 1941.


" j (I) j (2) (5) (4) (5) j ( 6 > [ W W '■ ' 10) Item. Plan „ p ! an ,. MaDDin". Records. Diagrams. 1 Tracings. Investigation. Genera!. Supervision. Totals. oiuvej. Preparation. | Examination. 11 ° J | | j | £ B d £ s a. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. General 9,243 1 2 2,999 1 6 2,091 0 7 2,754 8 5 3,922 7 4 1,293 5 2 5,360 11 11 1,659 14 4 10,611 11 0 3,951 6 4 43,886 7 8 -r, . i , • a n9ft ft Q 1ft ft 5ft 1 16 2 . • o/ lo o . . yo 0 11 £ lZ o io u •' :: I I Itnil 56-7 0 536 ' 16 4 111 1 ? :: 3 ?7i9 6 117 I 2i r S'.! I I S 1 ? Standard traverse .. .. 2,087 0 8 290 16 9 .. 7 1 n Oil 4 .. 11 0 7 438 14 0 Survey maintenance .. 413 10 8 .4 5 6 .. .. 116 19 9 Levelling, precise y y -o 10 u • • •• 70 10 ft Levelling, secondary .. .. 60 17 10 0 12 10 .. •• ■■ -j g 2 " 0 g 21 ' ul0 806 j 2 7 Inspection and investigation .. 704 1 0 45 7 1 15 * " 7 0 2 .. 9 15 5 72 5 10 2 17 4 142 5 7 317 1 4 !! " 695 U 8 28'"2 4 4 13 11 l! 1 10 6 .. 72 13 2 34 5 5 .. 81 3 6 918 3 6 Tidal survey .. .. •• •• 2 2 34 U 6 " 4'i7 6 217* il 9 144"9 6 814 il 4 44 6 2 267 i7 6 2,123 0 7 SnrandXeTs Department " " .. " 73 18 2 4,697 3 2 0 8 X 277 12 7 1,6,7 9 5 46 7 5 788 9 3 825 15 1 2,004 16 10 10,392 D O Public Works Department .. 6,255 15 3 4 0 1, 46 7 7 17 14 7 0 14 11 3 16 11 3 12 9 383 16 6 9,443 5 11 :: SlO 7 U8 19 3 ijnil 0 i.SwTs 6 68 8 2 16 4 1,432 5 1 157 13 6 8 12 0 323 15 5 7,422 4 10 Totals . .. 32,738 14 11 5,632 5 7 11,186 0 10 5,204 10 11 4,360 0 5 3,193 9 7 8,056 5 7 3,816 16 0 12,021 10 0 7,656 1 5 93,865 15 3

~ (1) j (2) i (3) | (4) | (5) I (6) (7) | (8) j (9) j (10) Item. o 11PWV Kaii j _ Kan Mapping. Records. I Diagrams. Tracings. Investigation. General. j Supervision. Totals. aurvej. Preparation. | Examination. ° i j j J : - ~~ i~ I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. j £ s. d. xt J Offi o fi 550 17 7 840 2 0 512 3 0 1,710 19 1 411 10 4 .. 863 5 4 .. 1,371 8 3 138 13 1 12,398 18 8 Headumce •• 1 881 5 2 4 675 2 10 1,294 15 10 806 3 0 1,130 9 1 2,259 19 3 1,465 6 4 3,902 0 4 3,083 5 9 27,574 13 0 Auckland and North Auckland .. 7,076 5 a 2 4,b£> w q § j :- !9 2 18 5 213 1 9 654 14 8 74 8 7 3,469 16 1 HawWsBay 2,088 1 0 450 6 1 729 17 11 304 16 8 150 18 3 158 0 6 337 18 0 253 16 4 697 5 11 470 0 0 5,641 0 8 1 133 9 10 304 17 2 274 6 4 256 10 10 436 2 10 215 4 1 400 10 11 303 16 9 847 2 7 575 3 8 4,747 o 0 Xaranaki .. .. •• ' 468 14 9 1973 18 3 342 16 1 179 13 7 679 16 2 1,266 18 0 1,126 6 7 1,705 9 11 1,090 9 4 11,623 14 10 I'M" 3 6 88 2 2 'III 9 4 91 7 8 363 13 3 44 2 6 161 15 5 40 19 0 342 9 2 251 8 3 2,880 10 3_ Nelson 1 783 8 7 108 15 0 445 15 0 58 0 0 152 0 0 136 17 0 360 3 0 33 0 0 727 15 0 121 15 0 3,927 8 7 1 484 15 4 105 9 4 171 0 3 92 16 4 138 10 9 85 13 10 214 3 0 31 12 3 345 18 11 104 10 6 2,774 10 6 Westland i,«* io * 2 22g lg 4 663 8 9 l 96 8 5 1,178 8 7 107 10 1 435 13 2 1,211 16 11 9,247 19 4 Otacro 1 " 2'986 2 8 497 1 2 744 8 10 301 9 3 511 5 5 222 9 4 444 4 3 203 19 9 672 18 9 324 14 11 6,908 14 4 southland :: :: " iis o 142 51 292 1 7 2271010 59 1 ? 132 9 7 mis 37 7 2 318 13 4 209 15 5 2,671 4 0 Totals .. 32,738 14 11 5,632 5 7 11,186 0 10 j 5,204 10 11 4,360 0 5 3,193 9 7 8,056 5 7 3,816 16 0 12,021 10 0 7,656 1 5 93,865 15 3

C— IA.

REPORT OF THE HONORARY GEOGRAPHIC BOARD FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 1941. The sixteenth annual meeting of the Honorary Geographic Board was held in the office of the Surveyor-General on the 2nd May, 194.0. The following members were present: The Hon. Sir Apirana T. Ngata (in chair), Messrs. A. P. Harper, M. Crompton-Smith, and Johannes C. Andersen, M.B.E. A list of 121 names was submitted to the Board for decision, of which 112 were approved. A large number of these decisions referred to names in the Bay of Islands district, while several new names were approved in the alpine areas of north-western Otago and Westland. It was resolved that Survey Department lithographs be submitted to the Board members for the consideration and correction of place-names. The publication of a complete list of place-names affected by the Board's decisions is again being held in abeyance until some future date. R. G. Diok, Hon. Secretary. REPORT OF SURVEY BOARD FOR YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1941. Members of Board. —H. E. Walshc (Surveyor-General), (ex officio), Messrs. G. H. Bullard, M. Crompton-Smith, C. K. Grierson, and A. H. Bogle. Land Surveyors' Examination. —Due to war conditions the number of candidates presenting themselves for examination has declined considerably. Fouf candidates were successful in obtaining Certificates of Competency and Registration. Articles of Indenture. —Six students were registered under articles of indenture to private surveyors, and four survey cadets were appointed by the Department during the year. Conference of Survey Boards. —Mr. H. E. Walshe (Surveyor-General) represented the New Zealand Board at the Conference of Survey Boards held in Melbourne in October, 1940. As an outcome of Conference decisions a number of items relating to the examinations and special concessions to students during the war period were passed for incorporation in the uniform Examination Rules. Examination Rules.—The New Zealand Board has considered the recommendations of Conference, and where these recommendations do not conflict with New Zealand survey practice they were incorporated in amendments to the Examination Rules. R. G. Diok, Secretary.

Table A. —Summary of Field-work.

Table B.—Areas of Rural and Native Land Survey.

Table C. —Return of Field-work executed by Head Office from 1st April, 1940, to 31st March, 1941.

2—C. IA.


Class of Work. Area or Mileage. Average Cost. Total Cost. £ s. d. Geodetic triangula'tion (first order) .. .. 6,530 sq. miles 12-6s. per sq. mile 4,118 5 0 Triangulation (second and third order).. 61 sq. miles .. 27-9s. per sq. mile 85 0 10 Standard traverse .. .. .. ■■ 40-84 miles .. £36-38 per mile 1,485 15 7 Topographical survey for settlement .. .. 13,026 acres .. 8-17d. per acre 443 7 5 Rural survey .. .. .. •• 110,440 acres .. l-09s. per acre .. 6,015 "11 3 Village and suburban survey .. .. .. 1,144 acres .. 26-28s. per acre 1,503 5 8 Native land survey .. .. .. 1,745 acres .. 5-94s. per acre .. 523 2 11 Town survey .. .. • • 99 acres .. £3-44 per section 677 19 9 Housing section survey .. .. .. 442 acres .. £2-89 per section 4,936 18 3 Housing and town scheme (preliminary) .. 342 acres . . 15-62s. per acre 267 4 0 Road and railway survey .. .. 290-8 miles .. £27-56 per mile 8,013 19 11 Other work .. .. .. ■ ■ • • • • 6,387 1 8 Total cost of completed work .. .. •• 34,457 12 3

. -r> t ci Native Land District. Rural Survey. Survey. Acres. Acres. Auckland and North Auckland .. .. 27,388 3,060 Gisborne .. .. • ■ • • 100 894 Hawke's Bay .. .. .. .. 65,932 489 Taranaki .. . . . . .. 18 135 Wellington . . .. .. . . 50 45 Marlborough .. .. .. 2,021 156 Nelson .. .. ■ ■ • • 705 Westland 916 Canterbury .. .. .. ■■ 11,223 Otago .. .. .. ... 968 Southland .. .. -. •• 1,119 Total 110,440 4,779

Geodetic Triangulation (First Order). District. ~ " Cost. „ Number of Square Miles. stations. £ s. d. Canterbury, Otago, and Southland .. .. 6,530 31 4,118 5 0


Table 1.—Return of Field-work executed by the Staff and Contract Surveyors on Lands administered by the Lands and Survey Department from 1st April, 1940, to 31st March, 1941.


Minor Triangulation. Topographical Survey. Standard Survey. Rural Survey. District. ; - i j j ; j Acres. °ACTe 61 Total Cost " Acres ' ° Acre"* TotaI Cost - Miles " C Hile CT TotaI Cost ' Acres " ° Aere er Total Cost d. £ s. d. d. £ s. d. £ £ s. d. s. £ s. d. Auckland and North Auckland .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27,346-0 0-91 1,238 6 0 Grisborne .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100-0 2-70 13 10 0 Hawke's Bay .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 65,932-0 0-95 3,145 16 11 Taranaki .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0-75 54-87 41 3 0 18-3 50-65 46 6 10 Wellington .. .. .. .. 17 920 0-68 50 10 0 .. .. .. 2-06 16-79 34 11 9 50-0 5-16 12 17 11 Marlborough .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,020-5 1-97 198 18 8 Nelson .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 191-5 7-21 69 0 0 Westlaad .. .. .. .. .. 960 3-38 13 10 0 .. .. .. .. .. ... 916-0 3-79 173 13 3 Canterbury .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13,026 8-17 443 7 5 .. .. .. 11,223-0 1-08 604 16 3 Otago .. .. .. .. .. 20,200 0-25 21 0 10 .. .. .. 33-20 34-86 1,157 7 7 967-7 4-23 204 8 8 Southland.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4-83 52-31 252 13 3 1,061-4 2-18 115 16 11 Totals .. .. .. .. 39,080 0-52 85 0 10 13,026 8-17 443 7 5 40-84 36-38 1,485 15 7 109,827-4 1-06 5,823 11 5 Village and Suburban Sections. Town Section Survev. Roar! Survev. , Total Cost District. j ; 1 ; —— Other Work. Con $eted 1 °Acrr Total Cost. Acres. ™ S Total Cost. Miles. Total Cost. Work. _J 1 I I ! j s. £ s. d. £ £ s. d. £ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland and North Auckland .. 51-47 5 39-51 101 13 8 39-84 23 6-21 142 18 9 .. .. .. 693 18 4 2,176 16 9 Gisborne .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2-10 34-12 71 12 10 85 4 8 170 7 6 Hawke's Bay .. .. .. 17-90 3 28-25 25 5 11 4-56 24 0-68 16 7 0 5-57 10-62 59 3 0 16 0 5 3,262 13 3 Taranaki .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4-05 12 4-83 57 18 8 .. .. .. 85 9 9 230 18 3 Wellington .. .. .. 9-04 3 66-95 30 5 3 2-30 5 6-2-3 31 2 11 5-60 85-71 479 19 5 501 13 8 1,141 0 11 Marlborough .. .. .. 60-30 7 31-11 93 15 11 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 168 3 7 460 18 2 Nelson .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. 157 0 0 226 0 0 Westland .. .. .. 250-62 25 13-98 175 2 5 11-45 27 3-96 106 17 4 8-00 28-50 227 19 6 112 2 0 809 4 6 Canterbury .. .. .. 82-92 8 9-17 38 0 0 15-37 51 1-45 74 0 0 1-30 19-23 25 0 0 2,865 2 6* 4,050 6 2 Otago .. .. .. 415-13 25 13-67 283 13 7 5-47 12 6-33 76 0 0 4-33 9-93 43 0 0 510 8 5 2,295 19 1 Southland .. .. .. 5-00 1 44-00 11 0 0 2-89 7 1-83 12 16 2 .. .. .. 9 15 0 402 1 4 Totals .. .. 892-38 77 17-01 758 16 9 85-93 { 161 3-22 518 0 10 26-90 33-71 906 14 9 5,204 18 4 15,226 5 11 * Includes 143 miles of precise levelling carried out at a total cost of £2,537.


Table 2.—Return of Field- work executed by the Staff and Contract Surveyors on Lands administered by other Departments from 1st April, 1940, to 31st March, 1941.


Rural Survey. Village and Suburban Survey. Town Section Survey. Housing Subdivision Survey. District. j j — j Acre9 ' | C A&T r j |"^ f I Total Cost. | Acres. Tota! Cost. | Acre,. <{&£ j Total Cost. s. £ s. d. s. £ s. d. £ £ s. d. £ £ s. d. Auckland and North Auckland .. 41-88 32-47 67 19 10 40-75 42 269-00 548 1 7 4-70 24 2-40 57 11 6 210-66 802 3-25 2,609 9 1 Grisborne .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21-92 5 48-68 53 7 0 .. .. .. .. 10-10 50 1-59 ' 79 12 8 Hawke'sBay .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. li-H 62 5-49 340 15 0 Taranaki .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 . 83 19 4.43 8 4 4 5 Wellington .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. __ 65 .4 6 187 2 -24 419 11 4 Marlborough .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. j.gQ 7 8 . 03 56 4 g Nelson .. .. .. .. 513-20 4-25 109 0 0 4-60 3 87-00 20 0 0 1-21 3 8-17 24 10 0 0-62 3 3-00 9 0 0 Westland .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2-00 2 7-00 14 0 0 Canterbury .. .. .. .. .. .. 59-76 9 15-30 45 14 4 4-14 4 9-55 38 3 11 45-43 206 2-33 479 18 2 Otago .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 122-18 12 11-29 69 0 0 0-48 1 9-50 9 10 0 76-82 311 2-59 804 10 6 Southland .. .. .. 57-42 5-22 15 0 0 2-00 1 83-00 8 6 0 0-43 2 8-09 16 3 6 12-13 56 0-96 53 12 7 Totals .. .. .. 612-50 6-27 191 19 10 251-21 72 59-27 744 8 11 12-96 36 4-19 159 18 11 442-26 1,703 2-89 4,936 18 3 ' j Housing and Town Schemes (Preliminary). Native land Survey. Boad and Eailway Survey. I Total Cost District. ! — —- —— — Other "Work. „ °j . , Acres. 1 Cost per Acre. Total Cost. Acres. Se™ions CostperAcre. Total Cost. Miles. CostperMile, Total Cost. Work* s - £ s - d - * s. £ s. d. £ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland and North Auckland .. .. 222-00 16-52 183 8 0 26-75 6 46-00 61 10 3 78-36 31-86 2,496 8 6 567 4 8 6 591 13 5 Gisborne .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 893-60 18 4-39 196 7 7 5-65 26-44 149 7 4 89 4 8 567 19 3 Hawke'sBay .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 488-50 5 4-42 107 19 4 .. .. .. .. 448 14 4 Taranaki .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 135-50 9 15-38 104 4 8 6-95 61-41 417 15 11 59 18 3 666 3 3 Wellington .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 44-80 5 16-31 36 10 8 .. .. .. 104 13 0 560 15 0 Marlborough .. .. .. .. .. .. 156-30 2 2-11 16 10 5 29-00 32-97 956 4 0 .. 1,028 18 11 Nelson.. .. .. .. .. 120-00 14-00 83 16 0 .. .. .. .. 12-50 37-52 469 0 0 89 14 0 '805 0 0 Westland .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0-36 14-58 5 5 0 9 11 3 28 16 3 Canterbury .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 84-52 15-21 1,285 15 5 113 0 7 1,962 12 5 Otago .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 39.56 29-85 1,180 16 1 79 0 0 2,142 16 7 Southland .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7-00 20-95 146 12 11 69 16 11 309 1111 Totals .. .. .. .. 342-00 15-62 267 4 0 1,745-45 45 5-94 523 2 11 263-90 26-93 7,107 5 2 1,182 3 4 15,113 1 4 * Does not include 3033 • 3 acres, comprising 104 sections carried out by contract surveyors, costs of which are not available.


Table 3. —Return showing Surveyors employed and Work on Hand at 1st April, 1941.

Table 4. —Principal Classes of Office-work done from 1st April, 1940, to 31st March, 1941.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (735 copies), £23

By Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.—l94l. Price 6d.J


Table 3. —Keturn showing Surveyors employed and Work on Hand at 1st April, 1941. Surveyors Work on Halld . tAvS Chief Surveyors. District. Iation. Staff. Contract. graphical. EuraI - Natlve - Towns - City - Eural - J . Sq. miles. Acres. Acres. Miles. Acres. Miles. M'iles. Sq. miles.. R. L. Innis .. 12 36 Auckland .. 2 7,559 10,342 175-6 300-0 J. S. Strawbridgc 1 2 Gisborne .. .. 42 .. 0-5 2-6 .. <i-5 T. S. McMillan .. 2 7 Hawke's Bay .. .. 27,167 .. N Clay 2 4 Taranaki .. .. 7,754 .. 11-0 193-0 J. D. Clapperton 3 4 Wellington .. 10 .. 1,398 3-0 77-5 6-3 .. 448 T T Ropiha .. 1 .. Marlborough .. .. 2,000 .. 40-0 .. .. 14-0 A.W.Craig .. 2 .. Nelson .. .. .. 950 .. 12-0 9-0 .. 3-0 J. W. Mclntyre .. 1 .. Westland .. •■ 1,218 .. 15-0 0-5 T. W. Preston .. 3 7 Canterbury .. .. 4,560 10 97-0 77-5 H.A.Adams .. 3 5 Otago .. .. .. 41,000 .. 33-0 5-0 .. 40-0 A C Haase .. I .. Southland .. .. 392 .. .. .. .. 25-0 Head Office .. 3 .. 1,106 .. ".000 Totals 34 65 1,118 92,642 11,750 387-1 665-1 6-6 88-5 5,448 Table 4. —Principal Classes of Office-work done from 1st April, 1940, to 31st March, 1941. Hans placed on Instruments of Title. Plans examined and passed. : Lvthograpliy. Deeds and , ~ ~. 0^lier -w Standard District. 'Crown. Instruments §,„• Publications, . Native Land passed. Land ij-g :' . . § leases Land. Transfer. a g Transfer. " 2 ! g « 5 and Free- § I 1 S | | « Licenses, hold. Q >« | S J S | j 1 Auckland and North Auckland .. .. 917 842 600 9,679 6,320 179 65 787 606 2 .. Gisborno 88 154 396 332 5 19 28 42 2 Hawke's Bay.. 92 76 12 509 776 41 12 150 43 3 Taranaki 40 .. 742 389 17 12 78 55 4 1 .. Wellington .. .. ..421 192 47 3,727 2,152 13 7 242 237 .. 14 Marlborough 121 30 i 299 145 13 1 30 46 2 .... Nelson . .. .. ..244 42 868 1 34 101 38 .. 2 2 Westland .. .. ..252 58 4 376 420 32 .. 23 13 Canterbury .. .. .. .. 461 94 4 2,682 1,416 44 .. 214 88 Otago .... 159 120 .. 2,155 1,214 53 .. 117 39 6 Southland 95 40 .. 948 622 5 .. 61 27 .. 4 .. Totals .. .. .. 2,850 1,534 825 22,381 13,787 436 116 1,831 1,254 19 21 2 Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (735 copies), £21! By Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.—1941. Price f>d?i

Table 3. —Keturn showing Surveyors employed and Work on Hand at 1st April, 1941. Surveyors Work on Halld . tAvS Chief Surveyors. District. Iation. Staff. Contract. graphical. EuraI - Natlve - Towns - City - Eural - J . Sq. miles. Acres. Acres. Miles. Acres. Miles. M'iles. Sq. miles.. R. L. Innis .. 12 36 Auckland .. 2 7,559 10,342 175-6 300-0 J. S. Strawbridgc 1 2 Gisborne .. .. 42 .. 0-5 2-6 .. <i-5 T. S. McMillan .. 2 7 Hawke's Bay .. .. 27,167 .. N Clay 2 4 Taranaki .. .. 7,754 .. 11-0 193-0 J. D. Clapperton 3 4 Wellington .. 10 .. 1,398 3-0 77-5 6-3 .. 448 T T Ropiha .. 1 .. Marlborough .. .. 2,000 .. 40-0 .. .. 14-0 A.W.Craig .. 2 .. Nelson .. .. .. 950 .. 12-0 9-0 .. 3-0 J. W. Mclntyre .. 1 .. Westland .. •■ 1,218 .. 15-0 0-5 T. W. Preston .. 3 7 Canterbury .. .. 4,560 10 97-0 77-5 H.A.Adams .. 3 5 Otago .. .. .. 41,000 .. 33-0 5-0 .. 40-0 A C Haase .. I .. Southland .. .. 392 .. .. .. .. 25-0 Head Office .. 3 .. 1,106 .. ".000 Totals 34 65 1,118 92,642 11,750 387-1 665-1 6-6 88-5 5,448 Table 4. —Principal Classes of Office-work done from 1st April, 1940, to 31st March, 1941. Hans placed on Instruments of Title. Plans examined and passed. : Lvthograpliy. Deeds and , ~ ~. 0^lier -w Standard District. 'Crown. Instruments §,„• Publications, . Native Land passed. Land ij-g :' . . § leases Land. Transfer. a g Transfer. " 2 ! g « 5 and Free- § I 1 S | | « Licenses, hold. Q >« | S J S | j 1 Auckland and North Auckland .. .. 917 842 600 9,679 6,320 179 65 787 606 2 .. Gisborno 88 154 396 332 5 19 28 42 2 Hawke's Bay.. 92 76 12 509 776 41 12 150 43 3 Taranaki 40 .. 742 389 17 12 78 55 4 1 .. Wellington .. .. ..421 192 47 3,727 2,152 13 7 242 237 .. 14 Marlborough 121 30 i 299 145 13 1 30 46 2 .... Nelson . .. .. ..244 42 868 1 34 101 38 .. 2 2 Westland .. .. ..252 58 4 376 420 32 .. 23 13 Canterbury .. .. .. .. 461 94 4 2,682 1,416 44 .. 214 88 Otago .... 159 120 .. 2,155 1,214 53 .. 117 39 6 Southland 95 40 .. 948 622 5 .. 61 27 .. 4 .. Totals .. .. .. 2,850 1,534 825 22,381 13,787 436 116 1,831 1,254 19 21 2 Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (735 copies), £21! By Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.—1941. Price f>d?i

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Bibliographic details

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY. SURVEYS (ANNUAL REPORT ON)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1941 Session I, C-01a

Word Count

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY. SURVEYS (ANNUAL REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1941 Session I, C-01a

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY. SURVEYS (ANNUAL REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1941 Session I, C-01a